Yes, when you open your Duty Officer Assignments, and select current map, just run anything under the Diplomatic tab... when I was leveling in diplomacy that is the only thing i ran period.
Doesnt hurt to invest in some diplomats, entertainers, traders, and such... traits Peacful, Tactful, Founders and the like.
Beta Ursae and Orellius sectors are the best (Tau Dewa is also good). Also, choose them with a bit of care because some are better if you don't play very often (taking more hours and giving more exp) and others are better if you play regularly (giving less exp, but finishing quickly, therefore more in the overall time, providing more exp in total). This is a bit badly explained but i think you get it. If not just say so
* Start in Beta Ursae and activate all Diplomatic DOff missions EXCEPT the Prototype turrets (they cost 50K EC). Look at both Sector and Personal tabs.
* Fly anywhere else and activate all Diplomatic DOff missions EXCEPT the Prototype turrets (they cost 50K EC). Look at both Sector and Personal tabs.
* Rinse, repeat until you run out of Assignment slots or applicable DOffs
The point is to rack up whatever DipXP you can get regardless of gameplay. If a missions ends while you are playing then you will invariably be in a sector to look at those DOff missions to assign. If a mission takes longer to finish then it'll most likely be done when you log back in.
As always, patience is a virtue. Do not think you can rush this and please Please PLEASE do not get frustrated with it. You'll get the rank - just play the game.
* Start in Beta Ursae and activate all Diplomatic DOff missions EXCEPT the Prototype turrets (they cost 50K EC). Look at both Sector and Personal tabs.
* Fly anywhere else and activate all Diplomatic DOff missions EXCEPT the Prototype turrets (they cost 50K EC). Look at both Sector and Personal tabs.
* Rinse, repeat until you run out of Assignment slots or applicable DOffs
That is the only way to go I'm afraid. I'm currently going for level 4 as well. The exp may seem low, but there is always the chance of a critical success
Delta Quadrant is generally the place to hand out for it. The diplomatic escorts/representatives are quite good and relatively easy to fill. The diplomatic ship tour is very nice too if you can boost the crit chance on it.
On the opposite side of the coin, I've found the best way to rank up Marauding is the medium risk raid missions throughout most of the galaxy(although the pickings are usually best around Federation and Cardassian space). The cxp is far better than the low-risk missions and you get a TON of various items, prisoners and contraband. The only downside is that you cannot even change the clothes of marauder boffs.
Dipl DOffs are the best, but here are a couple other things to consider.
Go to the exchange and buy CXP boosters.
Then remember to do Diplomatic Investigations and the exploration sector missions.
Every day go and aid the planets with your available Dipl Invest. They award 100 dipl exp (120 with booster), and as an added bonus you will see you are in a position to complete Strange New World just by doing the Dipl Invest. You can probably do three Diplomatic Investigations a day, and every few days pick up a Strange New world and the 1440 Dilithium.
If you haven't done the consular chains (Bajor, Karemma, Paradan, Cardassia), make sure you have decent Doffs assigned to the first step of those chains. A crit on those will reward you a bit more than 4.000 Diplomacy commendation each.
Aside from stuffing my assignment slots silly with diplos, i am toying with the idea of teaming
create a separate account ( not another character in the same account )
use another computer login just for doffing and diplo missions.
team both of them up and accept at the same time.
I noticed that
Personal diplo recommendations.
Sirius Sector - plenty of 2h assignments
Tau dewa, pi canis, pi velorum, plenty of 20h assignments
Delta Quadrant - quite a range of assignments.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
Doesnt hurt to invest in some diplomats, entertainers, traders, and such... traits Peacful, Tactful, Founders and the like.
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
* Start in Beta Ursae and activate all Diplomatic DOff missions EXCEPT the Prototype turrets (they cost 50K EC). Look at both Sector and Personal tabs.
* Fly anywhere else and activate all Diplomatic DOff missions EXCEPT the Prototype turrets (they cost 50K EC). Look at both Sector and Personal tabs.
* Rinse, repeat until you run out of Assignment slots or applicable DOffs
The point is to rack up whatever DipXP you can get regardless of gameplay. If a missions ends while you are playing then you will invariably be in a sector to look at those DOff missions to assign. If a mission takes longer to finish then it'll most likely be done when you log back in.
As always, patience is a virtue. Do not think you can rush this and please Please PLEASE do not get frustrated with it. You'll get the rank - just play the game.
Good luck!
That is the only way to go I'm afraid. I'm currently going for level 4 as well. The exp may seem low, but there is always the chance of a critical success
On the opposite side of the coin, I've found the best way to rank up Marauding is the medium risk raid missions throughout most of the galaxy(although the pickings are usually best around Federation and Cardassian space). The cxp is far better than the low-risk missions and you get a TON of various items, prisoners and contraband. The only downside is that you cannot even change the clothes of marauder boffs.
Go to the exchange and buy CXP boosters.
Then remember to do Diplomatic Investigations and the exploration sector missions.
Every day go and aid the planets with your available Dipl Invest. They award 100 dipl exp (120 with booster), and as an added bonus you will see you are in a position to complete Strange New World just by doing the Dipl Invest. You can probably do three Diplomatic Investigations a day, and every few days pick up a Strange New world and the 1440 Dilithium.
Aside from stuffing my assignment slots silly with diplos, i am toying with the idea of teaming
create a separate account ( not another character in the same account )
use another computer login just for doffing and diplo missions.
team both of them up and accept at the same time.
I noticed that
Personal diplo recommendations.
Sirius Sector - plenty of 2h assignments
Tau dewa, pi canis, pi velorum, plenty of 20h assignments
Delta Quadrant - quite a range of assignments.