Fleet Omega XIII - Fighting back Klingon, Borg and Undine Baddies since Closed Beta
We are Fleet Omega XIII, a fleet that takes great pride in the diversity, organization, and members of our fleet. We boast a diverse player-base, made up of gamers from around the world, in almost every time zone, with varying levels of MMO-gaming experience and Trek Fandom level. Whether we are drawing the "line here, this far, no further!" with the Borg in a STF, doing Dailies or helping out new recruits/players level up alts in our ongoing "there and back again" fleet events, our emphasis is on fun: creating it and making sure fleet members are having a ton of it.
As a potential recruit, we offer you daily run fleet events, an organized fleet website where you can request events, post images of your mighty starship, and hang out with fellow fleetmates in our very own IRC channel. We also offer lines of advancement to fleet leadership positions, based on participation in fleet events. So what are you waiting for?! Your next pon farr cycle?! (If so, good luck) Sign up today and start exploring the final frontier in the company of some of the most awesome players you'll find on this side of the Bajoran Wormhole!
Some of our activities: *Talk live with members on Mumble!
*Fleet Actions - Blast through the FA and earn your Romulan or Nukara Marks with your Fleetmates!
*Elite STF Runs - Get assistance from our skilled veteran players with collecting Omega Marks!Our motto is to have fun, if you are not having fun then stop what you are doing and do something that is.
Yay! O13 is recruiting!
www.omegaxiii.com and indicate you have not yet received an invite.
Vesyn,@neotekgeek, come say hi. I have coffee and donuts on my ship, come get some.