The suggestions of having an account wide rep system I don't see happening but maybe there are other ways if easing the pain. The problem isn't the first time through it's the 4th and 5th times that are the pain, particularly if those are more back up toons.
But instead of making it a blanket system why not have bonus reputation awards based on the number of toons that have completed each level of the rep system?
Toon 1 does Omega Rep level 1 with no bonus, once level 1 has been complete;
Toon 2 gets a 25% bonus on getting to level 1 if Toon 1 has finished level 1
Toon 3 gets a 50% bonus if both the pervious toons have finished,
cap the bonus at 100% and then toon number 5 gets through the whole rep system in half the time at half the cost. The same principle could also be applied to the doff system, although perhaps with smaller bonuses and a lower cap as doffing doesn't usually require the same level of resources to run a mission
They won't change a thing. the more in game items and time it costs you the more real $$ it makes them as players buy and trade box keys and other sell-able items to make up for it.
They won't change a thing. the more in game items and time it costs you the more real $$ it makes them as players buy and trade box keys and other sell-able items to make up for it.
But the assumption is that most players are on for a couple of hours a couple of times a week. So it's seems like that most players will have one or two main toons with any others being there to pick up a little free dilithium through the Lore missions and provide a few extra doffs through the recruitment missions. So spending lots of time and resources on a toon that your not going to use isn't going to happen, but if doesn't take as much effort then maybe those toons will be taken out for a ride a little more often, and have some resources spent on them.
Question is would you rather have half of something or all of nothing?
I'd rather just see one big long rep project to fully complete each tier. That way you don't have to micro manage the things (cause really, whoever came up with the 20 hour rep cycle should be shot in the face so they can't contaminate the rest of the species with their stupidity) and you can just worry about them once ever x-days/weeks.
At this point, I wish someone from the Dev Team would respond to the talks about account-wide systems. Because I finally got my Romulan to 50 and started on Nukara Reputation and I realize now that I have to grind Reputation on not one, but many characters.
And it's easy when you have one character, but most people have at least 3 characters and the more characters you have..........the less fun you got and the more STO becomes a job. More job, the more stress, the more stress, the more people leave for other games.
They won't change a thing. the more in game items and time it costs you the more real $$ it makes them as players buy and trade box keys and other sell-able items to make up for it.
I seriously doubt people are buying Dilithum to buy these sets. Only takes a few days of light grinding to earn enough Dilithum to buy items from the Reputation stores. Most people who are buying Dilithium are using it for Fleet Starbases.
But the assumption is that most players are on for a couple of hours a couple of times a week. So it's seems like that most players will have one or two main toons with any others being there to pick up a little free dilithium through the Lore missions and provide a few extra doffs through the recruitment missions. So spending lots of time and resources on a toon that your not going to use isn't going to happen, but if doesn't take as much effort then maybe those toons will be taken out for a ride a little more often, and have some resources spent on them.
Question is would you rather have half of something or all of nothing?
And it's easy when you have one character, but most people have at least 3 characters and the more characters you have..........the less fun you got and the more STO becomes a job. More job, the more stress, the more stress, the more people leave for other games.
I seriously doubt people are buying Dilithum to buy these sets. Only takes a few days of light grinding to earn enough Dilithum to buy items from the Reputation stores. Most people who are buying Dilithium are using it for Fleet Starbases.