I had an interesting idea when reading all the posts about the dilithium refining cap and i think i have a solution that can fix the issue without devaluing the ZEN.
after all the biggest issue is the fact that PWE needs to prevent farmers from devaluing their cash store currency.
the simple solution is to abstract refined dilithium from dilithium ORE for the purpose of the ingme market.
right not the biggest complaint is from people who aren't really buying ZEN but rather looking to upgrade fleet bases or other reputation store projects. why not just change the ingame vendors to accept EITHER raw ore OR refined ore.
what this does is allow the massive stock piles of unrefined ore to be utilized in game for the expensive fleet projects and reputation store items while at the same time keeping the zen market stable
additionally considering the costs of fleet and reputation projects the requirement of REFINED dilithium serves no purpose in terms of balance and also prevents these projects from serving their function as a dilithium sink as the excess buildup is behind the refinery not infront.
if PWE allows raw ore to be used for in game projects it will keep the zen stable and provide a much needed dilithium sink to remove the excess amount that players earn on a daily basis
I can see this being an interesting compromise. If they have to bump up the dilithium cost of items in game, at least I know I won't be time-gated in earning them.
You don't understand: The refining cap isn't there just to keep people from cranking up the price of Zen on the exchange, it's mostly there to SLOW DOWN the rate at which you can get rewards that cost dilithium, like ships, weapons and fleet projects. It is literally a reward schedule mechanic, to slow down player progression so that the developers can produce content faster than it can be 'beaten', so long as you define grinding as content.
Here's the problem with getting everything you want faster: Once you have it, you'll run a victory lap with your cool stuff, then stop playing the game. That's why the DOFF missions and refining cap exist: To keep you logging in. The longer you stay logged in, the more time the developers have to come up with something that you'll be willing to drop cash on.
Here's the problem with getting everything you want faster: Once you have it, you'll run a victory lap with your cool stuff, then stop playing the game. That's why the DOFF missions and refining cap exist: To keep you logging in. The longer you stay logged in, the more time the developers have to come up with something that you'll be willing to drop cash on.