Is there any way to 'force' a certain Bridge Officer to show up on-screen when a crew member is saying something?
You know, those messages that appear when you're reaching the border of a sector in space, conversations during missions etc...
It must have some way to decide which officer to pick, because it consistently sticks to one particular Officer for 'general' messages, and one for Medical stuff, etc.
So I guess there has to be a way to influence which officer is picked for each 'role', right?
I've tried switching officers around, adding/removing them from the active list and such, but so far it doesn't seem to be affected by;
- Appointed Officers of the Duty Officer system (First Officer, Medical etc).
- Being included (or excluded) in the Away Team.
- The position/order of the active Bridge Officers on the ship.
Does anyone know how to 'trick' the system to show the Officers you want?
The Armada
Original join date: Feb 5, 2010
Twitter: @davejl_99, & @STO_BBArmada