In first days I played STO I was really amused by assignment chain: colonization in a nearby expansion. The idea thrilled me.
I thought - "ok, I have a ship which I upgrade with cool content but... I want to have a colony!"
I want to find a good planet, than I want to create first buildings (command center

Create new facilities. Bring more and more colonists.
Play less "shooter" and more "strategy".
More building and diplomacy (and gaining experience and other content).
Doing new mission is nice. But I am vice admiral, with top ranks in all assignments.
Somewhere is written that title "Governor".
We had assignments.
We have now holdings.
We could have a new depth in game. Every Governor could be really a Governor.
That could start as not only as a new holding (on which in fact typical member of fleet don't have influence) but as a new mini-game/property for every player who want to have more strategy and less shooting.
To design ships for it, and to expand it through colonizaiton of other planets.
and even ways for pve, and pvp to interact with it.
read about it here.