Hi! I'm new. I'm Captain Mittens of the U.S.S. Catspaw. lololol
I have some questions about both character classes and ship classes.
1. I've been seeing a lot of griping about Escorts vs. Cruisers and Science Vessels. It seems like Escorts just chew through solo PvE content and top the leaderboards all the time. This bugs me because the whole reason I started playing was to fly around in ships that looked like the iconic ships from the franchise. I'm a level 10 Tactical and I've just been given my first choice of ship, and it looks like the way to go is Cruisers, but they all look so tiny and unremarkable compared to Cruisers. Just how much of a disadvantage would choosing a Cruiser put me in, and do they serve some sort of role? Do the strengths of Cruisers, and Science Vessels for that matter, come into play at all in group content?
2. I see that there are two other factions in the game, but their ships don't really look all that interesting to me. They lack the personality of Federation ships. How customizable are Klingon/Romulan ships?
3. I also have heard that Romulans can side with either faction eventually. Are they still limited to Romulan craft after they side with a faction, or can they also pilot that faction's ships?
4. Are there advantages to syncing up your character class with your ship class, I.E. a Science character with a Science Vessel or an Engineering character with a Cruiser?
1. I believe you're overthinking this or reading more into it than you should. The issues you note aren't really apparent at LCDR because the ships and their roles aren't as well defined so early in the game. As far as ship sizes go, this is like many (if not most) other MMOs in that the low level gear is not as impressive looking as the high level stuff. You can't fly an Odyssey Star Cruiser but you'll know what it is when you see it (it's massive). The later ships get larger, especially when you get into refit and retrofit models. If you're really into the canon ships, keep in mind that the Enterprise-C was tiny in comparison to the Enterprise-E (and the E is an escort compared to the F). At Commander level, you get access to the Enterprise-C (Ambassador class Support Cruiser) and from there, the later Enterprises become available with each being larger than the last (generally speaking).
2) They're as customizable as the Fed ships. You can't make a Defiant look like the Stargazer and likewise, you can't make a K't'inga look like a Bird of Prey. Within their ship classes, KDF and Romulan ships are customizable almost to the same degree as the Feds (I say 'almost' because historically, Fed side has gotten far more "goodies" than KDF side and that build up has yet to be balanced out).
3) Romulans can fly their allies ships except tier 5 (Admiral/General) level, last I heard.
4) There are no real game defining benefits to flying your class ship, I don't think.
1. I've been seeing a lot of griping about Escorts vs. Cruisers and Science Vessels. It seems like Escorts just chew through solo PvE content and top the leaderboards all the time. This bugs me because the whole reason I started playing was to fly around in ships that looked like the iconic ships from the franchise. I'm a level 10 Tactical and I've just been given my first choice of ship, and it looks like the way to go is Cruisers, but they all look so tiny and unremarkable compared to Cruisers. Just how much of a disadvantage would choosing a Cruiser put me in, and do they serve some sort of role? Do the strengths of Cruisers, and Science Vessels for that matter, come into play at all in group content?
Escorts are currently strong in PvE, but there is still a place for the other two. Think of it like other MMO's groupwork where yeah you have 3 DPS classes, but a healer and tank as well. I love getting a science captain in an STF, personally.
2. I see that there are two other factions in the game, but their ships don't really look all that interesting to me. They lack the personality of Federation ships. How customizable are Klingon/Romulan ships?
Yes, but not as customizable as Federation ships. For example, on a Fed ship, you can almost always change the hull, nacelles, strut and saucer to variants of the same class, but not for a D'Deridrex.
3. I also have heard that Romulans can side with either faction eventually. Are they still limited to Romulan craft after they side with a faction, or can they also pilot that faction's ships?
They can pilot their allied factions' ships up to T5 - so you could buy a Miranda for dilithium, or a Assault Cruiser, but not a Vesta, even if its unlocked on your Federation character.
4. Are there advantages to syncing up your character class with your ship class, I.E. a Science character with a Science Vessel or an Engineering character with a Cruiser?
I like to think of it this way, Do you want a Full Tactical outlook, or Tactical/Engineering mix, Tactical/science mix, etc. Going back to my "other MMO's" example, its like making yourself a hybrid rather than a "pure" class. Many people mix and match types. Personally, I am a Tac captain and have all three types available, a Heavy Escort Carrier, Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit, and a Tactical Odyssey.
You're welcome. Also, since you say your new, look into getting keybinds set up, its a lot to go over here, but just google for "STO keybinds" they make a huge difference; with keybinds, I can make sure that Tactical Team and EptS is always up, as well as rebalancing my shields and firing all weapons, with a single keybind.
1) Play whatever class you like the most.
2) Fly whichever ship you like the most.
3) Have fun doing so.
Far too many people assume they are not playing the game correctly if they are not zealously following the latest thread from here about, "Super Duper Most 'Leetest Evah Bazillion DPS Shuttle Build for ESTFs!" The person posting such may not have any more knowledge about the game than you do. Since it is the InterWebs, there really isn't any way of determining the depth and breadth of their knowledge here. Playing a few missions with them would be very much more enlightening about their skill set. STO is a game. You are playing it because you like the material it is based on. It is a fun, relaxing way to spend some time.
Star Trek, and STO especially, should not be treated like it is some sort of religion. When I first started I spent just enough Zen so I could try out all three character classes. I enjoy all of them. I have Escorts, Cruisers, and two or three Science Vessels. I like them all. The character I am currently spending most of my game time on is a Lvl 50 Lethean Science officer who conns a Mirror Universe Vor'cha Battlecruiser. I am quite sure there are some who will read this and recoil in horror from their screen at how "badly" I am playing the game. I do not care. I find playing STO with this toon to be very very entertaining. I am not in the running for Player of The Year, either.
In summation, to borrow a phrase or two.
"Trust your feelings. You've just taken your first steps into a larger Universe."
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
1) Play whatever class you like the most.
2) Fly whichever ship you like the most.
3) Have fun doing so.
Wow. This is it. Really.
Yes, really. In PVE, as long as the player is good, you can be effective with just about anything you choose to bring. Is some combination maybe slightly more effective? Perhaps, but it is worth 1% more dps with a ship you don't like worth 75% less fun for you?
Really, I can go into an elite STF with a rainbow weapon build (which everyone here will tell you is less effective than sticking with a single weapon type), but as long as I play well, and know what I'm doing with my abilities, I'll still be doing better than the vast majority. (Of course, most people who use rainbow weapon builds happen to also not actually know how to play well...)
For PVE u really can almost do what u want.
Pve in this game is really easy. Especially space combat.
Personally hate pvp in this game ATM (there was a time where pvp was fun).
Just fly what class u want in the ship u want. HF and stay away from pvp.
Also a engi in a cruiser can dps like an escort. Well less burst dmg and with fire at will less directed.. but if that doesnt matters like in fleet actions u can go first place in ur cruiser.
Like others said, choose what you like and develop on it. You don't have to play what others think you should. Sure, a 5 escort STF (providing they are well built) is over in a blink of an eye, but a slower paced one with a mix of ship types is also immensely enjoyable.
Usually I play Tact in a cruiser (Operational Odyssey, not Tactical Odyssey ). I like it, I like it the most. Although I have escorts and the MVAE speciffically is one of those who can end things quickly I don't seem to enjoy it as much as the Odyssey. And you know what I some times like to do in PVE missions grinding for dilithium? Park the ship, wait for the enemy and fire, never moving. Hard to do on an escort. And when I do pick the escort up I always think "this thing is moving way too fast" eheh.
Now with the D'Deridex is it's even slower, but I really like it.
I understand that since you are still leveling, things may become a bit harder by playing some ships rather than others, but its manageable as you level quite fast. Then at endgame you can pretty much do things exactly as you like.
Bottom line is, if you mind the stong points/weaknesses and ajust accordingly, you can have fun in any ship, of any type with wichever career you choose.
2) They're as customizable as the Fed ships. You can't make a Defiant look like the Stargazer and likewise, you can't make a K't'inga look like a Bird of Prey. Within their ship classes, KDF and Romulan ships are customizable almost to the same degree as the Feds (I say 'almost' because historically, Fed side has gotten far more "goodies" than KDF side and that build up has yet to be balanced out).
3) Romulans can fly their allies ships except tier 5 (Admiral/General) level, last I heard.
4) There are no real game defining benefits to flying your class ship, I don't think.
Escorts are currently strong in PvE, but there is still a place for the other two. Think of it like other MMO's groupwork where yeah you have 3 DPS classes, but a healer and tank as well. I love getting a science captain in an STF, personally.
Yes, but not as customizable as Federation ships. For example, on a Fed ship, you can almost always change the hull, nacelles, strut and saucer to variants of the same class, but not for a D'Deridrex.
They can pilot their allied factions' ships up to T5 - so you could buy a Miranda for dilithium, or a Assault Cruiser, but not a Vesta, even if its unlocked on your Federation character.
I like to think of it this way, Do you want a Full Tactical outlook, or Tactical/Engineering mix, Tactical/science mix, etc. Going back to my "other MMO's" example, its like making yourself a hybrid rather than a "pure" class. Many people mix and match types. Personally, I am a Tac captain and have all three types available, a Heavy Escort Carrier, Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit, and a Tactical Odyssey.
You're welcome. Also, since you say your new, look into getting keybinds set up, its a lot to go over here, but just google for "STO keybinds" they make a huge difference; with keybinds, I can make sure that Tactical Team and EptS is always up, as well as rebalancing my shields and firing all weapons, with a single keybind.
1) Play whatever class you like the most.
2) Fly whichever ship you like the most.
3) Have fun doing so.
Far too many people assume they are not playing the game correctly if they are not zealously following the latest thread from here about, "Super Duper Most 'Leetest Evah Bazillion DPS Shuttle Build for ESTFs!" The person posting such may not have any more knowledge about the game than you do. Since it is the InterWebs, there really isn't any way of determining the depth and breadth of their knowledge here. Playing a few missions with them would be very much more enlightening about their skill set. STO is a game. You are playing it because you like the material it is based on. It is a fun, relaxing way to spend some time.
Star Trek, and STO especially, should not be treated like it is some sort of religion. When I first started I spent just enough Zen so I could try out all three character classes. I enjoy all of them. I have Escorts, Cruisers, and two or three Science Vessels. I like them all. The character I am currently spending most of my game time on is a Lvl 50 Lethean Science officer who conns a Mirror Universe Vor'cha Battlecruiser. I am quite sure there are some who will read this and recoil in horror from their screen at how "badly" I am playing the game. I do not care. I find playing STO with this toon to be very very entertaining. I am not in the running for Player of The Year, either.
In summation, to borrow a phrase or two.
"Trust your feelings. You've just taken your first steps into a larger Universe."
Wow. This is it. Really.
Yes, really. In PVE, as long as the player is good, you can be effective with just about anything you choose to bring. Is some combination maybe slightly more effective? Perhaps, but it is worth 1% more dps with a ship you don't like worth 75% less fun for you?
Really, I can go into an elite STF with a rainbow weapon build (which everyone here will tell you is less effective than sticking with a single weapon type), but as long as I play well, and know what I'm doing with my abilities, I'll still be doing better than the vast majority. (Of course, most people who use rainbow weapon builds happen to also not actually know how to play well...)
Pve in this game is really easy. Especially space combat.
Personally hate pvp in this game ATM (there was a time where pvp was fun).
Just fly what class u want in the ship u want. HF and stay away from pvp.
Also a engi in a cruiser can dps like an escort. Well less burst dmg and with fire at will less directed.. but if that doesnt matters like in fleet actions u can go first place in ur cruiser.
Usually I play Tact in a cruiser (Operational Odyssey, not Tactical Odyssey ). I like it, I like it the most. Although I have escorts and the MVAE speciffically is one of those who can end things quickly I don't seem to enjoy it as much as the Odyssey. And you know what I some times like to do in PVE missions grinding for dilithium? Park the ship, wait for the enemy and fire, never moving. Hard to do on an escort. And when I do pick the escort up I always think "this thing is moving way too fast" eheh.
Now with the D'Deridex is it's even slower, but I really like it.
I understand that since you are still leveling, things may become a bit harder by playing some ships rather than others, but its manageable as you level quite fast. Then at endgame you can pretty much do things exactly as you like.
Bottom line is, if you mind the stong points/weaknesses and ajust accordingly, you can have fun in any ship, of any type with wichever career you choose.
Happy gaming