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The Future of STO, Expansions, and Vision.

dark4blooddark4blood Member Posts: 1,192 Arc User
Cryptic asked several blogs and interviews ago what do players want this year and how can they improve on current and future gameplay of STO. Well I have some ideas, and wish gamers to please respond and expand on ideas to improve this game.

So, first I think this is how STO should grow for the next 2 years.

October '13 -- Begin Finishing things with Fleets, PVP, and a complete Ship revamp. Maybe start adding sub races, this means just adding them as playable not making sub factions, there are thousands of species, there is no reason to be only playing 30. Fix Veteran reward ships, and special ships to have fleet versions.

April '14 -- Increase current level to Full Admiral, and expand Lower Rear Admiral and Upper Rear admiral to a full 10 levels so that gear at these levels makes more sense. Add Mk XIII-Mk XV gear. See previous blog about gear progresson. Add Talarian, or Tellerite sector for Federation. And add another sector for Klingon space. The reasoning for this is that the spring and summer will be used to fix the bugs, as it seems they linger for several months when adding sectors.

November '14 -- Start beginning of adding Cardassian/Dominion faction. Consider having current Romulan faction splinter that supports the Tal Shiar, but do not add the complete faction yet just the Embassy and Splinter Starbases...why because people will love it.

June '15 -- Add the complete Cardassian/Dominion faction, and add the Starbase from the beginning. People will not complain as much about the grind as they will about it being a nerfed faction, this has been seen with the Romulan launch. While grinding is bad, a nerfed faction is worse.

November '15 -- Take a break, fix bugs, add more sub-races and ships to already existing factions. Increase the quantity of lockbox ship choices. Fix bugs, fix bugs, fix bugs. I can not emphasize this enough. By this time playable race types should at least be above 60. This will make the Universe seem like a Universe. Keep adding unique ships and gear for Winter Events.

I will Expand on how this should be done with my second post as each section I Have mentioned needs it's own post to really grasp my reasoning. I want comments and hope that these ideas align somewhat with what gamers want, however I realize that some have ideas of their own, thus welcome ideas that could be more realistic or exciting.
Post edited by dark4blood on


  • animusredwinganimusredwing Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    How about something like

    Nov 2013 - add fleet admiral rank, new PVE warzones, armor slot for cruisers, secondary deflector for science ships , new fleet holding research station (for mk 12 tactical, new deflectors)
    Spring 2014 - add pvp territory control, new fleet holding colony, new Featured episode series
    Fall 2014 - add Delta quadrant expansion, new playable races, add dominon faction with full lvl 50, expansion

    I disagree with higher level weapons, mk 12 should be enough. There is more than enough power creep in game. Lets have more abilities and options with fleet admiral. Like having our boffs have control of own ships. This is enough of a money sink to gear up and buy 5 ships.
    REDWING (fed), DOQ TEL SUVWI'S (kdf)
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  • theantisainttheantisaint Member Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dark4blood wrote: »
    November '15 -- Take a break, fix bugs.

    My only wish is ^ only two years sooner. Take the game down for a week, two, maybe even a month to kill the bugs that are consuming the game bit by bloody bit.
  • vassago10vassago10 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I Have a great Idea, and i want to know your opinion about it, , i think they can add it in game in a (blink),, here it comes what if, all newbies at the beginning , like every single officer must earn there first , new ship. and they should start ,, yes ,, there it comes as a first officer ,, fits totaly in a startrek story and easy build in,, well let me know how you guys think about it,,, sory for my english writting skills cause iam dutch (-.
  • ussweatherlightussweatherlight Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I wish they had a cohesive vision.

    I don't want more gear progression. More abilities, more options, more valid builds, and so on. Aux2bat seems to be the universal build now, and this is annoying.

    A real war would be great. We have the sector block for PvP, make a huge warzone for 50+ players with objectives and dynamic objectives.

    In any case. More levels doesn't make the game better, more content, and better design does. This fascination with increasing cap level is annoying.

    "Second star on the right, and straight on till morning."

    U.S.S. Weatherlight
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dark4blood wrote: »
    October '13 -- Begin Finishing things with Fleets, PVP, and a complete Ship revamp. Maybe start adding sub races, this means just adding them as playable not making sub factions, there are thousands of species, there is no reason to be only playing 30. Fix Veteran reward ships, and special ships to have fleet versions.
    dark4blood wrote: »
    April '14 -- Increase current level to Full Admiral, and expand Lower Rear Admiral and Upper Rear admiral to a full 10 levels so that gear at these levels makes more sense. Add Mk XIII-Mk XV gear. See previous blog about gear progresson. Add Talarian, or Tellerite sector for Federation. And add another sector for Klingon space. The reasoning for this is that the spring and summer will be used to fix the bugs, as it seems they linger for several months when adding sectors.
    Thankfully Mk XII is the maximum (myself and a myriad of others have put in countless hours getting Mk XII gear on our characters) and it'll be staying that way for a long time. Perhaps many years from now they'll go beyond that, but that would require them to change the Reputation and fleet rewards to scale to level or something.
    dark4blood wrote: »
    November '14 -- Start beginning of adding Cardassian/Dominion faction. Consider having current Romulan faction splinter that supports the Tal Shiar, but do not add the complete faction yet just the Embassy and Splinter Starbases...why because people will love it.

    June '15 -- Add the complete Cardassian/Dominion faction, and add the Starbase from the beginning. People will not complain as much about the grind as they will about it being a nerfed faction, this has been seen with the Romulan launch. While grinding is bad, a nerfed faction is worse.
    They've said they aren't going to make an 'evil' faction, so Tal Shiar is out, and probably a Cardassian/Dominion faction. Cardassian's are likely to stand alone as their own faction (the only Cardassian's that still have Dominion allies are the True Way, which are definitely in the 'evil' category as well).
    dark4blood wrote: »
    November '15 -- Take a break, fix bugs, add more sub-races and ships to already existing factions. Increase the quantity of lockbox ship choices. Fix bugs, fix bugs, fix bugs. I can not emphasize this enough. By this time playable race types should at least be above 60. This will make the Universe seem like a Universe. Keep adding unique ships and gear for Winter Events.

    I really like the idea of adding a bunch of races, I had some ideas for a few recently.
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dark4blood wrote: »
    Cryptic asked several blogs and interviews ago what do players want this year and how can they improve on current and future gameplay of STO.
    You're right, they asked, and everyone (or rather, most people) said a Romulan Faction. We essentially got half of our request. I'd stretch to 66.6% of it, but we never got the full whack.

    I tried the Romulans, created a character and I enjoyed the missions. But end-game, it's too much like playing a Federation or Klingon and as such, I'm soon to be deleting him. Cryptic said that they were going to see how players bought in to the Romulan Faction and that they'd improve on it if there was a call to do so. As far as I'm concerned, that's complete bull. They can't undo half the things they've set up within the faction anymore, thus I don't truly believe we're ever going to get any actual fully independent Romulans. because of that, I refuse to play as them. The same will go for other factions if they're released the same way.
    dark4blood wrote: »
    April '14 -- Increase current level to Full Admiral, and expand Lower Rear Admiral and Upper Rear admiral to a full 10 levels so that gear at these levels makes more sense. Add Mk XIII-Mk XV gear. See previous blog about gear progresson.
    I hate this idea. It's bad enough that the Universe is full of Admirals already (when we should all be Captains).
    dark4blood wrote: »
    November '14 -- Start beginning of adding Cardassian/Dominion faction. Consider having current Romulan faction splinter that supports the Tal Shiar, but do not add the complete faction yet just the Embassy and Splinter Starbases...why because people will love it.
    Neither of this will happen. The Romulan content is already too integrated into the FED&KDF, and there is no logic to merge the Cardassians and Dominion for round #2.
    dark4blood wrote: »
    June '15 -- Add the complete Cardassian/Dominion faction, and add the Starbase from the beginning. People will not complain as much about the grind as they will about it being a nerfed faction, this has been seen with the Romulan launch. While grinding is bad, a nerfed faction is worse.
    As Above.
    dark4blood wrote: »
    November '15 -- Take a break, fix bugs, add more sub-races and ships to already existing factions. This will make the Universe seem like a Universe. Keep adding unique ships and gear for Winter Events.
    bugs should be a top priority now, not to be addressed after they've released a whole bunch of other items that are bugged.
  • darkstriverdarkstriver Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Create an STO 2 with a far better engine than this one that they also used for Champions Online. Make the game far more immersed and Trek-like with a sand-box style gameplay to the galaxy, something far better than Eve Online and easier to use. No zones, just one whole galaxy to move realistically through space at warp whatever. Apply everything that was, is, and will be Star trek in the new game.

    Just an idea. Doubt it would ever come to pass.
  • carasucia83carasucia83 Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Create an STO 2 with a far better engine than this one that they also used for Champions Online. Make the game far more immersed and Trek-like with a sand-box style gameplay to the galaxy, something far better than Eve Online and easier to use. No zones, just one whole galaxy to move realistically through space at warp whatever. Apply everything that was, is, and will be Star trek in the new game.

    Just an idea. Doubt it would ever come to pass.

    In other words, STO should be turned from a Blue (good guys) versus Red (bad guys) reskinned superhero theme park game with spaceships, into an actual Star Trek game.

    I totally agree. My level 50 characters have very little need to actually go...

    boldly or otherwise....


    I may be a member of the 'level 50, rep maxed, and kinda bored of most of the content' club, but I do like this game for what it is. I have followed the progress and development of this game since before Cryptic got a hold of it and I really think they did very well to get it out at all, all things considered.

    In all honesty however, it's my honest opinion that this game is 'Star Trek' in name only. While everything looks Trek, any fan who takes a step back will see that outside of the background story, it's not actually a Star Trek game, but rather a game with a Star Trek skin, and anyone who is not a fan, simply won't care.
    "So my fun is wrong?"

    No. Your fun makes everyone else's fun wrong by default.
  • sortofsortof Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    No for quantitative improvements, yes for qualitative ones.

    Hence, I could not care less for MKXIII-MKXV gear, or new levels. If these are introduced, a whole new endgame is needed, existing content is already easy, does not need extra levels or better gear.
    Same, I could not care less for new factions. They just add another timesink, and make you do the same old stuff all over again.

    The doff system, starbases, reputation, these were all new systems, unforseen, and great.
    I want something that adds a new game mechanics, elements, while it is still organically linked to the existing ones.
    Whatever we deny or embrace, we belong togheter./ Pat Benatar
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