I have both fighters, and the delta flyer on fed side, and they all came with "pet" Items I could hold in INV and trigger as I fly around in space. - - Today I bought the Scorpion fighter, and love flying it - but it gives no pet I can launch when I'm in my Double D. - is this an over sight or as intended?
while I'm on the subject - this ship is fun as heck in the Federation Minefield STF when you're allied with the klinks.. - mine is outfitted with some good double beams and a plasma torp, and with a tactical Boff carrying beam overload skill maxed + the singularity beam overload power - she can drop a shield and bury a torp into the hull of the big ships in one pass.
and when you get to the final fight, she is great for keep runabouts from pestering the group that is pounding on the boss. - great little fighter!
Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) -