What if all BOFF abilities came in ranks of 1 [ensign] to 4 [commander]?
For the abilites that are rank1
@ensign --> rank3
@LtComm make a slightly more powerful rank4
For the ones that start rakn1
@Lt make a slighlty weaker version at Ensign and renumber the higher ranks 2 to 4.
On one end, it would give a LOT of options to ships that currently don't have it. But it would also help all equally.
Cruisers could now slot APO 1 (even if it was really weak), which means all the bonuses that come from it: Damage, turn rate, immunity to tractors and such.
Which would be good for them.
However, it would also mean that escorts could then slot things like...viral matrix, or gravity well, or DEM, or EWP in ensign level slots.
So on one side, it would open up a LOT more options for a great many more builds and variety (which is a very good thing in my opinion). On the other end though, it would make things a whole lot worse, because most of the higher tier abilities like EWP would be usable on much faster ships than they were meant to be used on for the most part. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule, like BoPs have full universal layouts, the HEC has a Lt. cmdr Engy slot, etc.
It would be a buff to every ship type, but...it would be a buff to EVERY ship type, including some of the ones that might not really need it.
(that said, your suggestion would instantly solve the whole 'too many shared CDs on engy BOFf abilities' complaint that has plagued most cruisers for a LONG time)