Simple thread. I just want to see if YOU had the resources to create an Triple A MMO, (F2P/Sub doesn't matter). How would you set it up? What would do? Where would you go? and most importantly, Why!
This is not in reference to STO or any current games out there. This is to be your own rendition of a game, or a new spin on it.
Here's my MMO List.
Sci-Fi Space/ground game: I love the full fledged feeling of being on the ground and in space. It makes the ships feel more massive knowing that your captain is somewhere in there. It also adds verity, and some people are stronger on ground or in space, or sometimes both. Some people never touch the ground and others only zip in space as fast as they can to the next planet.
Unique IP:Although I love my Star Trek and it is attractive for publishing companies to support existing IP, I think that is part of the weakness of STO. Star Trek is too bloated, too large and unwieldy to work with. You have too many hours of video to sift through, lots of contradicting lore, and then fanboys screaming "I want X" even though X is unfeasible to put into a game. So, A new fresh, stand on it's own IP would allow you, and your players to create the world as you go.
Big Freaken Sandbox: Head in any direction, and go. For hours... Never reaching the end. Some major planets are like that, but space most definitely. Have planets and asteroids and wreckage that you can poke and explore along your way. I would also have a system where only a handful of systems are on your starting map. The rest you have to find or another player can give you the nav-coordinates for it. Most of the universe is in a fog of war.
Three Faction 3 way open PVP: Within my IP, have three different governments with three distinct styles, models, and motifs of attack. Similar captains classes throughout, but they come in different flavors and buffs in each faction. Therere would be a fairly large safe zone around each starting zone and hub, but the rest is contested space.
In open space, you can chase down and drag another player into combat, pull them out of FTL and into sublight to duke it out. These battles will keep rolling and keep happening where ever they started. These battles will be announced nearby and other players from any faction may.. or may not jump into the fray. No perma deaths, just a 30 second or so respawn timer, and you are back up. First faction with... 10 kills wins the match and gets a reward.
You can also set up ambushes and traps on ground.
Dual "combat" systems In addition to your classic "Kill it until it's dead" combat systerm for space and ground, there would also be an optional Diplomacy combat you can use. In certain scenarios, even against players, you can engage in brief diplomatic talks with them, where you have to chose the best answer in before a timer runs out. Sometimes you can bribe them, threaten them, ect. It depends on WHO you are fighting and what race they are. If you win, you are immune from combat with that player for 30 minutes. If you lose, they keep punching you. If you CRITICALLY lose, they get a damage buff against you. You will have skills, "gear" and "attacks" you can use to sort this out.
This way, you can win situations without firing a shot, or you can use it as a ruse to set a trap. This will also help lower level players from getting rolfstomped by elite DPS focused players, as you will be allowed to flag friendlies with Diplomatic Immunity. (This will, of course, be voided if you head deep within the other factions space)
Dat content... So, we have three factions warring against each other. We have diplomacy. Now for Exploration. The galaxy map will start at X size, just encompassing the three empires. Then, expansion comes, we change some things, and then we make that map limit bigger... But dont reveal whats out there. You have to explore and find it for yourself and then tell your friends. And I would make sure there was several important story missions out there, and maybe a new major trade hub in the new space. The Foundry idea from Cryptic would be "borrowed" (With permission
) and player made content can be included at certain centers on the map. Well voted and received missions will get pinned to the map permanently.
Live on Earth. Work in Space. Play with Dragons. Join the best add on to STO, the Neverwinter holodeck program! Only 14 GPL a month.
Trials of Blood and Fire
Moving On Parts 1-3 - Part 4
In Cold Blood
Overall theme: Steampunk Vs Supernatural
Three factions, each with their own strengths and weakness, all human based.
PvP would be between the factions as well as having a few monster modes and control points(which give bonuses to the faction)
Ground combat would be action based allowing you to equip like kotor 1&2 based on build and class. Movement during combat as well as active dodge (which interupts long cast powers and huge chance to miss short cast shots). Weapons would range from melee to guns to some more imaginative steampunk gear. Each of which would have mod slots which adds to the weapon visual as well as being able to mod the base visual as well.
Vehicle combat would be a total rip off of sto's space combat with the setting being Airships mostly, but some vehicles would have ground or water capabilities. Airships would have actual cannons, machine guns turrets (beams), riflemen(turrets), and torps and mines would be the same but in a steampunk fashion. There would be additional weapons types in the store as well as earnable in missions or as Ultra rare drops
Customization would be the key feature of this game (like Cryptic used to be about) Allowing in depth customization of the player(CO), their crew(Sto), weapons(kotor), the ships(sto) and would be the primary driving force behind the cash shop. There would be a forum thread specifically where people can enter and vote on player made designs to be added to the game, the winner would be able to name and receive said assets, while others would buy in shop.
The game itself would be free to play but the cash shop items would be dirt cheap as well as character only(2X-3X for account wide unlocks), with the mentality that the items were too affordable NOT to buy. There would also be the standard services (rename, more slots) as well as extra options for character classes and races. Nothing in the store ideally would be over $12, full ship models being 10-12 depending.
Single costume unlocks (one full outfits, all unisex) would be around $1 each and no more that $3 for the versions with alternate parts and variants.
Story would revolve around a war between the three factions to discover and control the source of the sudden supernatural outbreak. Realistically, the governments knew all along, and were covering it up until the war got out of hand. Players would make choices during creation that would allow for changes or missions and abilities in the story (GW2 or KOTOR) and initially would be all humans and a few odd species, but able to buy races like monsters($2 single, $5 for account per race) in the shop. Each species, class, and faction would grant a power tree letting you pick and choose or stick to a single theme.
The art style would be more for adults being darker and "realistic" with small bits of nudity allowed as long as it fit the story(sorry streakers). and over all it would be the second driving point after customization. Initially the main story would be short and episodic, while new stories and content would be added either monthly or every two months though a feature like the foundry would be nice for adding user generated content. While most of the theme would be darker, the story would still allow for a lot of humor or action as well.
memberships would be availible as well adding more character slots (1 per faction f2p, 3 for gold) more inventory slots and able to carry more money, no stippends though since it would already be cheap in the cash shop, though vet rewards would only be obtainable for time as gold, and not purchaseable, even with LTS sub.... F2P would get a similar reward systme based on time in game, but any boosts or such would be temporary (a day to a week depending) but they would be earning things as well based on accumulated in game play.
The Wizard of Oz
With each of the additional books later released, as a inspiration for expansion packs.
Edit: wouldn't it be 1:30am here where I live I would think about some descriptions.. but not now.. tomorrow..
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
What I would do, if I had the money to make an MMO?
My theme would be Magic vs Science
I wouldn't stop at 3 faction, but have up to 5 different factions, with NPC guilds within these factions players can join. In turn Players could make small sub-section guilds from the main guilds, but still be part of the main guild. Example being The Miners guild of (name). Being part of the NPC guild in turns gives you rights within the game to other areas that they control, and you would get a good starters kit if you make a sub-Guild from that main guild. Would I open the door to Player guild not backed by the NPC guilds? sure, but you couldn't do other things without the backing of those guilds.
Ok here's my breakdown:
1. Crafting - I would have a huge sandbox for this in my game, and everyone would start off with hand tools, but later on you can hire NPCs to do work for you, if your operation is big enough. Example, your mining gold in the mountains, and you hit a huge veil of ore. You can spend all your time mining up this location, so you hire a few NPCs to keep on working the site. So in turn you can setup working camps in my game. The camps in turn would need protection for danger, so the 2nd thing you need are gaurds for your camp. The better the guard, the more you need to pay. Also, if your making that epic blade, it will be done in stanges, your must start off with a fine blade, then you can finish forging it in special zones, like on the mountain top, of the crystal anvil, in the middle of a snow storm, it will give you a epic sword of bizzard wind. For example.
2. Warzones PvP - Here the waring Guild son the game will compete for land, and if your a player or player guild under their banner, you can gain lands in their name. But holding these lands in the game, you can gain bonuses to your gaming life, even gain titles and lands for you and or your guild. The warzones would be another smaller sandbox area, and you can help to defend castles or keeps that would be key to holding different areas within that warzone. All buildings can be siege upon, and they will take damage. So you can blow a hole in the gates, or walls, or knock it all into a mess of rubble. I would give time for eventhing to get rebuilt, and players can make improvements to any Warzone building that there side controls. Better wals, Better defences, better guards etc etc
3. Currency - There will be basic money in the game, copper, silver and gold. There will also be warzone money, used to help build a better place within the zone. You would trade your warzone money for regular money if you like, or use it to help your side in the never ending war.
4. Special store items - I wasn't big on this before, but after seeing how well it works. I figure why not have a game shop to by the special items not open to gain drops, or just to have that special epic elite item. Example being a castle for your guild in the game, it wouldn't be like the ones in the warzone, but still a grand place for your guild.
5. Housing, everyone will be able to get a place to call home, and set it up in almost any area in the game that is open for settlement. You can't not lose your house unless.... You don't pay your land taxes, but outside of that, you have a stable place to call home. What happens if you land tax funds run out, and your not back in time to get your place? it's stored in a game vault, and the land is held for a short amount of time, but if you leave the game for to long with no activitiy, the lot is put up for bids, and you lose your land.
6. PvP Dungeons - Here is an open area for anything goes. You don't lose what you come in with, but you can lose what your trying take from these areas. Not all dungeons will be free for all, some will be safe to adventure within, without the risk of losing the good loot. But in my game I will have more epic drops in the PvP zone, and if you want to keep it, you better get out alive.
7. Magic vs Science - So on one side with will have pure magic users, in the middle a cross between the two, and on the other side pure science. So 1 faction will be pure magic, 1 faction pure science, and while 2 faction with have a mix of both, and 1 will have a balance of both. I can picture it in my mind, but the two with a mix would have a light mix of the others art.
8. Dueling - Yes please, one must practice a bit with whatever weapons they use. And yes crafters will have special fighting skills in my game. After all if your a miner for example, you better know how to use that pickax of yours. lol
9. Traveling - From flying to riding to riding in a ship to swimming under water. I will have all areas cover in this game of mine. So if you can't afford your own transport, no worries you can rent it.
10. The World- I picture my MMO will be full of gaming life frm views to wild animals and monsters around every corner, and even tame ones to enjoy for pets if you like. I want people to go wow did you see that when they play this game.
11. Weather- Yes please and seasons too. I will make it work. lol
12. Ships - Yes, i would love to have sailing ships in my game too, and subs too for the under water travel. I want people to have adventure on the high seas too, along with adventure on dry land.
I would name more things, but you get the base idea wher eI am going with this.
Crazy option -> Project Massive
Sane(r) option -> Project R
I've already got a plan to make one, its a long ways from being done though, I've got to wait till I've gone through University first, but once I'm qualified with the skills I need, I have a great idea which I will make.
It's something (as far as I know), --storywise-- , that has Not been done yet.
I won't say a thing here about it, except that it has to do with Everything .
My MMO would be set in Ancient/mythic Egypt and the surrounding lands.
you would not start in a faction but instead as an individual.
You would gather resources (reeds , wood , sand , ores) and craft everything yourself
there would be a "home plot" from the start which you could build a hut and later larger structures on.
Combat would not use a trinity.
Everyone would have the option to use many different weapons and there would be a trade off.
Spears would strike before swords swords before kopesh and everything before clubs
The in game currency talents would not be buyable or tradable only items would be tradable between players.
EVERY item in the game would be makeable and buyable from npc craftsmen
You would start with a single character with the ability to aquire npcs as you go to make up your team
These would start skill blank (no classes) as would you
So assume I am Keff a low level character who enjoys hunting crocodiles and fighting escaped slaves in the valley
I recruit my first supporting character
Name him Knofu and train him in Archery , bow making , cooking and skinning
I recruit my second name her Nefri and train her in dance , ettiquete and healing
and so on
there would be from the start riding animals and chariots
Game would be on the sub model with a fixed monthly fee and no micros
Factions would be formed by players (over level 50 out of 250 levels) and would consist of a maximum of 200 players
pvp combat would be only in "the lost valley" and would be "hardcore" Ie if you die you stay dead until someone drags your corpse to the Temple and make a sacrifice