Greetings Players,
I am the C & C of the fleet known as the Federation Outsiders. I was formally in the creator and C & C of a Tier 4 fleet, but had to deal with a coup d'?tat and lost everything. So my fleet is brand new.
Are you tired of hearing from your current fleets "command staff" telling you things like this?
Use your EC to buy the needed Duty Officers for the Starbase/Dilithium Mine/Embassy Projects. Donate ALL of your Dilthium to complete those same projects. Donate EC to the Fleet Bank so we have enough EC for whatever reason. Especially since the EC in the bank is at "X" amount. Are you tired of hearing things like this because you want to save up EC for something outrageously overpriced off the Exchange? Are you wanting to save your Dilithium because your wanting to get Fleet Equipment for your ships or characters? Are you wanting to complete your Reputation to get the MK XII Space/Ground sets for your ships and characters?
If you answered yes to any, if not all of them, then why not come join my fleet? We here within the Outsiders only ask that you donate what YOU feel comfortable donating. Be it either for Projects or just EC for the bank, donate what you want to donate. I have not laid down any true rules within my fleet, and I do not plan to any time in the future. All that I ask is that you try to get along with all the members and just enjoy the game like it was meant to be enjoyed. We always have at least one or more member online at any given time.
We also have a Facebook page. Check us out at
or our sister fleets facebook page at
The name for our sister fleet is different then what is listed off the facebook page, but that was because we made the page about 2 weeks before the name got changed.