When using a standard beam array, in this case the romulan experimental, the array fires from the DHC/DBB emitters and from the tips of the scimitars wings.
Now firing from the DHC/DBB emitters isn't so bad but does look a little strange sometimes. but the wing tips makes no sense. The Wings are for the sole purpose of the thaloron weapon. There wouldn't be any weapon emitters in there.
Using the Kinetic Cutting Beam, it fires from what i believe are the same hard points as the turrets. where there are firing points on the top and bottom of the main hull in both the bow and stern of the ship.
Standard beam arrays should fire from these same hard points, or the DHC/DBB emitters and not the tips of the wings.
I don't believe this is logistically possible. Beam arrays (and DBBs) need specific hardpoints because of the way beam fire at will works. The turret spots wouldn't cut it: they generally need to be on the far left and right points on every ship.
The KCB is in the code as a 'Turret' style weapon, thus it uses the turret hardpoints for it's firing animations.
If the beams were restricted to the same turret/cannon hardpoints then there would be times when they would shoot through the wings, which would be even more jarring than having them shoot from the wingtips.
Heck, sometimes shooting at gates and lining up for broadside and torp angles my rear beam emitters will clip through one of my pylons when firing. I tend not to notice it thanks to how small said pylons are but the wings on a scimitar are much, much larger.
I don't like how the dual beam banks and DHC fire from the same points, it would have been nice to see some weapon points from the smaller wing tips or further along the actual larger wings.
If the beams were restricted to the same turret/cannon hardpoints then there would be times when they would shoot through the wings, which would be even more jarring than having them shoot from the wingtips.
Heck, sometimes shooting at gates and lining up for broadside and torp angles my rear beam emitters will clip through one of my pylons when firing. I tend not to notice it thanks to how small said pylons are but the wings on a scimitar are much, much larger.