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Buffs needed for BoP's & Raptors

oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Klingon Discussion
As many of us knows by now that the current line of Fleet BoP's and Fleet Raptors are obsolete for the offensive role they suppose to be in. even though i'm still flying my Fleet B'rel Reftrofit as a cloaked torpedo ship with great effect in PvP. the Fleet Hoh'SuS and Fleet Norgh don't have that luxury of a Enhance Battle Cloak and they have virtually near the same stats of that of the Fleet B'rel, but they have to decloak to fight it out in combat with a weak hull rating and shield mod they have to make up for speed but lack firepower for that role now (maybe except the Hoh'sus). while it's not the defense i'm concern with the Fleet BoP's (BoP's are Hit & Run ships) and Raptors, it's the lack of offense compare to Fleet Federation Escorts and Fleet Romulan Warbird frigate types which have more tactical slots and can out dps all BoP's and Raptors, in the case of BoP's, they have 1 less boff slot so they can't stack 1 more Boff with another space trait which is something that the Romulan is superior to both Feds and KDF which their boff's could have 2 space traits for each Boff (Romulan & Reman), for example a Romulan player could have 5 boff with a Superior Operative which can stack a total of 10% Crit, 25% Crit Sec and 75% Cloak Cooldown time and on top they can stack 5 Subterfuge traits along with that. as for the KDF and Fed, the KDF only have letheans that have a space trait to only increase lower power levels same for fed Saurian, while the Human space traits is leadership that can regen hull and some other thing which nowhere near as effective to Rommie space traits overall.

I want Cryptic to upgrade the BoP's and Raptors, because far as i seen right now they're dropping out of favor with KDF players for Cruisers, Carriers and Lock Box ships.

So if anyone reading this from Cryptic (which i hope, but doubt) i would like them to consider these options for the current and future line of Fleet BoP's & Raptors. (in my opinion)

- Add Extra aft weapon slot to all current Fleet BoP's
- Add Ensign universal station to all Fleet BoP's (so they could use more boff with space traits) or convert the 2nd Lt. boff Uni station into another Lt. Com boff Uni station (like Fleet Norgh) to all Fleet BoP's can use 1 more extra ability (while the fleet norgh already have this they should need a 10th console)
- Add 5 tactical console ships to future KDF Fleet Raptors and some Fleet BoP's and maybe consider adding 5 fore weapon slots as well
- Consider adding a battle cloak for Raptors (to remain competitive to Romulan Warbirds and not to mention their turn rate is slightly inferior to fed escorts)
- Give KDF and Fed future BOff's more space traits like they give 3 effective space traits to many Romulan and Reman BOff's (KDF needs offensive boff space traits, and Fed with Defensive ones)

that's all i can think of for now, i want to read further opinions from others.

Dahar Master Yanin Vismitananda / IKS Shenyang / Fleet B'rel BoP Retrofit / Red Scorpions
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  • edited June 2013
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  • kapla1755kapla1755 Member Posts: 1,249
    edited June 2013
    Make a T5 retrofit of the Qaw'Dun bird-of-prey


    Boff stations
    weapons 4/2
    Hull 23k
    Shield mod 0.9
    Devices XX
    Turn 21
    Impulse mod .20
    Inertia 80

    Battle Cloak
    +15 to Auxillary
    Sensor Anaylsis
    *Special sci type console (possibly part of 2pc set using the T2 ships Shield Destabilizer console)

    Fleet Qaw'Dun (available at T3 shipyard)

    weapons 4/2
    Hull 25k
    Shield mod 1.0
    Devices XX
    Turn 21
    Impulse mod .20
    Inertia 80

    Battle Cloak
    +15 to Auxillary
    Sensor Anaylsis

    Personally I'd buy it in a heartbeat, especially since buying a T5 would make the Fleet version only cost 1 ship module. If a useful special console (especially with a 2pc bonus like romulan sets) could be though up then potentially sales would be:

    750 zen T2 ship
    2500 zen T5 ship
    500 zen ship module
    3750 zen total

    If its in a T3 shipyard possibly a lot of quick sales even my small fleet is T3 working on T4 so I imagine other KDF fleets are at T3+ by now.

    My 2 nickels :D (inflation you know :P)
    Good Hunting
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    5 fwd gun Fleet


    Nothing else will do !
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yeah a lot of the BOPs and Raptors need a pass over, some of them haven't been touched like the hegh'ta and the power creep in game is making them fall behind as time goes on. Don't restrict it to just fleet ships either, the Tier 5 ships need some love to!

    Though for now BOP users can get around it somewhat if you have access to the vet ship, it has that extra bridge seat and has greater shields and hull while retaining the battlecloak. The turn rate is not as good as a BoP but its not a hindrance in the hands of a skilled BOP pilot.
  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    As many of us knows by now that the current line of Fleet BoP's and Fleet Raptors are obsolete for the offensive role they suppose to be in. even though i'm still flying my Fleet B'rel Reftrofit as a cloaked torpedo ship with great effect in PvP. the Fleet Hoh'SuS and Fleet Norgh don't have that luxury of a Enhance Battle Cloak and they have virtually near the same stats of that of the Fleet B'rel, but they have to decloak to fight it out in combat with a weak hull rating and shield mod they have to make up for speed but lack firepower for that role now (maybe except the Hoh'sus). while it's not the defense i'm concern with the Fleet BoP's (BoP's are Hit & Run ships) and Raptors, it's the lack of offense compare to Fleet Federation Escorts and Fleet Romulan Warbird frigate types which have more tactical slots and can out dps all BoP's and Raptors, in the case of BoP's, they have 1 less boff slot so they can't stack 1 more Boff with another space trait which is something that the Romulan is superior to both Feds and KDF which their boff's could have 2 space traits for each Boff (Romulan & Reman), for example a Romulan player could have 5 boff with a Superior Operative which can stack a total of 10% Crit, 25% Crit Sec and 75% Cloak Cooldown time and on top they can stack 5 Subterfuge traits along with that. as for the KDF and Fed, the KDF only have letheans that have a space trait to only increase lower power levels same for fed Saurian, while the Human space traits is leadership that can regen hull and some other thing which nowhere near as effective to Rommie space traits overall.

    I want Cryptic to upgrade the BoP's and Raptors, because far as i seen right now they're dropping out of favor with KDF players for Cruisers, Carriers and Lock Box ships.

    So if anyone reading this from Cryptic (which i hope, but doubt) i would like them to consider these options for the current and future line of Fleet BoP's & Raptors. (in my opinion)

    - Add Extra aft weapon slot to all current Fleet BoP's
    - Add Ensign universal station to all Fleet BoP's (so they could use more boff with space traits) or convert the 2nd Lt. boff Uni station into another Lt. Com boff Uni station (like Fleet Norgh) to all Fleet BoP's can use 1 more extra ability (while the fleet norgh already have this they should need a 10th console)
    - Add 5 tactical console ships to future KDF Fleet Raptors and some Fleet BoP's and maybe consider adding 5 fore weapon slots as well
    - Consider adding a battle cloak for Raptors (to remain competitive to Romulan Warbirds and not to mention their turn rate is slightly inferior to fed escorts)
    - Give KDF and Fed future BOff's more space traits like they give 3 effective space traits to many Romulan and Reman BOff's (KDF needs offensive boff space traits, and Fed with Defensive ones)

    that's all i can think of for now, i want to read further opinions from others.

    Dahar Master Yanin Vismitananda / IKS Shenyang / Fleet B'rel BoP Retrofit / Red Scorpions

    I agree with the above and I would like to see a true KDF sci ship.
    Regardless, all current BoPs/Raptors require a buff to be even remotely comparable with the new Rom ships.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I agree. I have long felt the Raider class is in need of a balance pass.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I don't play KDF 95% of the time, but I'll give you this!
    Voporak Seal of Approval
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • bubblygumsworthbubblygumsworth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My Fleet Hoh'Sus does fine. Lets leave all of the "pls buff this" threads to the fed crybabies.

    We are missing an Andorian equivalent escort though.
    I drink, I vote, and I PvP!
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My Fleet Hoh'Sus does fine. Lets leave all of the "pls buff this" threads to the fed crybabies.

    We are missing an Andorian equivalent escort though.

    We do have an equivalent to Andorian ships... the underpowered Raptors, which the class itself need an offsensive buff to begin with since the release of superior Fed fleet escorts. compared to the higher Tier 5 Feds Escorts and Rom Warbird Frigates at this time in STO, the Raptors are nothing more of a joke for a design that suppose to be comparable to the Fed Escorts and which is why this thread is brought up to begin with. besides how many KDF BoP's or Raptors have 5 tactical consoles or 5 foward weapon slots... NONE!!! and this is from a race that suppose to have more heavily armed ships.
  • edited June 2013
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  • rezkingrezking Member Posts: 1,109 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Feds don't cry for a buff or "fix", they demand an entirely new ship that's even more OP.
    AND they get it.
    I'm sure, in the name of fairplay, Cryptic can buff BoPs and Raptors to match the Feds/Roms.
    NO to ARC
    RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
  • dova25dova25 Member Posts: 475
    edited June 2013
    Unfortunately always federation escorts were better than kdf's raptors.Even before LoR the best "raptor" in game was the fleet tactical retrofit.Then came the kumari who became the most powerfull escort in game DPS speaking.
    The plasmonic leech somehow balanced a little the things giving more power to kdf ships but after LOR the imbalance get worse because federation escorts can all have leech.
    LoR brought battlecloaks to all romulan ships and huge shield mods/hull compared to equivalent kdf ships.If we compare romulan "bop" with my fleet raptor aka escort ,t'varo is better by far.
    Federation players already got plasmonic leech from LOR so federation faction was already buffed now it is time that kdf faction get buffed too.
    "There already is a Borg faction, its called the Federation. They assimilate everyone else's technology and remove any biological or technical distinctiveness and add it to their own."
    I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    I agree. I have long felt the Raider class is in need of a balance pass.

    Agreed , one of the best ships we have raider wise is limited to LTS/long time vets in the form of the Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer, it has a better hull and shield rating than the bops, almost comparable to the raptor has the extra BO station and battle cloak.

    It doesn't turn so well compared to a BoP but it still is pretty good.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My T'varo makes BoPs look huuge by comparison

    and it has 4/3 hard-points
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    zipagat wrote: »
    Agreed , one of the best ships we have raider wise is limited to LTS/long time vets in the form of the Peghqu' Heavy Destroyer, it has a better hull and shield rating than the bops, almost comparable to the raptor has the extra BO station and battle cloak.

    It doesn't turn so well compared to a BoP but it still is pretty good.

    The best escort we have that's widely available is the Fleet Scourge, and it doesn't have a cloaking device. It's a non-Klingon destroyer. Even then, it's not quite the equivalent of the Fleet Patrol Escort. The KDF has been short-changed when it comes to escorts.

    If they would just PERMANENTLY eliminate the accursed turnpoint-axis issue for the Raptors, that alone would be a welcome improvement. That issue is one of the things crippling the class when it comes to PvP, at least. I don't even know why the issue exists to begin with, since Raptors aren't even a cruiser/escort hybrid like the Chel Grett or the LTS ships.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • borgressistanceborgressistance Member Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i'm not gonna start about the"we need a buff for oure bops" madness here, but i wanna ask 1 thing:

    most klingon players say, that they are not happy with ( in there eye's) the crossfaction packs that give the feds the so called "good"stuff, and give's the kdf the "bad"stuff.
    they ask for faction specific console's and ships.

    why are some people here, whining about the fact, that the kdf doesnt have a 5 forward weapon raptor, or tac console ship?

    isnt that the same "stealing"as the feds get acused of??

    if people want to keep factions different, why does the "mighty"empire demand a 5 weapon or console ship??

    does it give the feds the right, to get a build in cloack on there defiants? or phase shifting cloack on ohthers?

    i just dont get it, its like most people are looking trough colored glasses they like.

    just a qeustion tho...
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i'm not gonna start about the"we need a buff for oure bops" madness here, but i wanna ask 1 thing:

    most klingon players say, that they are not happy with ( in there eye's) the crossfaction packs that give the feds the so called "good"stuff, and give's the kdf the "bad"stuff.
    they ask for faction specific console's and ships.

    why are some people here, whining about the fact, that the kdf doesnt have a 5 forward weapon raptor, or tac console ship?

    isnt that the same "stealing"as the feds get acused of??

    if people want to keep factions different, why does the "mighty"empire demand a 5 weapon or console ship??

    does it give the feds the right, to get a build in cloack on there defiants? or phase shifting cloack on ohthers?

    i just dont get it, its like most people are looking trough colored glasses they like.

    just a qeustion tho...

    Because Feds have whined and wanted KDF things in the past and gotten them, without wanting the drawbacks.

    For example, for a very long time, there was tons and tons and tons of whining about KDF having carriers, and carrier spam, etc etc. So...the Feds then got the Atrox. And eventually the HEC.

    In turn, the KDF has received nothing in return as more and more unique combat advantages are simply given to the Feds (and more recently the Romulans).

    And yes, the KDF is getting 'bad consoles' because most of the lower tiered Fed consoles aren't that good. They are generally more defensively-built (in the philosophy of the Federation), but usually tend to not be as good or actually useful. (Yes there are exceptions) In turn, the 'OP' KDF consoles, the ones that are usually whined on and on about, like AA, PL, etc, have almost all been traded for those lackluster consoles.

    The reason things like a 5 tac-console Raptor is asked for, is because some KDF players figure, if they are going to have all three factions be so 'equalized' in terms of tactics by letting anyone do anything, then at least allow the KDF to have ships on-par with all these other new ships the other factions have.

    The Federation has the Fleet Defiant, Fleet MVAE, and Tac Kumari for 5 tac console escorts, while the Romulans have the Fleet T'varo and the Fleet...Ha'feh? Or was it the Dhe'lan? Can't remember.

    Klingons have the tactical Bortas, that is their ONLY 5 tac-console ship, and the Bortas was probably the worst KDF C-store ship ever (I like it, but lack of sales are still a lack of sales). As such, they haven't given ANY C-store ships to the KDF-side since (Fleet ships don't count).

    Besides all that, it boggles me that there's no 5 tac-console raptor from the faction that is MOST suited towards warships and such in general. FAR more than the Federation or Romulans. Romulans I can understand, but not so much the Federation, and yet the KDF-side is the most lacking of decent C-store and fleet ships of all three.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    Because Feds have whined and wanted KDF things in the past and gotten them, without wanting the drawbacks.

    For example, for a very long time, there was tons and tons and tons of whining about KDF having carriers, and carrier spam, etc etc. So...the Feds then got the Atrox. And eventually the HEC.

    In turn, the KDF has received nothing in return as more and more unique combat advantages are simply given to the Feds (and more recently the Romulans).

    And yes, the KDF is getting 'bad consoles' because most of the lower tiered Fed consoles aren't that good. They are generally more defensively-built (in the philosophy of the Federation), but usually tend to not be as good or actually useful. (Yes there are exceptions) In turn, the 'OP' KDF consoles, the ones that are usually whined on and on about, like AA, PL, etc, have almost all been traded for those lackluster consoles.

    The reason things like a 5 tac-console Raptor is asked for, is because some KDF players figure, if they are going to have all three factions be so 'equalized' in terms of tactics by letting anyone do anything, then at least allow the KDF to have ships on-par with all these other new ships the other factions have.

    The Federation has the Fleet Defiant, Fleet MVAE, and Tac Kumari for 5 tac console escorts, while the Romulans have the Fleet T'varo and the Fleet...Ha'feh? Or was it the Dhe'lan? Can't remember.

    Klingons have the tactical Bortas, that is their ONLY 5 tac-console ship, and the Bortas was probably the worst KDF C-store ship ever (I like it, but lack of sales are still a lack of sales). As such, they haven't given ANY C-store ships to the KDF-side since (Fleet ships don't count).

    Besides all that, it boggles me that there's no 5 tac-console raptor from the faction that is MOST suited towards warships and such in general. FAR more than the Federation or Romulans. Romulans I can understand, but not so much the Federation, and yet the KDF-side is the most lacking of decent C-store and fleet ships of all three.

    Pretty much this. If Cryptic had left our consoles, carriers, and ship concepts the hell alone, we'd have far less cause to 'demand' the good Federation stuff. Cryptic has been watering down the differences between the factions for a long time.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i'm not gonna start about the"we need a buff for oure bops" madness here, but i wanna ask 1 thing:

    most klingon players say, that they are not happy with ( in there eye's) the crossfaction packs that give the feds the so called "good"stuff, and give's the kdf the "bad"stuff.
    they ask for faction specific console's and ships.

    why are some people here, whining about the fact, that the kdf doesnt have a 5 forward weapon raptor, or tac console ship?

    isnt that the same "stealing"as the feds get acused of??

    if people want to keep factions different, why does the "mighty"empire demand a 5 weapon or console ship??

    does it give the feds the right, to get a build in cloack on there defiants? or phase shifting cloack on ohthers?

    i just dont get it, its like most people are looking trough colored glasses they like.

    just a qeustion tho...

    It's a good question if you're not that familiar with the last 3 years of history.
    So I think you are not...which is no shame or problem.

    As the game launched, both sides were rather different.
    Starlfeet had escorts, science ships and cruisers.
    KDF had Raptors, BoPs, battlecruisers and a carrier (as in "one").
    At max level, this meant Starfleet had the DSSV and RSV, the Star& Assault Cruiser and the Advanced& Parol Escort (which was back then called Fleet Escort).

    KDF had the Qin Raptor, the Hegh'ta BoP, the Negh'var and the Vo'quv.
    So Starfleet had more ships overall but only in 3 categories.

    The first ship added to the game was the Dreadnought cruiser.
    But back then it was not available throught the C-Store but you had to recruit other plaers to buy the game an stay on for another month through subscription.
    Had you done that with 5 people, you got the ship.
    Now, for one thing the only reward available was the Galaxy-X, no reward for the KDF side.
    An alternative reward for them was "investigated" for a while but nothing ever came of it.
    So the first ship added to the game after launch was a Fed ship with a cloaking device...whcih actually went against the game's own backstory in "The Path to 2409", which included a line that the president had banned cloaking tech via executive order.

    The next ships added were the first three retrofits: the Galaxy-R, the Intrepid-R and the Defiant-R...with the Defiant given a cloaking device.

    The basic tenor back then was "you still have BoPs and carriers, so shut up...and give us carriers and add a battlecloak to the Defiant"...which makes perfect sense since the Raptors don't have one...

    This went on and while there were numerous ideas what faction-specific solutions could be added to the game without copying from the other side (like Raptor-based scouts) the KDF eventually got the Gorn Varanus, which is essentially a DSSV.
    While it's a nice ship, it was not what anyone asked for, but it was appearently easier to add this than a unique solution.

    Then the tenor on the forums was "well, when the KDF take 'our' science shipsaway from us, we can have carriers to make it even again" etc.

    So what's left?
    Faction-unique ideas are ignored and we end up with copies of what the others have anyway.

    Personally, I don't want an escort with 5 fwd weapon slots, I'd prefer a 5/3 battlecruiser.
    It should be different enough...
  • stevehalestevehale Member Posts: 437
    edited June 2013
    I'd like to see Raptor variants get a 10th console slot and a couple of points to boost their turn rate (pivot point still feels funny). A few better customization features wouldn't hurt it either, but that's not really top priority.

    All those weak BoPs sure seem to do pretty well though. Sometimes the weak players don't fair so well but the ship itself is as fun and is as effective as you make it. BoPs offer a play style all their own and too much of an alteration runs the risk of turning it into any other bland gun boat.
    Foundry: Yet Another Borg Mission
    It's terrible but easy, and these Borg are way cooler than the mess STO and Voyager left us.
    May not actually be "way" cooler or even "slightly" cooler.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i'm not gonna start about the"we need a buff for oure bops" madness here, but i wanna ask 1 thing:

    most klingon players say, that they are not happy with ( in there eye's) the crossfaction packs that give the feds the so called "good"stuff, and give's the kdf the "bad"stuff.
    they ask for faction specific console's and ships.

    why are some people here, whining about the fact, that the kdf doesnt have a 5 forward weapon raptor, or tac console ship?

    isnt that the same "stealing"as the feds get acused of??

    if people want to keep factions different, why does the "mighty"empire demand a 5 weapon or console ship??

    does it give the feds the right, to get a build in cloack on there defiants? or phase shifting cloack on ohthers?

    i just dont get it, its like most people are looking trough colored glasses they like.

    just a qeustion tho...

    The fact is those Fed consoles selected by Cryptic on the lock boxes for the KDF DO suck while they put out the best KDF ones for Feds, if u ever been in PvP u will see Feds players constantly using subspace jumps and plasmonic leech consoles while no KDF players would even touch the useless Fed consoles that Cryptic gave us.

    What's wrong with any KDF ship having a 5 Fore weapon slot on a Raptor or BoP, U might as well accused the Feds or KDF stole the Cruiser/Battle Cruiser 4 Fore/4 Aft or the Escort/Raptor 4 Fore/3 Aft weapon set up from each other.

    We already know the Feds have three 5 Tactical consoles escorts, while the Romulans also already have two 5 tactical console ships on their frigate type Warbirds and they just barely came out, soo the KDF should not have any of their Raider/Raptor types with 5 tactical consoles???

    U might already forget or u was not playing STO at the time, that the first 5 tac console ship availible to get in a faction was the KDF Tactical Bortasqu' this is b4 the Fleet system even came out... So isn't the feds copying KDF. (leaving out the Jem'hadar attack ship since it's a lock box ship)

    The fact is Fed players complain far alot and they get the stuff they demanded, while KDF players ask for new ships and other stuff like new outfits, etc. we get nothing at all or a few useless things, they did not even bother fixing the Tier 4 marauding Boff customize bug while the fed can customize their diplomatic boff's, we can't do to ours, and this is since the Doff system came out.

    If people want to keep factions different, why does the ''Mighty'' Federation ask for our universal consoles is the real question, as for 5 fore weapon ships and consoles i already explained above.

    Tell u the truth i rather see the Defiant/Galaxy-X with a standard passive cloaking device, not a console that can't be used on any other Fed ship which makes no sense.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,909 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    kapla1755 wrote: »
    Make a T5 retrofit of the Qaw'Dun bird-of-prey


    Boff stations
    weapons 4/2
    Hull 23k
    Shield mod 0.9
    Devices XX
    Turn 21
    Impulse mod .20
    Inertia 80

    Battle Cloak
    +15 to Auxillary
    Sensor Anaylsis
    *Special sci type console (possibly part of 2pc set using the T2 ships Shield Destabilizer console)

    Fleet Qaw'Dun (available at T3 shipyard)

    weapons 4/2
    Hull 25k
    Shield mod 1.0
    Devices XX
    Turn 21
    Impulse mod .20
    Inertia 80

    Battle Cloak
    +15 to Auxillary
    Sensor Anaylsis

    Personally I'd buy it in a heartbeat, especially since buying a T5 would make the Fleet version only cost 1 ship module. If a useful special console (especially with a 2pc bonus like romulan sets) could be though up then potentially sales would be:

    750 zen T2 ship
    2500 zen T5 ship
    500 zen ship module
    3750 zen total

    If its in a T3 shipyard possibly a lot of quick sales even my small fleet is T3 working on T4 so I imagine other KDF fleets are at T3+ by now.

    My 2 nickels :D (inflation you know :P)
    Good Hunting

    Bah! Not that ugly piece of junk! If they're gonna make a new fleet BoP make it a Hegh'ta!

    To the OP...I was with you on the first line of adds till you just went really greedy, yes they could use a 5 tac raptor or some other escort but you sound like you're jealous of romulans and want everything they have and more.

    I'd like to know where all of these Romulan boffs with 3 space traits are...I've yet to see or be given one.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Bah! Not that ugly piece of junk! If they're gonna make a new fleet BoP make it a Hegh'ta!

    To the OP...I was with you on the first line of adds till you just went really greedy, yes they could use a 5 tac raptor or some other escort but you sound like you're jealous of romulans and want everything they have and more.

    I'd like to know where all of these Romulan boffs with 3 space traits are...I've yet to see or be given one.

    Have u NOT been playing a Romulan... they do have 3 space traits with each BOff can have 2 traits each, i will put it this way in this order

    Romulan Boff

    * Operative or Superior Operative traits
    + Crit & Crit Sev % Bonus
    + Reduce Cloak Cooldown

    * Subterfuge Trait
    + Cloaking Effect
    + Defense
    + Damage After Leaving Cloak

    Reman Boff

    * Infiltrator or Superior Infiltrator Traits
    + Cloak Stealth
    + Defense
    + Ambush Duration

    * Subterfuge Trait
    + Cloaking Effect
    + Defense
    + Damage After Leaving Cloak

    And All those can stack its stats on top of each other

    How can i be jealous of the Rom faction when one of my main characters is a Romulan.
    The fact is the Romulans do have OP Boff traits when the Feds and KDF Boff have nothing that can compare it to (Efficent sucks and Leadership is not much useful at all)

    KDF and Feds do need a new generation of Boff's with unique Space Traits that can atleast compare to the Romulan ones.
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    stevehale wrote: »
    I'd like to see Raptor variants get a 10th console slot and a couple of points to boost their turn rate (pivot point still feels funny). A few better customization features wouldn't hurt it either, but that's not really top priority.

    All those weak BoPs sure seem to do pretty well though. Sometimes the weak players don't fair so well but the ship itself is as fun and is as effective as you make it. BoPs offer a play style all their own and too much of an alteration runs the risk of turning it into any other bland gun boat.

    I would agree that the BoPs don't necessarily need a hull or shield buff. Their losses in those fields force players to be a little inventive with their builds, or just use hit-and-run tactics.

    What I, a BoP enthusiast, would really like to see buffed on the BoPs is their impulse modifier (it's .20, exactly the same as almost every other escort out there, with the exception of the Steamrunner and the JHAS, and maybe 1-2 other ships I'm forgetting about). So, boost our impulse mod to .21 or .22 so that we gain more speed tanking and can truly be faster and more maneuverable than Federation escorts. A buff to the battlecloaks might be nice, in the form of a boost to the defensive values or something.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • kdfrulzfeddroolzkdfrulzfeddroolz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just showing my support for BoPs of all types they all seriously need a buff up.

    We took paper thin hulls, small crew sizes, limited slots and consoles, with low shield modifiers for the privilege of a cloaking ship. We played them for years that way with everyone saying "Well you're the only ones who can battle cloak/hit and run so shut up about how fragile they are."

    There's nothing unique about them anymore with all the the OP FED escorts and the battle cloaking Romulan Warbirds not to mention lockbox ships, they've fallen way behind the pack in the power creep going on.

    BoPs definitely need a boost up IMO, I miss flying my beloved Haj' Heavy BoP - it would be nice to see an improved version so it can be competitive again.

    I'd also like to see the Ch'Tang model offered as an alternate skin for the Hoh'sus, not a fan personally of that design.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,909 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Have u NOT been playing a Romulan... they do have 3 space traits with each BOff can have 2 traits each, i will put it this way in this order

    Romulan Boff

    * Operative or Superior Operative traits
    + Crit & Crit Sev % Bonus
    + Reduce Cloak Cooldown

    * Subterfuge Trait
    + Cloaking Effect
    + Defense
    + Damage After Leaving Cloak

    Reman Boff

    * Infiltrator or Superior Infiltrator Traits
    + Cloak Stealth
    + Defense
    + Ambush Duration

    * Subterfuge Trait
    + Cloaking Effect
    + Defense
    + Damage After Leaving Cloak

    And All those can stack its stats on top of each other

    How can i be jealous of the Rom faction when one of my main characters is a Romulan.
    The fact is the Romulans do have OP Boff traits when the Feds and KDF Boff have nothing that can compare it to (Efficent sucks and Leadership is not much useful at all)

    KDF and Feds do need a new generation of Boff's with unique Space Traits that can atleast compare to the Romulan ones.

    There is a difference between three space traits and one trait that offers small bonuses to three things.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    While they're under the hood if they could take a look at the store bought Intrepid as well because no one flies those at all due to it's extreme weakness in both the boff slots and the defense it has. It gets instabombed every time it's in a borg mission or a TD RA easily. I'd like to see them fix this ship so it's just as desireable as the rest.
  • oakland4lifeoakland4life Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    There is a difference between three space traits and one trait that offers small bonuses to three things.

    Does not change the fact that the Romulans faction have superior BOff's to give them an edge in space combat with 2 traits per boff with 1 Superior and 1 Basic that stacks up while the KDF and Fed faction could only use 1 Basic to stack (Efficient or Leadership trait) which is TRIBBLE compare to the subterfuge trait which works very well for Rommie Warbirds.

    So that leaves the indigenous KDF/Fed boff's no good space traits to even fight agianst Rom faction ones, unless Klingon or Fed players get rommie boff's from the embassy which like the KDF/fed boff's only have 1 trait each, either way Romulans could have 2 times more traits stacked which have superior and basic opposed to only KDF/Fed boff's basic's.

    As i said b4 the KDF and Fed needs a new generation of Boff's with any of their own races having their own unique space traits so they don't need any other race that is NOT part of the Klingon Empire or Federation to have space traits for them.
  • ebeneezergoodeebeneezergoode Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The release of the Romulan fleet, and the fact everything can battle cloak with little penalty, is a bit of a slap in the face of the bird of prey. Without giving them something else (like a fith forward weapon) they're pretty pants.

    It's easily justified, most still only have three tactical consoles, and of all ships they perhaps have the most prominent looking weapons, certainly more so than a Kumari. The only reason BoPs are even holding their own is because it's the school of hard knocks; you get good or you stop flying it.

    The K't'inga would also make more sense in a 5/3 setup, as this is the closest proportion to it's lower tier counterpart that's possible. It also makes no sense that for it's tier, the tier 3 one's the most DPS oriented cruiser going, but rather than having an Excelsior equivalent boff layout, they make it a Vor'cha clone.:rolleyes:
  • zeuxidemus001zeuxidemus001 Member Posts: 3,357 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The funny thing as peaceful explorers the federation have atleast 3 of their fleet ship line has more offensive strength than any of the KDF fleet ships. On top of that we only have 1 bop with 4 tact consoles that looks like TRIBBLE (my example of the hoh'sus is a flying gokart).

    However though I would like to see them either revisit these ships to make them more in line with this fed and rom mold they have created. Either give the KDF some new raptors and bops that fall in line with what these other factions have or revisit the stats on the existing ones. Heck even Geko said awhile back we were getting a Negh'Var retrofit which as of yet we have not seen or even heard of any progress on that since it was stated in an interview. Although I knew if we didn't even get any ships this year after the anniversary the stated "not going to be making lethean ships or any non klingon race ships" was going to be an issue since they haven't made anything for the KDF at all where it comes to this new ship mold.

    The only kind of feedback we ever get is the KDF population is not large enough to get their attention or discussing old news about well we gave you guys a ship at anniversary.
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