i have been seeing the pve list change name many times and the reply i get is its a bug. well now it says pornstar,s game on every one of them that is no bug its a hack or exploit i have linked a pic of the pve list
<a href="
http://s1306.photobucket.com/user/kawasakizx10rr/media/GameClient_2013_06_19_01_05_24_286_zps3b40d43a.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="
http://i1306.photobucket.com/albums/s565/kawasakizx10rr/GameClient_2013_06_19_01_05_24_286_zps3b40d43a.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo GameClient_2013_06_19_01_05_24_286_zps3b40d43a.jpg"/></a>