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We seem to have a problem here

blondie987blondie987 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Federation Discussion
We seem to have a problem here cryptic and perfect world entertainment. the problem is you said/stated that we could start out as a romulan in the federation. that is not true romulan race is nowhere to be found when starting a federation character. and secondly for those of us that do play romulans we are unable to buy or purchase federation ships whenever our romulan character gets a promotion. the only ships we are able to buy or are limited to are romulan warbirds. that seems a bit fair when if we are aligned with the federation as a romulan we should be able to buy free of charge without having to pay dilithium a federation ship when we get promoted. so these are the flaws i see and what i see needs to be fixed in the grand scheme of things regarding legacy of romulus.
Post edited by blondie987 on


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    carrowcanarycarrowcanary Member Posts: 160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you want to fly Feddie ships, use your Feddie character.
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    stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    blondie987 wrote: »
    We seem to have a problem here cryptic and perfect world entertainment. the problem is you said/stated that we could start out as a romulan in the federation.

    You would be entirely wrong about that. Romulans were never stated to be a playable Fed/KDF species.
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    loverofwarsloverofwars Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    first: when did they state you could start as a romulan in the federation? you play missions and once near level 10 you choose an alley either fed or kdf then you can play as a romulan allied to the federation but still a member of the romulan republic and not a starfleet officer.

    second: you get romulan ships free (kinda i know one per rank till 40:P) the alleys faction ships will cost zen or dilithium if that is wrong they will fix it in time but i think it is correct why would they give you free ships/tokens to free ships just because you are an allie during the mission before chooseing sides they make it clear romulans are not trusted nor will be for a long time agents will work for years under cover we are still in 2409 it will take some time mostly because we been in 2409 for three years :P but we are indeed moving toward 2410 :)
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    voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yet another perfect example of reading comprehension being a lost art.
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    ariseaboveariseabove Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    blondie987 wrote: »
    We seem to have a problem here cryptic and perfect world entertainment. the problem is you said/stated that we could start out as a romulan in the federation. that is not true romulan race is nowhere to be found when starting a federation character.

    Did you bother creating an alien and making it look like a Romulan then choosing Romulan traits?
    blondie987 wrote: »
    and secondly for those of us that do play romulans we are unable to buy or purchase federation ships whenever our romulan character gets a promotion. the only ships we are able to buy or are limited to are romulan warbirds. that seems a bit fair when if we are aligned with the federation as a romulan we should be able to buy free of charge without having to pay dilithium a federation ship when we get promoted. so these are the flaws i see and what i see needs to be fixed in the grand scheme of things regarding legacy of romulus.

    Did you bother to claim any of your fed ships from the c-store, soon as I got to level 20 I claimed my Klingon ship that has the quad cannons for the quad cannons but all my ships are there as well if I wish to use them and its the same fed side!
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    aexraelaexrael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The irony of the username and the content of the OP is too much. All respective Tier 1-4 ships are available to Romulans from their chosen alignment. Tier 5, special inc. mirror ships are not available, and neither were they ever promised to be.
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    andoriansrusandoriansrus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't know.... I would not mind using my z-store ships on my fed romulans.... but I cannot... no vesta, no kumari... or any of my other z-store end game ships....
    Major Xi'Zzin
    I.R.W. Raptor's Claw
    Storm Eagle Class Warbird Fleet Ha'feh
    I have never trusted humans, and I never will
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    blondie987blondie987 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    actually you are wrong about that they said that you would be able to play as a romulan in the federation i specifically remember reading that somewhere.

    You would be entirely wrong about that. Romulans were never stated to be a playable Fed/KDF species.
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    altechachanaltechachan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    blondie987 wrote: »
    actually you are wrong about that they said that you would be able to play as a romulan in the federation i specifically remember reading that somewhere.

    You are probably confused with the new "ally system" in which a Romulan faction player has to ally with either the Federation or the Klingons. Allying with the Federation means your Romulan faction character can appear in Federation installations (SOL and Fed bases) while being able to use Federation starships from Tier 1 to 4.
    Member since November 2009... I think.
    (UFP) Ragnar
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    neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    blondie987 wrote: »
    actually you are wrong about that they said that you would be able to play as a romulan in the federation i specifically remember reading that somewhere.

    Link it or it did not happen.
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    joebobjimstevejoebobjimsteve Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What? Another cry thread from a fed. Aren't there enough of these already?

    So, you're mad because you were too lazy to read the patch notes? Sounds like a personal problem....
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    andoriansrusandoriansrus Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm not gonna cry I'm just gonna keep playing.... as it stands I now have 3 Romulans 3 Feds and 2 KDF characters and my first 50 was a KDF Sci that now drives a Vo'Quv.... and does it well I might add.... anyway do I think they could have done this better yes but what they have done is acceptable to me so I have no problems with it as it is.... (still want the romulans as a stand alone faction) a FvKvR pvp would just be downright fun.....

    I got the LoR Starter pack last night and as Im looking at the T'varo retrofit and console combination... muahahahaha what fun to be had there something to be as annoying as my b'rel retrofit torp boat

    oh and having 2 liberated borg bridge officers (one engi and one tac)+ the rest of the boffs being romulan so I can get the cloaking bonuses = annoying as all hell in kerrat with the fleet t'varo... that's right the raptors wings everywhere it seems due to this expansion I see less Klingon ships and federation ships in sector space but I am sure once the newness wears off there will be an equalization as things return to normal... with the exception now that there will be romulans..... and I say why complain about what you do not have.... you now have the ability to play a romulan and then pick which side of the war you are on so stop complaining..... the staff at cryptic COULD have scrapped this idea and just gone on with the way things were prior to the expansion and left it at that.....
    Major Xi'Zzin
    I.R.W. Raptor's Claw
    Storm Eagle Class Warbird Fleet Ha'feh
    I have never trusted humans, and I never will
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