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STO will never be completely functional. Deal With It!



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    zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i feel obliged to also complain here, but everything i feel has already been said better...
    so i will just say


    and http://epicpinterestfail.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/the-campaign-its-a-mess.gif
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    revlotrevlot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If people did not complain then nothing would ever get done...... SO the OP needs to get over their selves, people will always complain, they have the right to do so...... Deal with it!! :P

    A professional accounting of bugs as they appear is appropriate.
    A dramatic expression of dissatisfaction is inappropriate.

    The Developers know that bugs are upsetting to the players. I can guess that bugs are upsetting to the Developers as well. I would hope that they avoid the stress of the forums and concentrate on their work. I honestly believe that they are put out more by the bugs than the players are, for they wish to write good code that works right the first time and does not need to be rewritten. They are not trying to make the players have a bad experience. The bugs are not personal. Under these circumstances, at this time, this is the best that the Developers can do, so this is what we have. It certainly is better than we had before STO was available, and in the future it will be better than it is now. This is the nature of Progress.
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