So lately i have grown tired of having to do pvp and stfs for large lump sums of dilithium. I was traveling in sector space when I was thinking about the old system patrols people would have to do to level up back in the day. Being all nostalgic I thought, I wish they would do something with the system patrols. Then came to mind all the old missions that have been redone to make them useful as dailies. The idea then presented itself that what if they gave the same passover to the system patrols that they did to the exploration cluster missions. The mission would involve going into sector blocks and going up to the planets and doing the little patrols that some of them have. In order to qualify for a dilithium reward, the player would have to complete X number of these system patrols. Also with the new fleet holding coming with in the next few weeks, a little bit of extra dilithium wouldn't hurt.
Live Long and Prosper.
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!