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tac oddy

generalclark1generalclark1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Federation Discussion
I have been try to find a good build for my tac oddy if you guys could help me out that would be great. Here is what i got on now.

VR: MK X11 Rom. hyper-plasma torpedo launcher
VR: MK X1 Apba [crth] [dmg]x2
VR: MK X11 omega plasma torpedo launcher
VR: MK X1 Apba [crtd]x2 [dmg]

VR: 3 Apba MK X1 [acc] [crth] [dmg]

VR: Maco Defiector MK X
VR: Maco Impulse MK X
R: Hyper Injection warp core MK X1 [eps] [ e>w] sss
VR; Maco shield MK X1

Eng Con:
UC: Zero Point
UC: Assimliated mod
2R/UC: Neutronium alloy MK X1

Sci con:
VR: Bio monitor MK X11
VR: Shield emitter amp MK X!
R: Emitter array MK X

Tac con:
VR: MK X Ap mag
R: MK X1 Ap mag
UC: Plasmonic leech

Boff Skills:
Lt.C. Uni.
Ensign. uni.
Lt. Tac
Com. Eng.
Lt Sci.

UC: Conn
VR: Projectile WO.
UC: Technician
R: Dev. Lab Sci.
R: Nurse

Will thats what i got so if you guys can give me some pointers that would be great. Thank you.
Post edited by generalclark1 on


  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    First question would be what class of captain you are. And now for build mods:

    Fore weapons: take out the omega torp and put another BA there.
    Aft Weapons: no changes needed

    Equipment: no changes needed, other than an upgrade to mk XII MACO, OR you can switch to mk XI borg.

    Tactical: DO NOT REMOVE DAMAGE BOOSTING CONSOLES. ESPECIALLY ON A CRUISER. Your tac consoles should all be AP damage boosters.

    Engineering: Would recommend you change to this: 2x Neutronium, 1x Monotanium, 1x RCS

    Science: You currently have useless garbage in these slots. Put your Plasmonic Leech, Assimilated Module and Zero Point Energy Conduit there.

    BOff Layout:

    LtCmdr Uni: I would change out your APB1 to BFAW2 and your BFAW3 to an APB2. The TS1 is fine, BUT since you're using a hyper plasma, I would recommend THY instead of TS. Overall it's better since the stronger debuff helps not only you, but your team, therefore increasing total damage to your target, resulting in target dropping faster.

    Ens Uni: Change to HE1. Trust me, far more useful in PvE.

    Lt Tac: Looks fine, except I would personally change out the BFAW2 for another APB. But that's personal preference, it's fine as is.

    Cmdr Engi: Needs work. Change out the ET2 to an EPtW2, put a RSP2 in your LtCmdr slot, and get Aux2SIF3 for your Cmdr slot. Far more effective. You don't need RSP3 since that's just overkill, and there is nothing that hits you hard enough over time that you need something like that.

    Lt Sci: Put a TSS2 in place of ST2.

    Get 2 purple Conn Officers that reduce TT cd. Probably will cost you around 5-8 mil ECs (haven't checked the prices recently). Get rid of the nurse and Technician and DLS since you have nothing that those would affect to begin with. Replace with a DCE and WCE. You can get blue ones on the exchange for roughly 300-500k each. Keep the PWO.

    Have fun.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    An Ody without separation won't be getting much use out of torps, except maybe with a single cannon build, which you're not using. Replace at least one, possibly both, with beam arrays. Also, a Biofunction Monitor is one of the most useless consoles in the game, because crew is one of the most useless mechanics in the game, it's really about as good as an empty slot. So drop that, move the Leech in there, and put another AP console in there. The Shield Emitter Amplifier is also not a good choice, a second Emitter Array does the same thing better. You could consider an RCS, the Ody certainly needs the help, I would replace one of the Neutroniums with that.

    Now, boff layout. You absolutely have to have either two copies of EPtS, or one and another EPtX and 2 or 3 high quality Damage Control Engineers, or one and 1 or 2 copies of AtB with 3 high quality Technician doffs. I'm really not a fan of using the LtC slot on an Ody for anything other than an Eng boff, simply because the Ody is so slow it really needs the cruiser stuff to be effective. But the bare minimum you need to do is have continuous EPtS.
  • generalclark1generalclark1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thank you guys i will try out these spec
  • sdmaxwellsdmaxwell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You shouldn't ever need an RCS on a beamboat. Evasive maneuvers should be more than enough to get you back into broadside if you find yourself out of your weapon arc. I recommend either the Tachykinetic Converter if you don't already have it or an EPS console.
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