Hi guys just wanting a little advice about which of these ships is better to get.. have created an alt char however cant decide which ship to get at top lvl.. either cardassian galor or ferengi marauder?
Also, not sure if you realize that you don't get those ships for free right? As lockbox ships from no-longer-in-circulation lockboxes, last I looked a D'kora was around 80 million EC, and a Galor was 105 million. (Yes this may be a really stupid question and you may know that, but from your tone I wasn't sure.)
Shining ships in their own ways. Galor is a thoroughbred tactical cruiser with the availability of a good science lean, and comes with a great shield and beams. D'Kora is approaching Escort territory and is obviously more suited for a cannon build but with an Engi style boff layout, which means Aux2Bat with DHCs, Very nice. Perhaps it just boils down to your weapon preference. Beams then Galor, DHCs then D'Kora.
I don't give you any advice, but I tell you what I did:
I bought the D'Kora Marauder from the Exchange because of this high professionall opinions:
1. It transforms
2. Battle Module 300. This gives you an EMP Burst and Swarm Missiles
3. It has Bank, Mail and Exchange on it.
4. You can equip Cannons too
then I collected Lobi Crystals and bought:
1. Rapid Fire Missile Launcher
2. Concentrated Tachyon Mine Launcher
3. Rule 62 - Multipurpose Combat Console
to have the Ferengi Marauder Set. (OK, the passive bonus isn't really great but I love the set)
4. Tachyokinetic Converter
So I got a Ferengi D'Kora Marauder ship with firepower, some engineering and science boost.
I have both ships. D'kora on my tactical officer, and Galor on my engineering officer. From my experience - everything smokeybacon90 said above is true. Now everything depends on your play style.
Hi, I don't have the Galor - always wanted it though - but the Ferengi ship is wonderful. I love it for many reasons; including the convenience of the bank and exchange. I would say either ship would be nice, but the Ferengi ship is easy to play and comes with some nice bonuses and there are more that can be added later as well. Whichever you choose congrats and have fun!
The Galor is a very solid ship with a great shield modifier, wonderful bridge slots and with one of the best weapons you can get imo (which you can buy for all your other characters after getting the Galor iirc).
I run a Tac-Galor with an AUX2BATT build, with an Engie and the power boosts they can get could make a great set up.
I don't have any experience with the D'kora, as others have said depend on how you feel about the 2 ships and what you would be wanting in the play style of your character
simply said, dkora is cannon boat, galor is beam boat, galor is best ran with 7 beams and kcb, dkora is best to run as 3 dhc 1 torp 3 turrets kcb, and if you dont bother a2b:ing either one just buy something else :P
Say the word, it saves the world. CUUCUUMBEER!"-With slight partigen with it." Proud member or DPS-800"-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
Also, not sure if you realize that you don't get those ships for free right? As lockbox ships from no-longer-in-circulation lockboxes, last I looked a D'kora was around 80 million EC, and a Galor was 105 million. (Yes this may be a really stupid question and you may know that, but from your tone I wasn't sure.)
just not sure which one to get... will be using an engineer
i personally like ships that can take some damage but can also dish some out
I bought the D'Kora Marauder from the Exchange because of this high professionall opinions:
1. It transforms
2. Battle Module 300. This gives you an EMP Burst and Swarm Missiles
3. It has Bank, Mail and Exchange on it.
4. You can equip Cannons too
then I collected Lobi Crystals and bought:
1. Rapid Fire Missile Launcher
2. Concentrated Tachyon Mine Launcher
3. Rule 62 - Multipurpose Combat Console
to have the Ferengi Marauder Set. (OK, the passive bonus isn't really great but I love the set)
4. Tachyokinetic Converter
So I got a Ferengi D'Kora Marauder ship with firepower, some engineering and science boost.
I run a Tac-Galor with an AUX2BATT build, with an Engie and the power boosts they can get could make a great set up.
I don't have any experience with the D'kora, as others have said depend on how you feel about the 2 ships and what you would be wanting in the play style of your character
CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
The fleet assault and fleet advanced heavy both have four.