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Rep System Replay - Suggestions for Improvement

canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Reputation System
I know I'm not the only one to have made one of these posts, but occasionally my desire to hear my own voice overrides my good sense to keep quiet :P

Anyway, here's a few ideas for improving the Reputation Experience on additional characters and in general.
  1. Remove/Reduce Timers After Reaching Tier 5
  2. Tier 5 Projects that reduce the input requirements for experience projects on other characters
  3. Re-evaluate project costs for the "inferior" gear that's offered at T5 (and lower) in the non-Omega reputation tracks
  4. Add a method to choose which available project offerings display when choosing a new project

A bit of explanation on the list items above:

1. In an interview I heard sometime in the last few weeks one of the Devs mentioned that one of the complaints they heard most often was the time it took to level up the Reputation System. I have to say I agree that the time factor is one that causes me, personally, to leave Reputations half-completed because I have the desire to move to another rather than spend a couple of months on that one character for a system I've already completed on another. On the other hand I do feel like there's a certain charm to taking the time on your first character to run that reputation.

2. This one's another complaint I've heard made, based mostly on the fact that you can't easily carry/store the number of Hypos, Sheild Charges, Major Regenerators, and Power Cells needed to advance the reputation system. Even now the only one you can buy (if not store) in bulk are the Hypos. One solution is to increase the stack size and grant a commensurate increase in the number you can buy at once. On the other hand, alternate accounts are rarely as resource rich as the originals and Silver players rarely have an account bank to facilitate easy transfer of EC and the EC costs of the rep system can quickly become a burden.

There's another side to this one as well - the Task Force Omega reputation system is rather easy to level as ESTF's provide enough marks for a person with only an hour's time to play each day to make anywhere from 120 to 225 marks (or more) without the aid of a bonus mark event, yet the other two are far more limited in the amount of marks that can be made in a similar time-frame. Which feeds into the next item on the list.

3. Obtaining marks both for leveling the reputation and getting top-level gear out of them is a major hassle if you're not doing the Omega Force Reputation and thus do not have access to ESTFs. The biggest example is the fact that the top-level Mk XII Omega Force space sets are not only head and shoulders above the Mk XII Very Rare New Romulus sets, but despite having a 25% greater cost in marks are much, much less effort intensive to obtain. My personal desire is to see these sets given a rework so that they're on par with the Omega Force sets, but seeing either the rewards for the queue events boosted further or making the equipment requisition projects cost fewer marks is easier, so long as the input effort to output reward is at least equalized with the Omega Force offerings.

4. As nice as it is that advancing the reputation track beyond a certain tier doesn't cause older project offerings to disappear it does make for a lot of clutter, especially in the Omega Force reputation where there's no less than three different version (Mk X, XI, & XII) of each ground set and most of the space sets, the ability to not have to very carefully make sure that the project you're about to pick is in fact the specific one you want would be wonderful, especially when switching from slot one to slot two uncollapses all the previously collapsed lists.
Post edited by canis36 on


  • giliongilion Member Posts: 686 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree, re-doing any reputation more than once is really annoying. I just finished the Tholian Rep on my main so now I have all 3 completed. Now however I also want to get the Reputation bonuses on my Romulan and I really dont want to go threw all that trouble of doing it again.

    So either make it so if you already completed a certain reputation on one character that it gets easier to complete on all your others, or maybe add something to the C-store that gives bonus reputation xp.
    Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend :D
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,265 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Account unlock if you get X ammount of characters to tier 5?
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    thay8472 wrote: »
    Account unlock if you get X ammount of characters to tier 5?

    DStahl's stated flat out that there will be no account unlocks for the Reputation system. That said...maybe he could flex enough to give us a big T5 project that will unlock that rep on all other characters of that faction. That way you only have to level the rep once per faction - though you'd still have to do all the store unlocks and such per-character.

    Another thing I've thought of is either a) adding a reputation bonus mark pool or b) making the fleet mark bonus pool applicable to all types of marks - fleet or reputation.
  • carasucia83carasucia83 Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I like the idea of per faction rep advancement. +1
    I also agree that the inferior sets should cost far less and that some of the other MkXII sets need to either be revised or cost less, even if only a little.

    Given how silly easy it is to get Omega marks, and if you can be bothered with Epohhs, Romulan marks too to a lesser extent, it would also be nice to have 'fire and forget' super projects into which you put say 320 marks that have a timer of a week or so to complete and give a relative amount of rep xp. Or mini 12 hour ones that give half the xp and require half the marks for folks who can only get on for 5 minutes to run around the staging area and pick up the pitiful amount of marks offered there.

    The above wouldn't change the actual costs or time for overall completion of the system, but would allow players to go on holiday for a week safe in the knowledge that they aren't losing time on rep. Being able to fill the waiting project and an auto start on the second would be great too, especially for the dil conversion projects.

    I still think that the gear should be per character though.
    "So my fun is wrong?"

    No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    They won't make anything account-wide, but we might realistically be able to push them to make a T5 rep project to reduce the input costs for other characters. Sort of like a personal dilithium mine. Ideally, it'd stack, so getting a second character to T5 would let them also run the cost-reduction project, further reducing costs for a third character, and so on.
  • canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    They won't make anything account-wide, but we might realistically be able to push them to make a T5 rep project to reduce the input costs for other characters. Sort of like a personal dilithium mine. Ideally, it'd stack, so getting a second character to T5 would let them also run the cost-reduction project, further reducing costs for a third character, and so on.

    While that would be nice and I'd push for it if I knew where I'd rather have the timer reduced to 20 minutes per experience project or just plain lifted altogether. That more than anything is what's caused my alts to linger in limbo. I go in and get the marks, start the project...then what do I do? I go back to my main that's already finished and play him some more or jump to another alt. Eventually I just forget about it, or get tired of playing an under-geared character.

    Reducing/removing the timer won't completely remove that problem, but it'll make it a lot less pronounced.
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