What is this ?
New powers!
Why is this in PvP section ? Well because pvpers are the best players and abilities pvp focused.
Cut the Power
poor man's cloak.
Aviable for all ships.
1.5 min. CD
After use starts CD for Cloak (for cloak capable ships)
almost as Cloak:
Cuts all your ship powers, no shield, no engines, no weapons, limited use of abilities same as cloak.
Ship drops to 25% speed (thrusters) and cannot be targeted by hostile till 8km, but can be seen visualy (recticle and model).
Ship with cut the power effect can target enemy, upon releasing CtP gains effect Ambush, similar to decloak buff, all powers return to normal immediately.
Eject Core Engineer captain.
In b4 the lock!
Ejects your warp\sing. core behind your ship
3 min cd for Warp Core capable ships, 4 min cd for Sing. Core
8km radius.
Core health 4k.
After ejection core will detonate in 7 seconds or can be blown manually by pressing same ability. Ship gains 3 second 150% speed burst, and 25% trusters for 8 seconds after burst wears off.
Ejected and manualy or timed destroyed warp core deals 75% of
your total hull damage (kinetic), can be targeted and destroyed, destruction deals only 35% damage of your total hull.(damage can be reduced by any kinetic damage reduction abilities\modifiers)
Ejected sing. core have same effect but also drags hostiles into it, same effect as gravity well 1(can be modified with same skills)
Projected Slipstream Science captain.
enjoy your flight!
Projects slipstream on hostile
3 min cd.
45 deg. targeting arc
10 km. range
Projects slipstream on enemy ship, making it go full impulse same direction as ships previous heading for 4 seconds, can not be broken. Visualy looks same as slipstream.
Deals 17% enemy
curret hull health damage(kinetic) each second.(damage can be reduced by any kinetic damage reduction abilities\modifiers)
Self Destruct Tactical captain.
Boom! aka
The Line Must Be Drawn Here!
Aviable at any time.
5 km. radius
3 min cd.
6 second timer(visible effect like remodulation but on ship)
Can be canceled by using same ability
Puts your ship to self destruct.
Upon destruction deals 75% of your total hull damage.(kinetic, damage can be reduced by any kinetic damage reduction abilities\modifiers)
So, how crazy is that ?
p.s. sorry for my bad english.
2010 is my join date.
Is this a troll post? Not sure, but pretty sure this will not be very viable in any pvp match. Almost certain of it.
And why do we need another Mask Energy Signature power?
told ya, crazy !
its"mes" for all ships.
and you cant target till 8km because ...seriosly i just couldnt make any sence of it myself...well..you cant! Same as any Cryptic power works, its MMo not Bridge Commander(loved it)
there fixed it for you
I.R.W. Raptor's Claw
Storm Eagle Class Warbird Fleet Ha'feh
I have never trusted humans, and I never will