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some ideas for improving the multi vector attack paterns

cybershadow1cybershadow1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
I found the multi-vector attack patterns somewhat lacking in terms of functionality and usability.

the two major flaws i see are the slow response time of the segments and the ease with which they can get distracted by other targets.

in all both flaws result from the inability of the player to give orders to the segments such as telling them what target to attack or when to fly around on their own and when to fly in a tight formation.

the current implementation relies entirely on a sluggish AI that frequently gets distracted by distant targets and is incapable of any kind of evasive maneuvering or matching speed with the main segment.

my idea to fix this issue is to integrate ground combat npc controls to the segments in space.

basically when this module is engaged i think that the automated segments should show up in the side bar just like bridge officers do during ground missions with buttons for designating targets and a toggle to change from independent attacks to a tight delta formation where the segments follow the main section mirroring all maneuvers and focusing only on the main target and or providing covering fire against heavy ordanance.

additionally the weaponry used by the segments should be type adjusted based on the equipt modules for example if your weapons are all plasma the segments would use plasma beams or if your using tetryon the segments gain tetryon beams. basically whatever type has the highest percentage of your total DPS will be the type the segments use

Post edited by cybershadow1 on


  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think it works fine as it is, the one change I would do is to have an option to not get the pets but get the console effect. Basically I hate that a nice looking ship becomes 3 ugly parts, I'd rather forego the part's extra dps if I can keep the ship looking whole.
  • cybershadow1cybershadow1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i disagree with your comment while the mode does in fact work the ability to force the segments to attack a certain target or break off the attack all together has many additional tactical advantages. just because your rely heavily on the AI doesn't mean this is not an inconvenience for those of us who prefer elaborate maneuvers

    also your idea about not separating the ship defeats the entire purpose of the module and it goes against official Star Trek Canon

  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I also would like the same commands we currently have for ground pets applied to space ones. The carrier commands are broken, and the AI is awfull.

    All we realy need for our pets are two mods, 'attack what ever I am currently attacking', and 'follow me and stop firing'. a 'Go kill that' command and a 'Pick a heading and fly away as fast as you can' command would be nice as well but I would settle for the first two.
  • cybershadow1cybershadow1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    tbh i wouldn't mind the lack of control if the multivector pets actually tried to follow your lead. worst is during the borg missions when i am attacking a sphere and both pets fly directly towards the nearest cube and get killed in seconds.

  • cybershadow1cybershadow1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i am surprised there isn't more interest in improving this interface

  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well, it's always been an issue, and nerfs to sci abilities have left even the fleet version of the MVAE struggling to compete with the Bugs, Defiants, and Andorians. Since only people who are flying the ship will notice the problems, well, you can see where this is going.
  • cybershadow1cybershadow1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i do understand forum posts are frequently shot down simply because people don't see how something is relevant to them and personally i find the whole practice disgusting if people don't care one way or they other they should not feel compelled to post.

    but to be honest i believe this issue is a bit more relevant than it seems as the same issues that plague the multivector pets also plague all combat pets and even fighters from carriers.

  • cybershadow1cybershadow1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    this topic also effects saucer separation BTW

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