So, I've been playin the game a while now, over 2000 hours logged, but I quit for like a year, and returned recently to see the new romulan expansion and so now I am introduced to the rep system...
Since I was playing my Romulan I started it there and I am starting to become a bit overwhelmed.. I mean, it's not really all that hard but it is taking insane amounts of time. It's ridiculous and, this is just ONE char. I have like 7 more characters at Vice Admiral/LG rank and... there is just no way in hell I am going to be able to tolerate leveling rep on every single one of my toons.
So, I am asking, what does everyone else do? Do you bite the bullet and try to level it on every toon you want to play? Do you want the rep system to be account wide? Or at least, the unique weapon projects to be bound to account instead of character?
I am in favor of the latter suggestions, it seems like a lot to ask to make people level rep on so many characters at the same time. It's just a headache.
Most level rep on a main character and maybe another then when thats complete start on another character but half assed.
The rep system in this game is pure unadultered garbage to tell the truth. They want it to last X number of days to keep people playing but after 1 character it becomes a turnoff. If instead of projects to gain rep the marks were applied to rep automaticaly but only a limited amount per day will add to rep and the rest backlogged. then open not just STF's and other group events add the planet patrols and many small missions into adding rep as well. Still a grind but you can grind STF's a couple times then do a random quick mission or 10 and make enough rep for that day. And ontop of earning rep you earn marks for buying things with no ridiculous projects just to unlock the ability to buy that i personaly will not ever do because they are all either overpriced consumeables or limited amount you can buy or use. Niether is worth the grind to pay for on 1 character much less the 7 I have.
Then you have Dilithium grinding to be able to buy anything thats good! Oh what fun the 8k limit is and how long it takes to get 8k. Try doing that with 7 characters. Oh wait not enough hours in the day to do it. But subscribe and get 500 zen a month and spend that zen to do what.. buy dilithium and keys/mini packs to sell in exchange to get EC which you have no time to grind for.
Need fresh new content to add more things for players to do to lessen the grind? Foundry authors! Some of them are better than Cryptics mission designers 10 fold. 2 monthly contests for foundry missions to become permanenet content, pay the winning designer $500 or $1,000 and include that mission as part of the grind fest. every months 2 fresh permanent new missions and gives players a huge reason to buy a foundry slot! 24 new missions per year and in 2 years there will be enough content for a player to do on 7 characters before having to do repeats. NO repeats is NO GRIND! Plus player created content is a boon for advertising, "You can participate in a contest to create new permanent content and earn $500.00"
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
If you have no life whatsoever, you do the Rep for all your characters.
If you have a limited time to play, choose your fave character and do the Rep for it.
You may think you can do the Rep for them all, but reality will set in.
It would be fair if the Rep system unlocks were account-wide...
NO to ARC RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
I don't see the need to have full t5 rep on every character (I have 17) so I usually get t2 rom and omega rep on them mainly for the passives but also so i can grab mk x ground and space omega sets.
However my main fed and main kdf both have t5 rom and omega rep.
Nukara is a bit different, the passives aren't great imo (I don't pvp) and the marks are quite time consuming to get currently so I'm aiming to get t5 on my main fed but only on him,
Well I can't forget a face but I won't remember y'all.
Bleed Green and Gold
Well, I'm hoping they do make it account bound either the rep, the items or even both (both would be awesome).
In the meantime, I'm using my most advanced (main) char (FED - T5 Rom, T5 omega and T3(?) Nukara) to find which items I really want, so then I can know what to go for on my other chars.
For instance, for the romulan I don't want several ships. I only like D'Deridex class, so I already have a good idea of which items I want. So inspite of still wanting to get to T5 for the passives, I won't be needing to grind marks for every rep. More or less the same for the Klingon toon. I won't be getting romulan items for it.
Making the Rep store items 'Account Bind On Pickup' would solve so many of the problems people have with the reputation system. You still have to unlock the bonuses for each character, if you want them. Right now, having to grind the whole thing, every single time, just to get an item you want, is horrible.
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
Making the Rep store items 'Account Bind On Pickup' would solve so many of the problems people have with the reputation system. You still have to unlock the bonuses for each character, if you want them. Right now, having to grind the whole thing, every single time, just to get an item you want, is horrible.
I'm more in favor of a reputation discount per characters per rank.
IE, you have 1 character at rank 5 Omega, and one at rank 2 Omega. Then all your omega reputation project (or maybe just the one you use to lvlup the rep) would cost 10% + 4% less, 2%/rank/character. Ofc, no lower than a certain amount if you want to.
Honestly, it's a very annoying grind. And it's even worse for the Nukara rep.
Makes you regret the old system, even if it was all about luck.
I'm more in favor of a reputation discount per characters per rank.
IE, you have 1 character at rank 5 Omega, and one at rank 2 Omega. Then all your omega reputation project (or maybe just the one you use to lvlup the rep) would cost 10% + 4% less, 2%/rank/character. Ofc, no lower than a certain amount if you want to.
Honestly, it's a very annoying grind. And it's even worse for the Nukara rep.
Makes you regret the old system, even if it was all about luck.
IMO The costs aren't the problem. It is how time consuming it is. You can get every thing you need for the Daily rep system. I say either go Account wide with every other toon having a T5 Unlock project that would be quite expensive, or reduce the timer on the projects who have already made T5 on another character.
So, I am asking, what does everyone else do? Do you bite the bullet and try to level it on every toon you want to play? D.
No. So far, i've done Rom and Omega to T5 on my main, and since then i've ignored all the Reps except Omega on my other toons. I'm levelling Nukara on my Main and my Rom, but only for the powers - i'm not particularly interested in anything from the rep, besides perhaps the Web Mine launcher.
I'd reccomend doing the Omega rep. If nothing else, it's extremely useful for getting top-end ground gear, with it's own costume unlock, that makes ground STFs much easier. And i'd say they're a good method of getting the marks if you want the Mk XII space sets (costing 1000 Marks per each piece).
The others; Meh. Rom's worth doing for the Hyper-Plasma Torpedo launcher, but i've not seen anything else that I like. Plus, Rom and Nukara marks are much harder to get than Omega marks.
You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
It gets done when it gets done. It's as simple as that, really. It gets done when it gets done. Outside of the possible feeling of need for it in PvP, there's no need for it. So it gets done when it gets done.
I rerolled my guys for S7 (used to reroll every 2-3 weeks before then). Added some after the Winter Event. Added some after the Anniversary. Added a guy with LoR.
Reman (KDF) Sci: 5 days, 6 hours, 35 minutes, 22 seconds.
New Rom T3 32,800
Nukara T3 33,600
Omega T3 32,810
It would be one thing if the stuff was needed to do any content, but since it's not - they're just something to do... uh yeah, it will get done when it gets done. Same will happen when I add more characters down the road. It will get done when it gets done. Same will happen when they add more Rep down the road. It will get done when it gets done.
The biggest problem i have is exp. Not on my main chars but the less played ones surely. Marks are the lesser problem.
Omega marks are the easiest just do any estf and thsts enough for 1-2 days.
Rom marks can easily be gained by epooh tagging but it takes up to 8 days to get things going but after that its easy and only takes about 3-4mins a day for 400 marks every 5 days
Nukara are the most time consuming ones especially when you pug the missions. Vault ensnared gives up to 58 marks (during event) which would be enough but most pug teams are bad so you mostly get half that number. But vault+ azure is enough.
But exp is like 45k each day for all three combined. Thats easy when you get to play the mirror event but if you cant thats a lot.
Sadly most missions even like stfs or basically any queue event by itself dont grant exp in any good numbers.
I recently achieved rank 50 on my two toons, a KDF toon and a Rommie - currently have 2 more alts for a total of four toons. So I will probably begin the rep system one at a time.
Need fresh new content to add more things for players to do to lessen the grind? Foundry authors! Some of them are better than Cryptics mission designers 10 fold. 2 monthly contests for foundry missions to become permanenet content, pay the winning designer $500 or $1,000 and include that mission as part of the grind fest. every months 2 fresh permanent new missions and gives players a huge reason to buy a foundry slot! 24 new missions per year and in 2 years there will be enough content for a player to do on 7 characters before having to do repeats. NO repeats is NO GRIND! Plus player created content is a boon for advertising, "You can participate in a contest to create new permanent content and earn $500.00"
^^^^This, or something very similar, would be such a good idea to implement. Would definitely make this game more interesting.
So, I am asking, what does everyone else do? Do you bite the bullet and try to level it on every toon you want to play?
By Riker's beard, no.
I approach multiple toons like this: One is the mission toon. One is the KDF farming toon. One is the exploration/ patrol toon. One is the Foundry toon. One is the PvP toon. One is the crafting toon. One is the fill ESD up with Tribbles toon. I use whichever one I feel like playing that day. Grinding rep is only done on toons I feel grinding rep benefits.
Note: I only do three of the above. But I won't tell you which three.
Do you bite the bullet and try to level it on every toon you want to play?
No. I make Cryptic bite the bullet. Because it's only worth grinding rep on one char, I'll only spend cash on one char; seeing as all you need in this game is an escort, which I bought, they've effectively turned me from a cash-spending player into a full-blown F2P.
I don't see the need to have full t5 rep on every character (I have 17) so I usually get t2 rom and omega rep on them mainly for the passives but also so i can grab mk x ground and space omega sets.
However my main fed and main kdf both have t5 rom and omega rep.
This is the correct approach.
What the OP is really asking is if you should go to Mk XII and full passives for all your toons. The answer is, no, you shouldn't. Your ferengi trader alt doesnt need it, and Tier-2 is enough gear and passives for most of your casual alts.
For those you actually want to cap, you can manage it by working a couple of chars simultaneously. Do a couple of STFs per day, tag some epohhs, and you can coast along pretty easily. The hardest part at the higher levels is the monetary cost of resources.
I have two that are locked at T5 omega and T4 romulan, a third that will hit T5 in both later this week, and two others that are in the T3 stage now who are on hold until I rebuild cash.
It gets done when it gets done. It's as simple as that, really. It gets done when it gets done. Outside of the possible feeling of need for it in PvP, there's no need for it. So it gets done when it gets done.
I rerolled my guys for S7 (used to reroll every 2-3 weeks before then). Added some after the Winter Event. Added some after the Anniversary. Added a guy with LoR.
Reman (KDF) Sci: 5 days, 6 hours, 35 minutes, 22 seconds.
New Rom T3 32,800
Nukara T3 33,600
Omega T3 32,810
It would be one thing if the stuff was needed to do any content, but since it's not - they're just something to do... uh yeah, it will get done when it gets done. Same will happen when I add more characters down the road. It will get done when it gets done. Same will happen when they add more Rep down the road. It will get done when it gets done.
Sorry this is BS. With 20 hour cool down timers you can't be at T3 in 5 days even if u leveled in one day It wouldn't be physically possible to be on more than 15000. And no you can't make 95000 in 17 says
There isn't a correct approach, the whole rep system is voluntary. If you have the time and energy to do rep on multiple toons, good luck to you.
If not, you don't have to but it provides something else to do in game for a bit and gives you dilithium to help with the grind. I would argue though that with power creep and the changes that they have made as a result, it is pretty much compulsory if you want to use your character for high level end game content.
That being said, you're RP/mule characters don't need it at all.
Sorry this is BS. With 20 hour cool down timers you can't be at T3 in 5 days even if u leveled in one day It wouldn't be physically possible to be on more than 15000. And no you can't make 95000 in 17 says
That's probably his /played time which is the amount of time he has spent logged in on each character. It doesn't include the 20 hours he's offline while his rep runs.
When there was less to do/available, it was easy to quickly Doff, and max out Dilithium daily on the 4 characters (3 Fed, 1 KSDF I had). When they added Reputation, I tried doing it all at once at that same time for every character; but got burned out (IE I was making progress, but not really enjoying stuff.)
So, I took a step back, realized I didn't need to max out everything on every character right away; and (with regard to stuff like Rep) decided it's better just concentrating on one character at a time to max them out. If I'm playing another character and the opportunity presents itself to get Marks, advance in Rep, I don't pass that up, but I try to just focus on one character at a time and do stuff I find fun.
It's really helped my enjoyment of the game; and I have two characters at T5 Rep across the board; and have 3 to go, as I've added a Romulan that I've been leisurely leveling (Started him a few days after LoR launched and he just hit he just hit level 44 last night - and I'm really enjoying the new Romulan content/storyline - and guess that's now done for me as I'm at the Romulan FE series - although I hear it was tweaked a bit for Rom characters, so I still might see some more new stuff.)
After he gets to 50 and In have him a little better geared - I'm starting a second KDF alt (will be a Gorn) to playthrough the new KDF content that was added.
But, as there's more stuff added to the game and more choices as to what to do in game, I think doing things in moderation and not worrying about maxing everything on every character ASAP is the way to go. YMMV.
Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012 PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
I don't see the need to have full t5 rep on every character (I have 17) so I usually get t2 rom and omega rep on them mainly for the passives but also so i can grab mk x ground and space omega sets.
However my main fed and main kdf both have t5 rom and omega rep.
Nukara is a bit different, the passives aren't great imo (I don't pvp) and the marks are quite time consuming to get currently so I'm aiming to get t5 on my main fed but only on him,
Unfortunately Nukara T4 is basically necessary for sci captains.
So, I've been playin the game a while now, over 2000 hours logged, but I quit for like a year, and returned recently to see the new romulan expansion and so now I am introduced to the rep system...
Since I was playing my Romulan I started it there and I am starting to become a bit overwhelmed.. I mean, it's not really all that hard but it is taking insane amounts of time. It's ridiculous and, this is just ONE char. I have like 7 more characters at Vice Admiral/LG rank and... there is just no way in hell I am going to be able to tolerate leveling rep on every single one of my toons.
So, I am asking, what does everyone else do? Do you bite the bullet and try to level it on every toon you want to play? Do you want the rep system to be account wide? Or at least, the unique weapon projects to be bound to account instead of character?
I am in favor of the latter suggestions, it seems like a lot to ask to make people level rep on so many characters at the same time. It's just a headache.
The Rep grind is a bit of a turn off once you've gotten it done once let alone 3 times.
I've got 10 Characters, 3 have finished both the Omega and Romulan Reps but I've yet to start the latest rep with them.
My newest Romulan Science Captain has gotten to Tier 3 in all of the Reps but now I've hit a wall with her because I'm all out of EXP to contribute to projects and will have to replay a bunch of the old stuff and do a heck of a lot of doffing to get more EXP just to contribute it to the grind machines.
It would be nice if Rep projects only required marks, I'm tired of having to spend 300k in materials just to flush down the Rep toilet.
Throwing Large Hypos into a Rep project is just has pointless has contributing Duty Officers to Star Base Projects, I mean what the hell is the Star Base eating them or something, why do they never come back?! :P
Once i am done with rep grind on my main even if Cryptic pays me i won't do it again on any of my alts. Nope..never..nada..not happening.
Playing alts is what keeps me in MMOS for years. But in this case with current rep grind i won't last here for long. And probably go back to SWTOR which has better reputation system tied to account / legacy.
SWTOR's reputation is 100% better in implementation to STO's in my opinion. This is offset by TOR's 100% worse F2P model unfortunately.
Some of Cryptic's design decisions are like seeing a Medusan with your naked eye, it will induce violent insanity.
I sub to STO as well as SWTOR. But if i go in as a F2P player in SWTOR i will surely be turned off.
But if you can look past that and play it as a subscription game their reputation system is very alt friendly and encourages you to roll more alt and participate in the reputation end game.
Throwing Large Hypos into a Rep project is just has pointless has contributing Duty Officers to Star Base Projects, I mean what the hell is the Star Base eating them or something, why do they never come back?! :P
Deep in the bowels of your fleet starbase, just underneath the shuttles. There is a sacrificial altar. Their blood feeds the bio neural circuitry of the base.
I have 5 characters, and I focus on whoever is the Flavor of the month (currently my Romulan). The only one I have maxed with Omega/(and Rom in a day) is my "main"/"first" account because I like him the most.
Problem isn't grinding Dil (that's the easy part, it takes me roughly 4 hours to do if I'm unlucky). It's the Rep, which I don't do at all. It's worth it (Stupid Experimental BA) but I am not grinding it on more than one guy.
Omega isn't worth it anymore. Take the Mk X Assimilated set, and you are set. All my guys have T1 Omega because of this.
I have 5 characters, and I focus on whoever is the Flavor of the month (currently my Romulan). The only one I have maxed with Omega/(and Rom in a day) is my "main"/"first" account because I like him the most.
Problem isn't grinding Dil (that's the easy part, it takes me roughly 4 hours to do if I'm unlucky). It's the Rep, which I don't do at all. It's worth it (Stupid Experimental BA) but I am not grinding it on more than one guy.
Omega isn't worth it anymore. Take the Mk X Assimilated set, and you are set. All my guys have T1 Omega because of this.
You know even four hours a day is just too much? on top of dili grind there is rep grinding for marks.
How many people can afford to sit in front of their computers 6+ hours every day? i doubt anyone with family, friends and regular 8 hour job can spend 4 hours or more hours doing same thing over and over again. It feels like a second job.
You know even four hours a day is just too much? on top of dili grind there is rep grinding for marks.
How many people can afford to sit in front of their computers 6+ hours every day? i doubt anyone with family, friends and regular 8 hour job can spend 4 hours or more hours doing same thing over and over again. It feels like a second job.
Get rid of the family and friends and it's possible, or at least it is for me.
The rep system in this game is pure unadultered garbage to tell the truth. They want it to last X number of days to keep people playing but after 1 character it becomes a turnoff. If instead of projects to gain rep the marks were applied to rep automaticaly but only a limited amount per day will add to rep and the rest backlogged. then open not just STF's and other group events add the planet patrols and many small missions into adding rep as well. Still a grind but you can grind STF's a couple times then do a random quick mission or 10 and make enough rep for that day. And ontop of earning rep you earn marks for buying things with no ridiculous projects just to unlock the ability to buy that i personaly will not ever do because they are all either overpriced consumeables or limited amount you can buy or use. Niether is worth the grind to pay for on 1 character much less the 7 I have.
Then you have Dilithium grinding to be able to buy anything thats good! Oh what fun the 8k limit is and how long it takes to get 8k. Try doing that with 7 characters. Oh wait not enough hours in the day to do it. But subscribe and get 500 zen a month and spend that zen to do what.. buy dilithium and keys/mini packs to sell in exchange to get EC which you have no time to grind for.
Need fresh new content to add more things for players to do to lessen the grind? Foundry authors! Some of them are better than Cryptics mission designers 10 fold. 2 monthly contests for foundry missions to become permanenet content, pay the winning designer $500 or $1,000 and include that mission as part of the grind fest. every months 2 fresh permanent new missions and gives players a huge reason to buy a foundry slot! 24 new missions per year and in 2 years there will be enough content for a player to do on 7 characters before having to do repeats. NO repeats is NO GRIND! Plus player created content is a boon for advertising, "You can participate in a contest to create new permanent content and earn $500.00"
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
1 fed tac va deleted a sci & eng fed side.
2 kling tac 1 kling eng 2 kling sci omega & rom rep maxed out + got the gear i wanted.
rom tac working on level 4 of omega rom reps
now they added a 3rd rep iv not even started on that so idk how bad thats gonna be.
Best suggestion is doing the space pve on elite ( i avoid ground) .
If you have no life whatsoever, you do the Rep for all your characters.
If you have a limited time to play, choose your fave character and do the Rep for it.
You may think you can do the Rep for them all, but reality will set in.
It would be fair if the Rep system unlocks were account-wide...
RIP KDF and PvP 2014-07-17 Season 9.5 - Death by Dev
However my main fed and main kdf both have t5 rom and omega rep.
Nukara is a bit different, the passives aren't great imo (I don't pvp) and the marks are quite time consuming to get currently so I'm aiming to get t5 on my main fed but only on him,
Bleed Green and Gold
In the meantime, I'm using my most advanced (main) char (FED - T5 Rom, T5 omega and T3(?) Nukara) to find which items I really want, so then I can know what to go for on my other chars.
For instance, for the romulan I don't want several ships. I only like D'Deridex class, so I already have a good idea of which items I want. So inspite of still wanting to get to T5 for the passives, I won't be needing to grind marks for every rep. More or less the same for the Klingon toon. I won't be getting romulan items for it.
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
IE, you have 1 character at rank 5 Omega, and one at rank 2 Omega. Then all your omega reputation project (or maybe just the one you use to lvlup the rep) would cost 10% + 4% less, 2%/rank/character. Ofc, no lower than a certain amount if you want to.
Honestly, it's a very annoying grind. And it's even worse for the Nukara rep.
Makes you regret the old system, even if it was all about luck.
No. So far, i've done Rom and Omega to T5 on my main, and since then i've ignored all the Reps except Omega on my other toons. I'm levelling Nukara on my Main and my Rom, but only for the powers - i'm not particularly interested in anything from the rep, besides perhaps the Web Mine launcher.
I'd reccomend doing the Omega rep. If nothing else, it's extremely useful for getting top-end ground gear, with it's own costume unlock, that makes ground STFs much easier. And i'd say they're a good method of getting the marks if you want the Mk XII space sets (costing 1000 Marks per each piece).
The others; Meh. Rom's worth doing for the Hyper-Plasma Torpedo launcher, but i've not seen anything else that I like. Plus, Rom and Nukara marks are much harder to get than Omega marks.
I rerolled my guys for S7 (used to reroll every 2-3 weeks before then). Added some after the Winter Event. Added some after the Anniversary. Added a guy with LoR.
Reman (KDF) Sci: 5 days, 6 hours, 35 minutes, 22 seconds.
New Rom T3 32,800
Nukara T3 33,600
Omega T3 32,810
Alien (KDF) Eng: 17 days, 20 hours, 27 minutes, 12 seconds.
New Rom T4 95,610
Nukara T2 18,000
Omega T4 95,650
Alien (KDF) Sci: 5 days, 22 hours, 4 minutes, 14 seconds.
New Rom T0 0
Nukara T0 0
Omega T0 0
Alien (KDF) Tac: 4 days, 20 hours, 12 minutes, 9 seconds.
New Rom T2 19,600
Nukara T0 0
Omega T2 18,805
Alien (KDF) Eng: 2 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes, 14 seconds.
New Rom T0 0
Nukara T0 0
Omega T0 0
Alien (Fed) Eng: 20 days, 21 hours, 15 minutes, 42 seconds.
New Rom T5 100,470
Nukara T2 20,800
Omega T5 100,490
Alien (Fed) Sci: 10 days, 5 hours, 35 minutes, 50 seconds.
New Rom T3 33,615
Nukara T0 0
Omega T3 32,815
Alien (Fed) Tac: 5 days, 9 hours, 9 minutes, 58 seconds.
New Rom T1 8,400
Nukara T0 0
Omega T1 8,405
Alien (Fed) Eng: 4 days, 9 hours, 31 minutes, 34 seconds.
New Rom T1 5,600
Nukara T0 0
Omega T1 5,600
They'll get done when they get done.
It would be one thing if the stuff was needed to do any content, but since it's not - they're just something to do... uh yeah, it will get done when it gets done. Same will happen when I add more characters down the road. It will get done when it gets done. Same will happen when they add more Rep down the road. It will get done when it gets done.
Omega marks are the easiest just do any estf and thsts enough for 1-2 days.
Rom marks can easily be gained by epooh tagging but it takes up to 8 days to get things going but after that its easy and only takes about 3-4mins a day for 400 marks every 5 days
Nukara are the most time consuming ones especially when you pug the missions. Vault ensnared gives up to 58 marks (during event) which would be enough but most pug teams are bad so you mostly get half that number. But vault+ azure is enough.
But exp is like 45k each day for all three combined. Thats easy when you get to play the mirror event but if you cant thats a lot.
Sadly most missions even like stfs or basically any queue event by itself dont grant exp in any good numbers.
Happy Hunting and Stay Thirsty my Friends
^^^^This, or something very similar, would be such a good idea to implement. Would definitely make this game more interesting.
By Riker's beard, no.
I approach multiple toons like this: One is the mission toon. One is the KDF farming toon. One is the exploration/ patrol toon. One is the Foundry toon. One is the PvP toon. One is the crafting toon. One is the fill ESD up with Tribbles toon. I use whichever one I feel like playing that day. Grinding rep is only done on toons I feel grinding rep benefits.
Note: I only do three of the above. But I won't tell you which three.
I'd take account wide reputation tracking, with per character equipment projects.
This is the correct approach.
What the OP is really asking is if you should go to Mk XII and full passives for all your toons. The answer is, no, you shouldn't. Your ferengi trader alt doesnt need it, and Tier-2 is enough gear and passives for most of your casual alts.
For those you actually want to cap, you can manage it by working a couple of chars simultaneously. Do a couple of STFs per day, tag some epohhs, and you can coast along pretty easily. The hardest part at the higher levels is the monetary cost of resources.
I have two that are locked at T5 omega and T4 romulan, a third that will hit T5 in both later this week, and two others that are in the T3 stage now who are on hold until I rebuild cash.
Sorry this is BS. With 20 hour cool down timers you can't be at T3 in 5 days even if u leveled in one day It wouldn't be physically possible to be on more than 15000. And no you can't make 95000 in 17 says
If not, you don't have to but it provides something else to do in game for a bit and gives you dilithium to help with the grind. I would argue though that with power creep and the changes that they have made as a result, it is pretty much compulsory if you want to use your character for high level end game content.
That being said, you're RP/mule characters don't need it at all.
So, I took a step back, realized I didn't need to max out everything on every character right away; and (with regard to stuff like Rep) decided it's better just concentrating on one character at a time to max them out. If I'm playing another character and the opportunity presents itself to get Marks, advance in Rep, I don't pass that up, but I try to just focus on one character at a time and do stuff I find fun.
It's really helped my enjoyment of the game; and I have two characters at T5 Rep across the board; and have 3 to go, as I've added a Romulan that I've been leisurely leveling (Started him a few days after LoR launched and he just hit he just hit level 44 last night - and I'm really enjoying the new Romulan content/storyline - and guess that's now done for me as I'm at the Romulan FE series - although I hear it was tweaked a bit for Rom characters, so I still might see some more new stuff.)
After he gets to 50 and In have him a little better geared - I'm starting a second KDF alt (will be a Gorn) to playthrough the new KDF content that was added.
But, as there's more stuff added to the game and more choices as to what to do in game, I think doing things in moderation and not worrying about maxing everything on every character ASAP is the way to go. YMMV.
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
Unfortunately Nukara T4 is basically necessary for sci captains.
The Rep grind is a bit of a turn off once you've gotten it done once let alone 3 times.
I've got 10 Characters, 3 have finished both the Omega and Romulan Reps but I've yet to start the latest rep with them.
My newest Romulan Science Captain has gotten to Tier 3 in all of the Reps but now I've hit a wall with her because I'm all out of EXP to contribute to projects and will have to replay a bunch of the old stuff and do a heck of a lot of doffing to get more EXP just to contribute it to the grind machines.
It would be nice if Rep projects only required marks, I'm tired of having to spend 300k in materials just to flush down the Rep toilet.
Throwing Large Hypos into a Rep project is just has pointless has contributing Duty Officers to Star Base Projects, I mean what the hell is the Star Base eating them or something, why do they never come back?! :P
Playing alts is what keeps me in MMOS for years. But in this case with current rep grind i won't last here for long. And probably go back to SWTOR which has better reputation system tied to account / legacy.
Some of Cryptic's design decisions are like seeing a Medusan with your naked eye, it will induce violent insanity.
Officially Nerfed In Early 2410
I sub to STO as well as SWTOR. But if i go in as a F2P player in SWTOR i will surely be turned off.
But if you can look past that and play it as a subscription game their reputation system is very alt friendly and encourages you to roll more alt and participate in the reputation end game.
Deep in the bowels of your fleet starbase, just underneath the shuttles. There is a sacrificial altar. Their blood feeds the bio neural circuitry of the base.
Problem isn't grinding Dil (that's the easy part, it takes me roughly 4 hours to do if I'm unlucky). It's the Rep, which I don't do at all. It's worth it (Stupid Experimental BA) but I am not grinding it on more than one guy.
Omega isn't worth it anymore. Take the Mk X Assimilated set, and you are set. All my guys have T1 Omega because of this.
You know even four hours a day is just too much? on top of dili grind there is rep grinding for marks.
How many people can afford to sit in front of their computers 6+ hours every day? i doubt anyone with family, friends and regular 8 hour job can spend 4 hours or more hours doing same thing over and over again. It feels like a second job.
Get rid of the family and friends and it's possible, or at least it is for me.
I was making an educated guess about majority of players. Ofcourse there are those who play 10 hours a day too. But i doubt those are in majority.