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Can we get a Science Heavy Variant of the Haakona?

erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Greetings All,

When I 1st laid eyes on the Haakona I was 100% certain that it was going to be the Science Heavy plus one ship in the Legacy Pack since it looked like a Ha?Nom carrying around some type of auxiliary craft.

Needless to say I was pretty disappointed that there was no plus one Science Ship to be found in the Legacy Pack.

Granted I've come to see the stock Romulan HA'Nom has a respectable Science Vessel, I still want plus one endgame Science Vessel for Romulan players.

I would love to see a reworked Haakona variant that would have a Science Heavy load out.

Here is an example of how a Science Haakona Variant could possible look like:

Type: Warbird

Hull: 36000

Standard Shields: 6513

Shield Modifier: 1.2

Weapons 4 x 2

Crew 1,700

Bridge Officers: Ensign Science, Commander Science, Lt. Commander Tactical, Lt. Engineering, Lt. Commander Universal

Device Slots: 3

Consoles: 4 Science, 3 Tactical, 2 Engineering

Turn Rate: 7

Impulse Modifier: 0.15

Inertia rating: 35

Bonus Power: +10 Auxiliary, +5 Weapons

Abilities: Romulan Battle Cloak, Subsystems Targeting, Dual Vector Separation

I can't speak for anyone else but I know that I'd pay $20.00 for a ship like the above ;)

Thanks for your time
Post edited by errab on


  • crazygunnerrrcrazygunnerrr Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The lack of a proper science ship (especially since there is no zen version), is a major disappointment. We get it, not many people play a science character, mostly because you keep refusing to release content where such teamwork is necessary that having a tank and support is a must. Still that doesn't mean sci captains should be just ignored, which is what is being done now.
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The lack of a proper science ship (especially since there is no zen version), is a major disappointment. We get it, not many people play a science character, mostly because you keep refusing to release content where such teamwork is necessary that having a tank and support is a must. Still that doesn't mean sci captains should be just ignored, which is what is being done now.

    It does seem quite strange that the Romulans who have been touted has a very Technology advanced race, whose technology is openly coveted by both the KDF and the Federation can only muster up one viable option for a Science Captain at T5 or T4.5 has is the case with the Ha?Nom.

    The Legacy Pack is awesome if you roll Romulan Tactical or Engineering Captains but not so much if you want to go with a Romulan Science Captain.
  • happypoophappypoop Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    errab wrote: »
    It does seem quite strange that the Romulans who have been touted has a very Technology advanced race, whose technology is openly coveted by both the KDF and the Federation can only muster up one viable option for a Science Captain at T5 or T4.5 has is the case with the Ha?Nom.

    The Legacy Pack is awesome if you roll Romulan Tactical or Engineering Captains but not so much if you want to go with a Romulan Science Captain.

    What's odd is both the Dhelan and Mogai (pre-VA variants) *do* favor science. And I agree, it seems only fitting Romulans *should* favor science.

    Personally, I'd like to see a T5 science-heavy (and engineering-heavy) version of the D'deridex - maybe a D'ridthau Retrofit? Perhaps a tri-ship offering like the Andorian Kumari or Vesta packs would be nice. Nothing against the Haakona, but nothing is quite as iconic as the 'ole DD.

    Also, seems kinda weird you get to VA and suddenly everything is more tactical-focused, even ships that previously were leaning towards the other career paths.

    Short of that, guess I'll keep my fingers crossed Tactical Team doesn't get nerfed any time soon... otherwise having two dedicated tac stations on every VA Rommie ship is gonna feel pretty stupid.
  • aveimperatoraveimperator Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    happypoop wrote: »
    What's odd is both the Dhelan and Mogai (pre-VA variants) *do* favor science. And I agree, it seems only fitting Romulans *should* favor science.

    Personally, I'd like to see a T5 science-heavy (and engineering-heavy) version of the D'deridex - maybe a D'ridthau Retrofit? Perhaps a tri-ship offering like the Andorian Kumari or Vesta packs would be nice. Nothing against the Haakona, but nothing is quite as iconic as the 'ole DD.

    Also, seems kinda weird you get to VA and suddenly everything is more tactical-focused, even ships that previously were leaning towards the other career paths.

    Short of that, guess I'll keep my fingers crossed Tactical Team doesn't get nerfed any time soon... otherwise having two dedicated tac stations on every VA Rommie ship is gonna feel pretty stupid.

    Because the entire GAME is tactical focused. And Tactical Team SHOULD get nerfed. It never should have auto-balanced your shields for you in a manner WAY more effective than manual distribution. (isn't it always one of the guiding principles that anything automatic is less effective than doing it yourself? You're supposed to PAY somewhere for the convenience of having it done FOR you) Tactical seats are supposed to be about offense, not defense, and yet they've given one of the most powerful defensive tools as an Ensign-level Tac ability, thus further pushing the game towards a purely Tactical focus. Tactical Team NEVER should have been a defensive god-button like it is now.
  • davidwforddavidwford Member Posts: 1,836 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    happypoop wrote: »
    What's odd is both the Dhelan and Mogai (pre-VA variants) *do* favor science. And I agree, it seems only fitting Romulans *should* favor science.

    Personally, I'd like to see a T5 science-heavy (and engineering-heavy) version of the D'deridex - maybe a D'ridthau Retrofit? Perhaps a tri-ship offering like the Andorian Kumari or Vesta packs would be nice. Nothing against the Haakona, but nothing is quite as iconic as the 'ole DD.

    Also, seems kinda weird you get to VA and suddenly everything is more tactical-focused, even ships that previously were leaning towards the other career paths.

    Short of that, guess I'll keep my fingers crossed Tactical Team doesn't get nerfed any time soon... otherwise having two dedicated tac stations on every VA Rommie ship is gonna feel pretty stupid.

    The problem with a D'ridthau is that is a variant of the D'deridex. I would like to see the Science ship from TNG added ASAP. Maybe named Talvath/Apnex.

    As for the Tacical Ensign slot, you could always slot Torpedo or Beam enhancement abilities.
  • happypoophappypoop Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    davidwford wrote: »
    The problem with a D'ridthau is that is a variant of the D'deridex. I would like to see the Science ship from TNG added ASAP. Maybe named Talvath/Apnex.

    It's only a "problem" if you don't want to see a T5 D'deridex with anything but the current consoles/stations/abilities offered.

    While I'm certainly not opposed to adding a science ship taken from a brief appearance in TNG/VOY, if given the choice, I'd rather fly a DD better suited to my playstyle. A retrofit D'ridthau could provide that opportunity without necessitating radical changes to the existing D'deridex lineup. :)

    As for the Tacical Ensign slot, you could always slot Torpedo or Beam enhancement abilities.

    Yeah, that's swell. But it really doesn't address the issue of wanting to slot Gravity Well 3 (AND Science Team, AND Scramble Sensors, AND Feedback Pulse, AND Hazard Emitters, etc.), does it? :P
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,910 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Early in the beta there was a science version of the Ha'apax, but I suppose people wanted a true since vessel so we got the Ha'nom and it is a true science ship.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • erraberrab Member Posts: 1,434 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    happypoop wrote: »
    What's odd is both the Dhelan and Mogai (pre-VA variants) *do* favor science. And I agree, it seems only fitting Romulans *should* favor science.

    Personally, I'd like to see a T5 science-heavy (and engineering-heavy) version of the D'deridex - maybe a D'ridthau Retrofit? Perhaps a tri-ship offering like the Andorian Kumari or Vesta packs would be nice. Nothing against the Haakona, but nothing is quite as iconic as the 'ole DD.

    Also, seems kinda weird you get to VA and suddenly everything is more tactical-focused, even ships that previously were leaning towards the other career paths.

    Short of that, guess I'll keep my fingers crossed Tactical Team doesn't get nerfed any time soon... otherwise having two dedicated tac stations on every VA Rommie ship is gonna feel pretty stupid.

    A Science Heavy D'deridex would also be a welcomed addition. I'm hoping to get at least 2 more full Science ship options for the Romulan faction.

    IMO just having one vanilla Science Heavy Warbird is not cutting it for the Romulans.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,910 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    errab wrote: »
    A Science Heavy D'deridex would also be a welcomed addition. I'm hoping to get at least 2 more full Science ship options for the Romulan faction.

    IMO just having one vanilla Science Heavy Warbird is not cutting it for the Romulans.

    Someone mentioned it in the Scimitar thread, I know it wouldn't be a true science vessel but I think it would be cool if the Scimitar had the build like a Kar'fi
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • panicswitchedpanicswitched Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The Mirror Ha'apax is a science leaning version of the Haakona...not too aggresively so, but it's a slight bit better in that respect.
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