I'm really enjoying the Summer Event on Risa, as if you couldn't tell.
I do believe that we can't go back to the old "placeholder" version of Risa once the event ends, however.
Turn the event rewards into standard dailies with dilithium, or GPL, or credit rewards. Whatever.
The improvement on Risa as an in-game canonical Star Trek destination is significant. The new environments are beautiful and compelling ... plus, we have grav-packs.

I understand that the summer event can't run year-round, but this new vision of Risa should remain. A vacation destination for combat-weary starship captains.
My opinion, anyway,
Exactly this
That's great news! Thank you, and thanks to everyone who replied!
maybe now and then add a little adventure game for us to play?
How would people get the jetpacks outside the event? Latinum?
(Incidentally, I kinda like latinum buying you extra features at a social hub. Maybe, for example, we could buy an apartment on DS9 that's a redress of the conference room where we can put up ship trophies, do crafting, and invite friends just like a high end bridge.)
There should be things that are unique to the summer event besides the corvette.