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Tactical Team III question.

edwarlordedwarlord Member Posts: 120 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Federation Discussion
Tactical Team III + Rapid Fire I + High Yield I do more damage then...
Tactical Team I + Rapid Fire II + High Yield II?

Cannon Rapid Fire II does 10% more damage then its predecessor.
High Yield II does 34% more damage then its predecessor.

While Tactical Team III buffs the Starship Energy/Projectile Weapon Systems skills by 30, while version I buffs by 18. So I guess the question really is...

How much damage does 30 points in Starship Energy/Projectile Weapon Systems skills do, is it 43% better or more than 18? :confused:
Post edited by edwarlord on


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    lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Base weapon damage is

    <base damage> x ( 1 + ( <weapon Mk mod> + <shield tier mod> + <weapon skill total> + <equipment skill buffs> ) / 100 ).

    Mk x Weapon Mod is 100
    Tier 5 ship mod is 100
    Weapon skills (maxed) would be 99 + 99 ...
    and Tactical TEam would add +18 or +30 to weapon skills.

    100 x ( 1 + ( 100 + 100 + 99 + 99 + 30 ) / 100 )

    And then you have weapon systems power which is a multiplier for the adjusted base damage. 1x (50 power) - 4x (125 power).
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    baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    fairly easy to test this by yourself...if you have the expertise to spare.

    take 1 or 2 tac doffs...skill them acordingly. go in orbit over earth and activate the abilities as you suggested. Whatever number is higher on a single weapon in your weapon trey when you hover your mouse curser over it is the winner.
    Go pro or go home
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    woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    edwarlord wrote: »
    Tactical Team III + Rapid Fire I + High Yield I do more damage then...
    Tactical Team I + Rapid Fire II + High Yield II?

    Cannon Rapid Fire II does 10% more damage then its predecessor.
    High Yield II does 34% more damage then its predecessor.

    While Tactical Team III buffs the Starship Energy/Projectile Weapon Systems skills by 30, while version I buffs by 18. So I guess the question really is...

    How much damage does 30 points in Starship Energy/Projectile Weapon Systems skills do, is it 43% better or more than 18? :confused:

    Since TT scales with alive crew, the difference becomes negligible in a fight. For full crew look here.
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    insanesenatorinsanesenator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Furthermore, beyond just simple numbers, TT1 gives a build more flexibility than TT2 or TT3; since some escorts have up to 3 ensign tac slots, whereas others have at most 2 Lt Cmdr tac slots, if even that. Some escorts, like the Defiant or HEC, have issues filling out the "third useless tac slot" so two tac teams, (*without* Technician DOFF's, mind you) fill that spot well.

    The best part about TT is the shield redistribution, and that works the same for all versions.
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