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Need some help with this build

phazex1#0509 phazex1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Klingon Discussion
I have been using the mirror qin heavy raptor for a little while now, as I was sick of the totally paper thin hull of the Hegh'ta bop.

What I need help with is my build, I'd like to know what I can tweek here and there to give me the damage output that I see some people boast about and perhaps just a little survivability as well. I have listed it all below, and I could really use the help as to improving the build (until i finally get a fleet ship sometime)

All feedback and suggestions are appreciated

Mirrror Qin Heavy Raptor

Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons mk xii (x3)
Plasma torpedo launcher mk xi
Borg deflector array (mk x)
Borg impulse engines (mk x)
Field Stabilizing warp core mk xi
Borg Shields (mk x)
Disruptor turret mk xii (x2)
borg cutting beam (mk xii)

Engineering console -

Borg Universal Console
Neutronium Alloy mk xi
Ablative hull armor mk xi

Science console -

Emitter Array mk xii (x2)

Tactical Console -

Disruptor induction coils mk xi (x4)

Commander Tactical

Torpedo High Yield I
Attack Pattern Beta I
Cannon Rapid Fire II
Attack Pattern Omega III

Lt Commander Tactical -
Tactical Team I
Cannon Scatter Valloy I
Cannon rapid fire II

Lieutenant Engineering -
Emergency power to shields I
Engineering Team II

Ensign Engineering -
Engineering Team I

Lieutenant Science -
Transfer Shield Strength I
Science Team II
Post edited by phazex1#0509 on


  • stulpnagelstulpnagel Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I like the build,its almost the same im using on my bortasqu.id recommend usig a torp spread instead of scatter volley.maybe try to get the plasmonic leach and advanced fleet weapons. Id also use transfer shield strenght 1and 2 on science.
    Using 2 torpedos on front would be another option,a quantum and the omega plasma torp to get all the borg set abilities.you wont get further dps of the qin out of that good build you already have.
  • canisanubiscanisanubis Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm not wild about your BOFF choices outside of tactical. If it were me, I'd pick:

    EPtS I x2, Aux2SIF I

    Polarize Hull I
    Hazard Emitters II

    You've got Tactical Team, Engineering Team and Science Team on the same boat, and they all lock each other out. In point of fact, you're best off running Tac Team with 2 purple Conn officers dropping the cooldown to 15 seconds. Tac Team plus EPtS will give you PLENTY of shielding. Since you're running a Regenerative Shield, I also recommend grabbing field generators instead of emitter arrays, raising your capacity will hugely improve your survivability. Finally, I'd drop the Ablative Hull Armor for another Neutronium, with Aux2SIF and Hazard Emitters and the improved hull healing from the Borg set, you're simply not worried about dying from Plasma burn. What you ARE worried about is being hit by a giant torp or warp core breach on a down shield, and a second neutronium console will go a long way toward letting you survive that.
  • phazex1#0509 phazex1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the replies i'll be trying those things out
    if anyone else has any other suggestions please feel free to post
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