Hey I had a nother posts about what to think about before joining a fleet and steps as to what to concider . regarding Next generation gaming fleet that are a bunch of ................ I searched and searched for it and its not there where did it go or should I cut and repaste it again? LMAO
Also is anyone else having any problems with using the chat ui? when your using reddit? I see other people using it but when i use it I never get a replie back?
And yesterday whewn i was in a elite pve with a few cool players I dident get my droped dil i picked it up after we finished it but since the server crashed just after that I was not able to boot to the sector screen at all and There is no trace of me doing that pve anywhere in my logs and nore did i get my dil or borg item and i still had ship damage from dying in the elite pve but no rewards thats bull!
As far as your thread? Probably deleted by moderators.