Okay I was going through my mail as it appears that maybe the delete bug was fixed. However it appears there is something else very strange going on.
1. I am getting messages that say exchange@gpatton3 and have the same 2 common doffs shown in the items returned. I have about 20 of these messages.
2. I have other exchange messages that are coming from all sorts of
@XXXXXXXXXX where xxxxxxx is different names and stuff. There are items in those that can be retrieved and the message can be deleted.
3. I am getting exchange messages that says exchange has expired, some have items attached, some don't, those that don't, I can't delete, those that do, I can. These are not related to the 100 limit of items in your inventory update done to the mail system.
4. In regards to the 100 item limit in e-mail, if I have 80 items in my mail (I usually don't clean my mail out of old exchange return items - as I have enough just doing dil, rep, stfs and stuff everyday that I don't have much time to clean it out. Now I understand that after the Legacy of Rom went live, any items before if they did exceed 100, are not affected. However what happens, if since using the 80 items pre-LOR as the base items in my mail, I get 21 more items in my inventory? Do I lose that 21st or 101st item? Or is my current mail count 21 with that 80 plus items from pre-LOR not affecting the current count. I am to afraid to put anything on the exchange because of this.
5. I also caught a glimpse somewhere on the forums that there is "bad" items being returned that will get you banned or something, what is the straight scoop on this?
Right now I don't know if I have 100 items before the patch, since some message don't list items, some do and of course as I metioned there are about 20 messages that say items returned from the exchange with the same 2 common doffs with
@gpatton3 after the exchange word.
Please help
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