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MVAE or Vesta?

sethketasethketa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Federation Discussion
So, I've been looking around the Federation Shipyards, but couldn't find a decent comparison between the MVAE and the Vesta. So, I figured I'd ask myself! (If I missed a thread, I'd appreciate being directed toward it)

Anyway, I'll start off by saying that I intend to fly this ship with my Science Captain, and I've no real interest at all in PvP. I've heard PvP is kind of.. unbalanced at the moment, but I've just no real desire to participate. So! The ship will be focused towards PvE, and considering the bias towards damage in PvE, I'm not sure which of these ships would be the better purchase.

The MVAE is, obviously, an escort with a heavy science leaning. It has an intriguing ability, though I've heard it is terribly buggy and not all that useful. It also has a fleet version.

The Vesta, on the other hand, has a hangar and those Aux Cannons.

So, I'm looking for some opinions from those who are more experienced with these two ships. Which do you find "better"? Which do you enjoy more? Which would you guys recommend?
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    jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since PvE is biased toward damage the MVAE is the obvious choice. It also gives the discount for the Fleet version, which is an even better damage dealer. That said, it is possible to get good DPS out of the Vesta as well, it's just more work, and you feel kind of weird since you have to sacrifice the whole science thing to get there. The Vesta does give some more flexibility though, since it can do solid science (well, as solid as science gets these days) or the damage dealing thing. I currently use a Vesta because I'm too stubborn to give up running a science ship as my main vessel, but I'd generally recommend the MVAE.
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    risingstar2009risingstar2009 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have run both ships and the Vesta is the better choice. Though, I did replace the Aux Phasers with other weapons. I would recommend getting the 3-pack simply for the options available and the consoles.
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    sethketasethketa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hmm, so one for the MVAE and one for the Vesta. Why do you feel the Vesta is the better choice? The MVAE seems to be a very straightforward, but the Vesta's power is a bit more unclear.
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    risingstar2009risingstar2009 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I feel the Vesta is better because it can equip the Elite Scorpion Fighters which have a better AI than the separate parts for the MVAE. And you don't lose HP due to a separation.

    While it may not have the weapon slots that the MVAE has, you can still build a DPS/Tank that will usually be able to perform very well in PvE. And, I've been able to stay alive longer in the Vesta than the MVAE.
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    sethketasethketa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Since PvE is biased toward damage the MVAE is the obvious choice. It also gives the discount for the Fleet version, which is an even better damage dealer. That said, it is possible to get good DPS out of the Vesta as well, it's just more work, and you feel kind of weird since you have to sacrifice the whole science thing to get there. The Vesta does give some more flexibility though, since it can do solid science (well, as solid as science gets these days) or the damage dealing thing. I currently use a Vesta because I'm too stubborn to give up running a science ship as my main vessel, but I'd generally recommend the MVAE.

    How is the Vesta more work than the MVAE? I've heard it has a lot of weird builds, and one individual claimed you'd have to respec a few times to get the most out of the Vesta. (Probably meant that you'd have to experiment, I'd guess)
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    dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited June 2013
    Personally I'd take the Vesta over the MVAE.

    The Vesta is a Fleet ship (10 Consoles better Shields/Hull than all standard Sci Vessels)

    It's the best Sci ship in the game since it's so Versatile. If you really want an Escort I would suggest the HEC over the MVAE.

    As for Science I built my Sci Officer around controlling so the Vesta would easily replace 3 of my boats and I don't need to shell out for fleet versions. Admittedly I'd buy the 3 pack but it's still cheaper than 3 Fleet vessels.
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    kurumimorishitakurumimorishita Member Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Vesta all the way.. most benefits were already mentioned so I just want to add, that you also can make a real "racer" out of her, too.. -> definitely the best/fastest ship for the "Tour".

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    decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I tried the MVAE a while back before we got hanger ships on the Fed side, and it was that or the Dreadnaught. I really wish I had spent the zen on the Dreadnaught as I found the MVAE to be horrible. It is now just storage for me.

    Now I finally saved up the Zen for the Vesta set I couldn't decide between the Engi or Sci version first so I decided sod it get the set. I have to say I am liking it so far, it takes a little getting used to on the cannons front from playing beam boats but I will get there on this. Even with that I am finding I am getting through missions faster on it than I was on my old Sci ship.

    If you intend to save up go Vesta set, it is worth it in my opinion.
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    thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,541 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'd say Vesta as well. Good PvE Boat. Like all Science ships, she's a little light on hull. However the advantages gained outweigh this disadvantage by a fair amount. I've never used the MVAE, so I cannot speak specifically about this ship. But my toons seem to hold their own against most Escorts in PvP and I do pretty well in things like Azure Nebula and Starbase 24 as well.

    I will suggest a few other things for you to think about before making your choice.

    1) A good Captain makes a good ship, not the other way around.
    2) Regardless of your choice, focus on having fun with it.

    The enjoyment you get from playing STO the way you want to is the only true Optional and the one you should try for every time you start up the game.
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    ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Vesta. more versitile, probably higher DPS

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
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    jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    sethketa wrote: »
    How is the Vesta more work than the MVAE? I've heard it has a lot of weird builds, and one individual claimed you'd have to respec a few times to get the most out of the Vesta. (Probably meant that you'd have to experiment, I'd guess)

    The MVAE can get excellent performance with very straightforward and frequently discussed builds, and it's much more agile which makes it easier to keep the DHCs on target. A Vesta build is a complicated balancing act between all the different things you want to do, and because no one comes down in the same place on that there isn't really a go to basic setup to use.
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    sethketasethketa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Thanks for the input, everyone. Looks like I'll be saving up for the Vesta afterall. Admittedly I'm not too fussed, as I've never really been a fan of the MVAE's aesthetic. The Vesta doesn't look too bad, and it'd certainly feel more "at home" on my science captain.
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    sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I fly the AE and the Vesta Tactical (have the pack though) with my Fed Eng.

    I know that the AE is a little different from the MVAE, great escort, great fire power with a bit of a Sci leaning but the Vesta feels like an escort... just more powerful. I like using the QFFP on Cubes and gates, very significant DPS burst against big unshielded targets.

    I don't see that attraction of the MVAE's consoles, it's a nice gadget with mediocre AI. The Vesta consoles can be very useful for taking out targets and supporting allied ships.

    The Vesta may have lower hull than cruisers and some escorts but it still does VERY well. I have died very few times only because I wasn't paying attention. It has a lot of firepower and great on Science power as well.

    I think that adding SIF Generators would be a good idea to take advantage of the Aux being cranked-up. Also I did not notice significant drain from the Aux cannons to be of concern - so again, crank up the Aux power to the Max. You'd want to add an Overcharged warp core for the additional Aux power.

    The Excelsior has been my main ship and the Vesta is a close second, probably just because the Excelsior has the Transwarp computer and I like tanking once in a while as well. The Vesta might give me a good reason to respec to have better GW/Science abilities.

    Those are my scattered thoughts, hope some of it made sense. :)
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    sethketasethketa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The primary reason for the MVAE was the LT. Cmdr Science Bridge Officer. You lose out on some tactical slots, but gain the ability to toss out a Gravity Well I or something else. So you're still primarily focused on DPS, but also have more utility than the average escort. The actual console is a novelty, indeed.

    However, the Vesta just seems to be better, with the myriad of options it has available.
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