So i was thinking, and looking at alternatives to the current ideas and while i like all of them, i think this one may also offer some merrit, so lets see what you think.
Basically What i want to do is create a system of Conquest locations, PvE and PvP.
See map here
What we will do is cause players to go to specific sectors, and conquer them.
they'd do this through a serious of battles in controlled instances. These instances
would be abnormal sizing, Around 40 vs 40 (pve) and 20 vs 20 PvP.
These would simulate Real fleet engagements.
Each race will have
Star bases
Ship yards (PvP/PVE spawn location)
Resource Capture points
PvP and PvE Ques.
Star bases, and fleet starbases will offer unique quests for these missions.
Each Race will have resource income. These resource nodes can be destroyed temperately.
These nodes are controlled by fleets. These resource nodes allow for fueling a star-base in
open universe. For each one under the control of a faction, the faster they can attack a PvP Objective.
Fleet star-bases in open universe can be visited by anyone, If the fleet leader sets access to his base
to public.
Ship yards are the que locations for PvE and PvP objectives. They are the new "hot spot" in the galaxy.
Ship yards will be very important its here, large fleets will be made.
Capture points are of two kinds, PvE and PvP.
Pve will be constant, and will also involve protecting the space of the faction. PvP ques for conquest
will be based on a timer, with - % of time per each of the races Resource control points. At best case
scenario, a battle will take place every 30 minutes. At worst, every 2 hours. All pvp locations
will be on different cool downs, so that there is almost always is one up.
PvP pilots will go around to 5 or so PvP Locations, and try to conquer them. (Qued through shipyard).
In the minimap above, you will see white lines, hightling the area's that can shift to another factions control.
If this happens the color of the squares on the galaxy map will change. this simulates the loss, and gain
of Space.
When queing for a battle for a sector, there will be large engagements of say 20 vs 20, or 40 vs 40 (i want 40vs40 but i am afraid it will be to much)
These battles will take place in that sector for a period of time (1 hour). As a battle is won, a system in the sector (well the little space-lane that connects to it) Will change color, to represent its owning races color (Green, blue or red).
If a race conquers all space lanes (systems) The sector changes to them. if its 1/2 and 1/2 the sector
will split (like eta eradani).
After PvP Takes place, that system / pvp que location is on cool down and they swap to the next
While the pvp side of this is taking place, the pvers will be doing two things
First, they will be going through the space, clearing out the deep space encounters. These will give new bonus dilithium per a clear, depending on the races owned resource amount (Their faction pays them for the hard work they did).
Second, Occasionally there will be a large PvE npc fleet come in, It will be a "deep space fleet encounter" that will be a sort of rare spawn. this will grant a large sum of dilithium (3500) and a change at a mark XII Very rare item!
Note: All deep space, and deep space fleet encounter, will only spawn near the border of the enemies space, This is to simulate the factions fighting, or patrolling their borders.
Let me know what you think.
I am trying to simulate the races behavior to make the environment feel realistic.