I see it says it's now also a space trait but when you hoover a nausicaan it's listed under ground.
And I am guessing since those boff's are still cheap, it's not working?
BUT, then when you right click for item information it does true enough read space trait in the description

Anyone tested it or know if it is indeed working ?
Looked through all the numbers in the menu during STF, removing 1 boff and putting him back in - and nothing changed, including the "stealth detection" which is supposedly part of what it should do.
And to test the test I tried to unplug a effecient boff which true enough did decrease my system power.
I don't know, it might be the +2% damage is such a lower number it doesn't register in full numbers?
It's just 2% should register on anything above 49 right?
I am also guessing some of the numbers don't go above 99 but I never looked into the numbers and stats so I have no idea what I am doing.
Also the problem is you get a +10 to stealth, well what's a +10?
I have 2 stats related to stealth in that menu one at 9 and one at 10 - it could easily be the bonus is so low it's not changing whole numbers.
For example when I unequip the effecient boff from before I lose 1 point in my lowest subsystem.
The Evil Queen - Tac - Hobo
John May Lives - Sci - Hobo
Albeit in mouse over description it is listed as a ground trait.
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