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Klingon Ship Naming

sharksinspacesharksinspace Member Posts: 121 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Klingon Discussion
So I've been having a lot of fun playing recently but haven't made my Klingon yet, but I've been having a problem: what should I name his ships? I always give my ships names that fit a theme i.e. music names for my snobbish highbrow Vulcan and types of birds in Latin but what should my Klingon ships be named? That is my question for all you lifers and and assorted veterans who seem to have a hundred ships.
Post edited by sharksinspace on


  • qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks this is a fun question.

    Most of my Klingon ships are just variants of the Cryptic generator. I have a Naga'thor and a Thug'lhr for example. Naga and Thug are both Indian terms, that I had affinities for. I have a Klothos which is from TAS. Sometimes I use Memory Alpha to look up names from other characters, colonies or ships used in Star Trek. You can also use the Klingon dictionary.

    Here is a list which I found online (forgive all the missplaced commas):

    IKC Aktuh, IKC Amar, IKC Azetbur, IKC B'iJik, IKC BIrHegh, IKC BIrHom, IKC BIrruv, IKC BIvwI',,IKC BochbaS, IKC BochHeH,IKC BochHov,IKC BochlIy ,IKC Bochqu ,IKC Bochtev,IKC BoHcha ,IKC BoHDegh,,IKC BoHDol ,IKC BoHDuS,IKC BoHpeng,IKC BoHtIq,IKC BoHyaS,IKC BoQwI',IKC Boreth,IKC Bortas,IKC BoSwI',IKC BotwI',IKC B'rel,IKS B'Moth ,IKC Buruk
    ,IKC BuvwI' ,IKC Chang ,IKC CharghwI',IKC ChavwI' ,IKC ChelwI',IKC ChenwI' ,IKC ChoHwI' ,IKC ChopwI' ,IKC ChovwI' ,IKS Ch'Tang ,IKC ChungwI' ,IKC Chu'wI' ,IKC DajDuS
    ,IKC Dajghol,IKC Dajghu' ,IKC DaqwI' ,IKC DighreS,IKC Divok ,IKC Dochbeq,IKC Dochqup ,IKC DojHoH,IKC DojqIvon,IKC Dojquv,IKC Dojvan,IKC DoqbaS,IKC Doqcha,IKC DoqghuH ,IKC DoqHegh,IKC DoqHo' ,IKC DoqmaS,IKC Doqram ,IKC Drovna ,IKC DughDuy ,IKC Dughjup ,IKC Dughla' ,IKC DughQu' ,IKC Dughro',IKC DughwoQ,IKC DughyaS ,IKC DujqaD,IKC DujQeH,IKC Erikang ,IKC Etam,IKC Fek'lhr,IKC GhoHwI',IKC GhorwI',IKC GhuHwI',IKC GhungDol,IKC Ghunglom,IKC GhungQa' ,IKC GhungQogh,IKC Gi'ral ,IKC Gorkon ,IKS Gr'oth ,IKC Gre'thor ,IKC Hegh'ta,IKC HeghwI',IKC Hembu',IKC HemDuy,IKC Hemghol,IKC Hemlom ,IKC HeQwI',IKC HIvwI' ,IKC HoSbatlh ,IKC HoSbegh,IKC HoSDuj ,IKC HoSjagh ,IKC HoSloD,IKC HoSmu' ,IKC HoSqempa' ,IKC Hovpeng ,IKC HubwI',IKC HujwI' ,IKC HurghSan ,IKC Husghaj ,IKC Jaqbeq ,IKC Jaqbutlh ,IKC JaqDup ,IKC JaqHoq,IKC JaqtIq ,IKC JaqwI' ,IKC J'Ddan ,IKC JonwI' ,IKC Kahless ,IKC Kang ,IKC K'Ehleyr ,IKC Khitomer ,IKC Kirom ,IKC Klag ,IKS Klothos ,IKC K'mpec ,IKC K'nera ,IKC Koloth, ,IKC Konmel ,IKC Koord ,IKC Kor ,IKS Koraga ,IKC Korinar ,IKC Korris ,IKC K'Ratak,IKC Kri'stak,IKC Kruge,IKC K'Temoc ,IKC K't'inga ,IKC Kurn ,IKC K'Vort ,IKC Le'batlh ,IKC Le'chav ,IKC Le'Hov ,IKC Le'qorDu' ,IKC LI'wI' ,IKC LoHwI' ,IKC Lorgh ,IKC Lursor ,IKS Maht-H'a ,IKS Malpara,IKC Maltz IKC M'Char,IKC Melota,IKC MeQwI',IKC MIywI',IKC MobwI',IKC MolwI',,IKC Morath,IKC Morska,IKC Mulbe'Hom,IKC Mulchom,IKC Mullagh,,IKC MulQogh,IKC MulSaj,IKC Mulyagh,I,,KC MulyaS,I,KC NajwI',IKC NaSbutlh,IKC NaSDol,IKC NaSDup,IKC NaSgho,IKC Sghong,IKC NaStaj, IKC Negh'Var, IKC NgIlwI', IKC Ngojcha, IKC NgojDegh, IKC NgojDol, IKC NgojDuS, IKC Ngojpeng, IKC Ngojporgh, IKC NgongwI', IKC Ngotlhbe', IKC NgotlhchoH, IKC NgotlhDa', IKC NgotlhDol, IKC Ngotlhpuq, IKS Ning'tao, IKC NIvDup, IKC Niv'etlh, IKC Nivjech, IKC NIvleSSov, IKC Nivqempa', IKC NIvQu', IKC Nivta', IKC No'Mat, IKC Noycha'puj, IKC NoyDaS, IKC NoyDuj, IKC Noyqech, IKC NoyvI', IKC Nu'Daq, IKC NuQwI', IKS Orantho, IKC Pagh, IKC PejwI', IKC P'Rang, IKC Praxis, IKC QabwI', IKC QaDwI', IKC QaHwI', IKC QalIa'pe', IKC Qanmang, IKC Qanvaj, IKC QarbeH, IKC QarchetvI', IKC QarDuS, IKC QarHIch, IKC QarmIn, IKC QarnuH, IKC Qarpeng, IKC Qaw'wI', IKC QeHtIn, IKC QeHwI', IKC QemwI', IKC QengwI', IKC QeSwI', IKC QIchwI', IKC QIjbaS, IKC QIjcha, IKC QIjHegh, IKC QIjHo', IKC QIjmaS, IKC QIjram, IKC QImwI', IKC Qo'bup, IKC Qochbe'wI', IKC Qo'Dogh, IKC Qo'Doy', IKC Qo'Duy', IKC Qo'Haj, IKC Qo'Haw', IKC Qo'Hegh, IKC Qo'jegh, IKC Qo'joD, IKC Qo'jot, IKC Qo'leS, IKC Qo'lIm, IKC Qo'lobHa', IKC Qo'lum, IKC QolwI', IKC Qo'magh ,IKC Qo'meQ, IKC Qo'moS, IKC Qo'ngeD, IKS Qo'noS Wa', IKC Qo'Qagh, IKC Qo'QIv, IKC Qo'SaH, IKC Qo'SIH, IKC Qo'tlheD, IKC Qo'tor, IKC Qo'tun, IKC Qo'tuv, IKC Qo'yon, IKC QughwI', IKC Quin'lat, IKC Qui'Tu, IKC QuprIp, IKC QuQlaH, IKC QuQngat ,IKC QuQ'oy', IKC QuQqaDIKC QuQSoghIKC QuQvaj, IKC QuQveS, IKC QuQvI' ,IKC Qutbe' ,IKC QutHol, IKC Qutqempa' ,IKC QutSa', IKC Qu'Vat, IKC Ro'kegh, IKC Ro'kegh ,IKC Rotarran ,IKC SeHwI' ,IKC SepwI', IKS Slivin ,IKS Somraw, IKC Sto'Vo'Kor, IKC SuDwI', IKC T'Acog, IKC Ta'wI', IKC TaymoHwI',IKC TlheDwI', IKC Toh'Kaht, IKS T'Ong, IKC VangwI',, IKC VaQbach, IKC VaQDoch, IKC VaQDol, IKC VaQDup, IKC VaQpeng,IKC VaQto' ,IKC VaQwI', IKC VaQyaS, IKC VerghwI', IKC VI'wI', IKC VorcaS, IKC Vor'cha, IKC Vorn, IKC Vornak, IKC Yavang, IKS Y'tem, IKC YotwI',

    I chose a name from this Klingon cannon wordlist for my character:


    This is a Klingon name generator, I don't tend to use generators, but sometimes they help:

  • kdfrulzfeddroolzkdfrulzfeddroolz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sometimes KDF ships are named after great leaders or warriors of the Empire like the I.K.S. Gorkon named after the murdered chancellor from ST:VI

    I named a couple of my ships after Klingon characters I liked from the various series like the I.K.S. Blade of Kang and the I.K.S. Vengeance of Koloth.

    Just some ideas.
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well, I've used:


    But I usually think about some name and then use a klingon translator to see how it looks. If I like it I use it.
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I take my own naming inspriration for Klingon ships from JM Fords "Final Reflection" startrek novel (great read by the way. Considered very soft canon. Novel is set pre TOS but apparently post Enterprise series, and is no longer considered soft canon even)

    In the story the principle character notes that the Klingons would never name a ship after a "principle or concept.. Words have a power all thier own". At the end of the novel the principle character's ship is named "IKV Mirror" after his prefered varient on Klin'zha which is the reflective varient which is played with only a single set of playing pieces.

    A klingon would never name a ship "Enterprise", or "Endevor" and the like.. such a name would challange the universe... and the universe always gets the last move of the game.

    Naming a ship after a battle, or person is certainly acceptable, or a battle concept, or weapon type also.

    For one of my characters (the one in the avatar image) her (my) ship (fleet Tor'khat) is named "Dancer" both for its impressive manuverability, and battle endurance and because that is something that character loves to do is dance.

    I don't use words in Klingonasse, (sometimes problematic in spite of the wonderous work by the Klingon Language institute) but use the "english" translation of the name. It is quite acceptable to use poetic naming conventions, or ship named after places or things real of from legend.

    "Three Mile Bridge" (where Khalass fought)
    "Kagga's Crown" (named after one of the Klingon emporers (before the rise of the Klingon High Council) who userped the throne by assasination and ruled for exactly one day.. because he was not entitled to wear the imperial crown, he instead had a crown branded apon his skull so that his crown could never be removed. The Klingons, such wild and crazy guys ya know).

    Normally Klingon captains get to name thier ship after thier first battle ( a ship must be blooded before it can be named) but in certain special situations the ship is named by the KDF (example: the Chancellor class ships, named after the leaders of the high council over the years. IKS Gorkon series novel series.. considered soft canon)

    You can pretty much either make up a name and see if there is a translation availible so you can render the name in english lettering, or just let your imagination flow. Consider the types of names given ships of the I.J.N. during WW-II for the type of names a culture dominated by a warrior class would give ships. There are a great many parallels between the two cultures.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Personally, I use a name that sounds cool for my ship to have and when that's set I usually search the web for some good pages that enable translation from English to Klingon and use the Klingon variant on my KDF starship.

    However, I have named several of my ships with names from my language that resembled or sounded Klignon. It's not the real deal, but it's fun and hard to notice sometimes.
  • autumnturningautumnturning Member Posts: 743 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Bat'leth: sword of honor
    D'k Tahg: klingon warrior knife
    Kut'luch: traditional knife used by klingon assassins
    Mek'leth: klingon 1-handed sword
    Mevak: traditional knife used for Mauk-to'Vor
    Qhon Dok: type of assassin's blade
    Tajtiq: long klingon knife, usually used in pairs
    Yan: a sword

    I looked up the above "as seen on TV" names for various weapons and figured that gave me enough ship names to work with, and a theme for them all in moving from tier to to tier. Right now, my B'Rel Refit is the IKS Mek'leth, and if I ever upgrade to a Fleet B'Rel Refit I'll be driving the IKS Bat'leth.

    I'm also fairly convinced that in Klingonese, the word for "chocolate" is spelled (and pronounced) Chok'latl ... :cool:
  • ooiueooiue Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    I use this website for translating English to Klingon and vice versa to pick ship names. Just pick something brutal and find the translation :)

    Or, pick a Klingon word, and see what it means :)
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  • stulpnagelstulpnagel Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    qultuq wrote: »
    Thanks this is a fun question.

    Most of my Klingon ships are just variants of the Cryptic generator. I have a Naga'thor and a Thug'lhr for example. Naga and Thug are both Indian terms, that I had affinities for. I have a Klothos which is from TAS. Sometimes I use Memory Alpha to look up names from other characters, colonies or ships used in Star Trek. You can also use the Klingon dictionary.

    Here is a list which I found online (forgive all the missplaced commas):

    IKC Aktuh, IKC Amar, IKC Azetbur, IKC B'iJik, IKC BIrHegh, IKC BIrHom, IKC BIrruv, IKC BIvwI',,IKC BochbaS, IKC BochHeH,IKC BochHov,IKC BochlIy ,IKC Bochqu ,IKC Bochtev,IKC BoHcha ,IKC BoHDegh,,IKC BoHDol ,IKC BoHDuS,IKC BoHpeng,IKC BoHtIq,IKC BoHyaS,IKC BoQwI',IKC Boreth,IKC Bortas,IKC BoSwI',IKC BotwI',IKC B'rel,IKS B'Moth ,IKC Buruk
    ,IKC BuvwI' ,IKC Chang ,IKC CharghwI',IKC ChavwI' ,IKC ChelwI',IKC ChenwI' ,IKC ChoHwI' ,IKC ChopwI' ,IKC ChovwI' ,IKS Ch'Tang ,IKC ChungwI' ,IKC Chu'wI' ,IKC DajDuS
    ,IKC Dajghol,IKC Dajghu' ,IKC DaqwI' ,IKC DighreS,IKC Divok ,IKC Dochbeq,IKC Dochqup ,IKC DojHoH,IKC DojqIvon,IKC Dojquv,IKC Dojvan,IKC DoqbaS,IKC Doqcha,IKC DoqghuH ,IKC DoqHegh,IKC DoqHo' ,IKC DoqmaS,IKC Doqram ,IKC Drovna ,IKC DughDuy ,IKC Dughjup ,IKC Dughla' ,IKC DughQu' ,IKC Dughro',IKC DughwoQ,IKC DughyaS ,IKC DujqaD,IKC DujQeH,IKC Erikang ,IKC Etam,IKC Fek'lhr,IKC GhoHwI',IKC GhorwI',IKC GhuHwI',IKC GhungDol,IKC Ghunglom,IKC GhungQa' ,IKC GhungQogh,IKC Gi'ral ,IKC Gorkon ,IKS Gr'oth ,IKC Gre'thor ,IKC Hegh'ta,IKC HeghwI',IKC Hembu',IKC HemDuy,IKC Hemghol,IKC Hemlom ,IKC HeQwI',IKC HIvwI' ,IKC HoSbatlh ,IKC HoSbegh,IKC HoSDuj ,IKC HoSjagh ,IKC HoSloD,IKC HoSmu' ,IKC HoSqempa' ,IKC Hovpeng ,IKC HubwI',IKC HujwI' ,IKC HurghSan ,IKC Husghaj ,IKC Jaqbeq ,IKC Jaqbutlh ,IKC JaqDup ,IKC JaqHoq,IKC JaqtIq ,IKC JaqwI' ,IKC J'Ddan ,IKC JonwI' ,IKC Kahless ,IKC Kang ,IKC K'Ehleyr ,IKC Khitomer ,IKC Kirom ,IKC Klag ,IKS Klothos ,IKC K'mpec ,IKC K'nera ,IKC Koloth, ,IKC Konmel ,IKC Koord ,IKC Kor ,IKS Koraga ,IKC Korinar ,IKC Korris ,IKC K'Ratak,IKC Kri'stak,IKC Kruge,IKC K'Temoc ,IKC K't'inga ,IKC Kurn ,IKC K'Vort ,IKC Le'batlh ,IKC Le'chav ,IKC Le'Hov ,IKC Le'qorDu' ,IKC LI'wI' ,IKC LoHwI' ,IKC Lorgh ,IKC Lursor ,IKS Maht-H'a ,IKS Malpara,IKC Maltz IKC M'Char,IKC Melota,IKC MeQwI',IKC MIywI',IKC MobwI',IKC MolwI',,IKC Morath,IKC Morska,IKC Mulbe'Hom,IKC Mulchom,IKC Mullagh,,IKC MulQogh,IKC MulSaj,IKC Mulyagh,I,,KC MulyaS,I,KC NajwI',IKC NaSbutlh,IKC NaSDol,IKC NaSDup,IKC NaSgho,IKC Sghong,IKC NaStaj, IKC Negh'Var, IKC NgIlwI', IKC Ngojcha, IKC NgojDegh, IKC NgojDol, IKC NgojDuS, IKC Ngojpeng, IKC Ngojporgh, IKC NgongwI', IKC Ngotlhbe', IKC NgotlhchoH, IKC NgotlhDa', IKC NgotlhDol, IKC Ngotlhpuq, IKS Ning'tao, IKC NIvDup, IKC Niv'etlh, IKC Nivjech, IKC NIvleSSov, IKC Nivqempa', IKC NIvQu', IKC Nivta', IKC No'Mat, IKC Noycha'puj, IKC NoyDaS, IKC NoyDuj, IKC Noyqech, IKC NoyvI', IKC Nu'Daq, IKC NuQwI', IKS Orantho, IKC Pagh, IKC PejwI', IKC P'Rang, IKC Praxis, IKC QabwI', IKC QaDwI', IKC QaHwI', IKC QalIa'pe', IKC Qanmang, IKC Qanvaj, IKC QarbeH, IKC QarchetvI', IKC QarDuS, IKC QarHIch, IKC QarmIn, IKC QarnuH, IKC Qarpeng, IKC Qaw'wI', IKC QeHtIn, IKC QeHwI', IKC QemwI', IKC QengwI', IKC QeSwI', IKC QIchwI', IKC QIjbaS, IKC QIjcha, IKC QIjHegh, IKC QIjHo', IKC QIjmaS, IKC QIjram, IKC QImwI', IKC Qo'bup, IKC Qochbe'wI', IKC Qo'Dogh, IKC Qo'Doy', IKC Qo'Duy', IKC Qo'Haj, IKC Qo'Haw', IKC Qo'Hegh, IKC Qo'jegh, IKC Qo'joD, IKC Qo'jot, IKC Qo'leS, IKC Qo'lIm, IKC Qo'lobHa', IKC Qo'lum, IKC QolwI', IKC Qo'magh ,IKC Qo'meQ, IKC Qo'moS, IKC Qo'ngeD, IKS Qo'noS Wa', IKC Qo'Qagh, IKC Qo'QIv, IKC Qo'SaH, IKC Qo'SIH, IKC Qo'tlheD, IKC Qo'tor, IKC Qo'tun, IKC Qo'tuv, IKC Qo'yon, IKC QughwI', IKC Quin'lat, IKC Qui'Tu, IKC QuprIp, IKC QuQlaH, IKC QuQngat ,IKC QuQ'oy', IKC QuQqaDIKC QuQSoghIKC QuQvaj, IKC QuQveS, IKC QuQvI' ,IKC Qutbe' ,IKC QutHol, IKC Qutqempa' ,IKC QutSa', IKC Qu'Vat, IKC Ro'kegh, IKC Ro'kegh ,IKC Rotarran ,IKC SeHwI' ,IKC SepwI', IKS Slivin ,IKS Somraw, IKC Sto'Vo'Kor, IKC SuDwI', IKC T'Acog, IKC Ta'wI', IKC TaymoHwI',IKC TlheDwI', IKC Toh'Kaht, IKS T'Ong, IKC VangwI',, IKC VaQbach, IKC VaQDoch, IKC VaQDol, IKC VaQDup, IKC VaQpeng,IKC VaQto' ,IKC VaQwI', IKC VaQyaS, IKC VerghwI', IKC VI'wI', IKC VorcaS, IKC Vor'cha, IKC Vorn, IKC Vornak, IKC Yavang, IKS Y'tem, IKC YotwI',

    I chose a name from this Klingon cannon wordlist for my character:


    This is a Klingon name generator, I don't tend to use generators, but sometimes they help:


    Im sure you are forgetting one,cant figure which:cool:

    well my bortasqu is qut cha QUI that means vulgar display of destruction:D
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited July 2013
    For my BoPs, I usually go with what the BoP is intended for. I named my Hegh'ta 'Sudden Death', for example, and my Fleet Norgh is called 'Twisting Knife'. If I find out what the Klingon versions of those names are, maybe I'll use those instead.

    My Guramba is called the 'Fek'lhr', largely because it looks like a beast out of Gre'thor when it's in Siege Mode.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • rovakiinrovakiin Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I named my Bird of Prey the IKS Sabure, after my character's House that she belongs to (House of Sabure), from a fan fictional perspective anyway. She's got quite the reputation among my fleet. :)
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I think a great name for a Kar'fi would be Grethor after the Klingon TRIBBLE.
  • therealsivartherealsivar Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So I've been having a lot of fun playing recently but haven't made my Klingon yet, but I've been having a problem: what should I name his ships? I always give my ships names that fit a theme i.e. music names for my snobbish highbrow Vulcan and types of birds in Latin but what should my Klingon ships be named? That is my question for all you lifers and and assorted veterans who seem to have a hundred ships.

    There are Klingon dictionaries online that you can use if you want to form actual words or phrases. That's what I did for most of my ships, though be warned that the language, while functional, is not complete next to English, here a couple of examples of names I've used:

    I.K.S. qa'Im (Soul Ripper)
    I.K.S. Suvwl'leth (Warrior's Sword)
    I.K.S. voDleth 'QeH (Emperor's Anger)

    ..and so on...

    My translation of stuff isn't perfect, but the stuff is out there if you want to actually name your ship.
    Support a KDF equivalent to the Vesta Here
  • steamwrightsteamwright Member Posts: 2,820
    edited July 2013
    Chiming in here to ask: Do all y'all get any pleasure or benefit from seeing the other players' ships named in Klingon? Just very curious. I know I do not, though I realize I may be alone in this. Unless it is a name or word I've heard in the shows and movies, it means nothing, and I just see a wall of text. Chances are I'll let it slip by and never figure out what it says.

    I do, however, take great interest in seeing Klingon and Romulan ship names in English, and even in some in other Germanic or Latin languages since I can usually get the gist of what is said. I know I've smiled a lot when I can understand what the player's intention was. I've chosen to name my Orion's ships in English, and will insert a Klingon translation, if I can find one, in the character footnotes, should anyone look there.
  • bohiapbohiap Member Posts: 535
    edited July 2013
    I've tried to pick weapon names that can be translated using the klingon translators online.
    I think I had Fire Blade, Sword of Fire, things like that. But, then I saw the sacking of Astapor, in Game of Thrones and named my raider Drogon.
    I liked the book Final Reflection and I was going to name it after the main character. But, I couldn't remember his name and didn't take the time to look it up.
  • captainkccaptainkc Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hah, I thought I was the only one who put great thought into naming my ships 8) We have to be culturally accurate and tolerant, especially since Cryptic is not!

    My Fed science main used scientists and human names, my Klingon tactical used Klingon-sounding names (like Vashta Nerada from Doctor Who), and my Fed-allied Romulan is somewhere in between. Bouncing off what therealsivar said above, yes Klink dictionaries are plentiful online but do you know how to use Klingon grammar? I do all right if I were to name a ship with just one word, but hit a snag if I were to call one something like, "Bladed Knife of Vengance." In fact my Guramba's name is an approximation of Demon's Tooth since I don't know what they use as a possessive.
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey ... stuff. --the Doctor, "Blink"
  • scarstitchesscarstitches Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    bortaS DIb

    translates to

    Rite of Vengeance

    or something close to that.
  • omegaphallicomegaphallic Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Its be cool to name orion or nausicaan ships about famous pirate ships.
  • steamwrightsteamwright Member Posts: 2,820
    edited July 2013
    Its be cool to name orion or nausicaan ships about famous pirate ships.

    a lot of the pirates ship names I've seen are pretty unglamorous like Liberty, Rover, or Ranger. Sir Richard Hawkins ship, the Dainty, would likely get you drawn and quartered...as soon as the other Naussicans were done laughing.

    Several pirate ships names would actually make good Ferengi ships: Fortune, Good Fortune, Loyal Fortune, Royal Fortune (I sense a pattern here), the Prosperous, or even the Golden Hind.

    That said, there is the Desire, the ship of Thomas Cavendish. Sounds perfect for an Orion. There's also the Scowerer, from some pirate named Evans. Might do for a Naussican, though the Sudden Death, sailed by John Derdrake is easily the cooler choice.

    But then there's also ones that could never work, like William Kidd's ship, the New York Revenge. Sounds more like a soccer team's name, with no chance of sounding like anything alien to Earth.
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