Well with the end of the featured episode rerun coming up I must say I'm rather annoyed, or perhaps very upset that the Helix lobi marker in the last episode of the Breen arc is still UNATAINABLE under a mountain. I've been back several times hoping it had gotten fixed but sadly it still has not and now it looks like this will be one accolade that remains impossible to finish in my list. Just make the darn Lobi tradable between characters on the account because if this is the lobi crystal type events you keep mentioning will come back from time to time it does no good when its broken and aggravating as heck. Initially I thought this was great, now that I have a Romulan character who hadn't done the scavenger hunt yet, well looks like it still hasn't since I can't get to the thing...
It is being fixed with this morning's patch, so you should have around 24 or so hours from the time maintenance is complete to collect the accolade. We apologize that it took longer to fix, and are happy you have been enjoying the rerun event on your Romulan. We hope to see you in-game after maintenance!
I'd say it would be better to extend the re-run through the weekend. I am thinking more for those who have limited playtime here and set aside a certain time for it.
Personally I can go for it later on when the servers are back up therefore an extension would mean nothing to me.
I just ran this, the helix has been moved out of the big rock but can't be interacted with. Perhaps an activator wasn't moved. Wouldn't it have just been easier to remove the new rock? Anyone else got it to work?
Brandon =/\=
Personally I can go for it later on when the servers are back up therefore an extension would mean nothing to me.