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magnumstarmagnumstar Member Posts: 269 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Ok so how many of you Roms want to file off your head ridges and join the Vulcans and sing Kumbaya? My Romulan is revolted by the idea of unifying with the galaxy's tightest tighta$$es.

I am a Romulan proud of my heritage and I am disgusted that any of my people would throw away their own rich culture and customs to replace them with the deviant beliefs of the Vulcans. It was because of these beliefs that we left the Vulcans in the first place so as no to pollute our peoples minds with their twisted philosophy.

What can the Vulcans give you that equals those accomplishments of our own people? Where is the Vulcan legacy? Did they carve out an Empire from among the stars? Where is their Empire? Do they lead this United federation of Planets or are they pawns of the Humans and other races? Yes our Vulcan cousins have touched the stars but look how far they have come in the centuries that we left them, confined to their own planet and a few paltry colonies. Their degenerate philosophy has lead them to ruin, they have never been a power in the galaxy and never will be. They are just another minor race among the many races of the Federation.

My Romulan brothers and sisters do not be swayed by the false teachings of the Vulcans but remain true to your own heritage. The Vulcans can offer you nothing but mediocrity. But being part of our new Republic offers you a chance of rebuilding our legacy. Along with our Reman kin we have a chance to once again be a power in the galaxy. We can build a government free of Tal Shiar oppression and the mad whims of a monarch where the people are governed by the will of the people. We can have freedom for all our people and we will once again rise to greatness in the galaxy. Do not squander your chance at a new legacy but stay steadfast to our heritage and remain under the raptors wings, it is where we belong.
Post edited by magnumstar on


  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The point of Reunification is not to force Rihanh to accept Kolinahr. By the same token, the point is not to bring the Thaessu under the Raptor's Wings.

    The point is balance. Rihanh have embraced emotion to the point of allowing passions to dominate, and to the detriment of reason. Thaessu have embraced reason to the detriment of emotion.

    Aristoteles, one of the great thinkers of the Terrhasu, wrote of an ideal he called "the Golden Mean." This is the middle point between two extremes.

    Both of our peoples have chosen extremes (and both have failed in their goals, for the Thaessu still have emotions, often betrayed by virtue of their arrogance and prejudices, and the Rihanh still have reason, perverted by allowing passion to dominate it -- reason has not atrophied in the Rihanh, nor has emotion atrophied in the Thaessu), and both must, eventually, return to the Golden Mean between these two extremes, a situation in which emotion informs reason, and reason mediates the excesses of passion. This is the hope of Reunification.

    Rihanh are sometimes criticized for being "deceptive." The Thaessu claim to be incapable of lying, but history shows otherwise.

    Emotion is never completely "purged" from the Thaessu, and they will admit that emotion runs deep in them.

    Rihanh are not devoid of reason, for Rihan intrigues require rational planning.

    Thaessu and Rihanh are the same people, genetically; only cultural differences separate the two. This is not to minimize the importance of those cultural differences; choices have been made which led to cultural divergence. Choice is part of freedom; freedom is essential. But choice is always possible, as long as freedom remains possible and without undue restriction; this means that both sides can still make the choice that both should have made long ago: to be, not anti-emotion nor anti-rationality, but to be as they are innately, with both a rational capability and an emotional capability, in equilibrium.

    That all being said, the majority of the Thaessu are, for the moment, still too arrogant in their "Logic" to give due consideration to what they have lost by suppressing emotion. Rihanh are still divided even among themselves, by virtue of their warring passions.

    As such, Reunification will not happen at any point in the near future, primarily due to this arrogance on the part of the Thaessu, but the passionate divisions and passion-motivated intrigues of the Rihanh also cannot be ignored in this consideration.

    I am Rihan, like you (*). I speak as such. Speaking as a ri'Rihanha in this time of many crises and challenges, I will say that, when faced with the decision of alliance with one side or the other (and no option to simply be Rihan), I could not stomach the idea of allying with the Lloann'mhrahel, because that government is disingenuous in its claims to value and promote freedom. The Lloann'mhrahel is no less a colonial empire than the Klling'hann Nneikha, but they try to pretend otherwise, adopting the euphemistic designation "Federation." They criticize us for being "deceptive," and yet they are even more deceptive. As such, I have chosen alliance with the Klling'hann Nneikha; they are at least honest in naming themselves an empire, and our history with them is long. We have betrayed them in the past, but we have also worked closely with them in the past. We know them and understand their intrigues. We are not so dissimilar.

    -- Gessatra ir'Virinat t'Prell

    *(Or am I? See my siggy and remember that I am some sort of intelligence agent.)
  • kwiat007kwiat007 Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Those traitors have one planet with one city on it, so apparently not many Romulans have completely lost their minds.
    [SIGPIC]Join Date: August 2009[/SIGPIC]
    I live in an alternate universe, where j.j. abrams and cryptic never existed,
    where R.S.E. is what it always should be.
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