1). Antimatter spread is a pyrotechnic display creatively used against the Borg after the battle of wolf 359. It was seen in the TNG episode, the best of both worlds, part 2. This console is already in game. All the Devs have to do is just modify the Galaxy class one and generalize the lockbox one. This shouldn?t be hard for them to do.
2). Saucer separation allows the Galaxy to divide into two parts. It has been seen in many times such as TNG: encounter at farpoint, the arsenal of freedom, and star trek generations? movie. Just keep the console the way it currently is.
3). Metaphasic shield was created and shown within two episodes of the TNG (suspicions & descent, part 2). For this console I was thinking the Galaxy would have a damage resistance buff and increase in both flight speed and flight turn rate. The Galaxy has a terrible turn rate and this would make things much better.
As for a 2-piece set bonus and a 3-piece set bonus I?m all up for suggestions?
the ship doesn't have a problem tanking it has a dishing out problem. it's too eng centered. Universal Bo slots for ALL BO slots is better and closer to cannon
Yes I agree with what you are saying. That has been the problem since the Galaxy left spacedock. However, I doubt that the Devs would even consider fixing that.
Lately the trend has been to introduce things within sets. The Remans have a set, the Borg have a set, the Breen have a set, the Vesta has a set...etc.
Galaxy Retrofit: The engineering-slanted Galaxy.
Galaxy-X Dreadnought: The tactically slanted Galaxy.
It's a 2pc set even before the popular ship sets came around.
stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9 My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
Lately the trend has been to introduce things within sets. The Remans have a set, the Borg have a set, the Breen have a set, the Vesta has a set...etc.
Why not the Galaxy?
Galaxy Retrofit: The engineering-slanted Galaxy.
Galaxy-X Dreadnought: The tactically slanted Galaxy.
It's a 2pc set even before the popular ship sets came around.
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!