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Advice on my build plsss

faqtimefaqtime Member Posts: 19 Arc User
I`m Engineer

Skills :

Tactical system

Engineering system

Science and operation system


Ship Mirror Assault Cruiser

Fore Weapons
2x Polaron Beam Array
1x Tricobalt Torpedo
1x Transphasic Torpedo

Aft Weapons
2x Polaron Beam Array
1x Transphasic Mine
1x Tricobal Mine

Officers Skills

1 Officer : Spread I and Tactical team II
2 Officer : Tactical team I

Engineering Skills
1 Officer: EpEngine I, Engineering Team II, EpShields III, Eject plasma Warp III
2 Officer: EpWeapons I, Revers Shield Polarity I, EpShields III

Science skills
1 Officer: Polarize hull I, Science team II

As other Item:

Using Batteries Weapons end Shields , Subspace field Modulator

Eng: 4x Emergency force field + 35 crew
Tac: 2x Transphasic dmg + 26% dmg, 1x TCD Subspace infuser
Sci: 2x Biodunction monitor + 35% crew recovery

PS. More space .. i have all traits from space on my charter.
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    disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited May 2013


    Your skills are all over the place and dont really seem to suppors some of the powers you chose.

    The second link is a good tool for building a character, as the skill planner will allow you to slot BO powers and see which skills boost them.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm going to stay away from skills because there are so many philosophies there its not worth fighting, and you can't freely go back and redo them anyways.

    On your ship though, three significant things stand out. First your weapons. Cruisers are two slow to be effective torpedo boats, and transphasics are particularly bad. Drop the transphasics in favor of two more beam arrays. Then maybe drop the rear tricobalt mine for a Kinetic Cutting Beam (yes its expensive, but its very much worth it).

    Your Bridge Officer layout is workable, no major glaring holes. However, drop the Tactical Team to 1 and up the Spread to 2, as there is almost no advantage gained by a higher-level TT, so using it as 2 is wasteful. You might also want to buy Damage Control Officer duty officers to help with your Emergencey-Power-To-X cooldowns if you are using that many.

    Your console selection is simply terrible. There is no nice way to say that. You are spending all your resources trying to keep your crew alive, which is ultimately futile given how the game handles crew deaths. Get rid of every single console you're using and replace them.

    Engineering: Neutronium Alloy x2, RCS Accelerator, Assimilated Module (also expensive, also worth it)
    Science: Emitter Array, Field Generator
    Tactical: Polaron Phase Modulator x3
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    faqtimefaqtime Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks reginamala78 good advice, because i was a little going to much on recovery or fast ship heal... :rolleyes: and to be honest i was thinking if u can heal yourself faster then u can be a tank.. in space pve i usually die 1 time in 20 battles.. depends on team.

    Now .. the Transphasic torpedo's are cool i can see ships that i kill with no shield dmg or orange ones. tricobalt torpedo i was thinking to hive up... sometimes it is good.. some times it is bad... was thinking for plasma or quantum...

    fore the mines , tricobalt mine i was thinking to give up in favor for Kinetic Cutting Beam but i din`t have a firm decision, the second mines i was on the point to use the Chroniton mines, to give an edge vs full tactical builds .

    any way for skill build i don`t blame u ... i have seen 1000 skill planers and i have my mind decide.. full engineering .. and minimal for science or tactical... and rest for ground wen asked :)

    CASE WHEN n > 0 THEN 'positive' WHEN n < 0 THEN 'negative' ELSE 'zero' END
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    disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    faqtime wrote: »
    Thanks reginamala78 good advice, because i was a little going to much on recovery or fast ship heal... :rolleyes: and to be honest i was thinking if u can heal yourself faster then u can be a tank.. in space pve i usually die 1 time in 20 battles.. depends on team.

    Now .. the Transphasic torpedo's are cool i can see ships that i kill with no shield dmg or orange ones. tricobalt torpedo i was thinking to hive up... sometimes it is good.. some times it is bad... was thinking for plasma or quantum...

    fore the mines , tricobalt mine i was thinking to give up in favor for Kinetic Cutting Beam but i din`t have a firm decision, the second mines i was on the point to use the Chroniton mines, to give an edge vs full tactical builds .

    any way for skill build i don`t blame u ... i have seen 1000 skill planers and i have my mind decide.. full engineering .. and minimal for science or tactical... and rest for ground wen asked :)


    Actually I would just use the skill builder to figure out which BO powers benifit most from my skill setup.

    For instance Eject Warp plasma actualy benifits from particle generators in the science tree.

    Tacticle team 2 Isn't apreciably better than TT1, I would swap it for torp spread 2.

    Engineering team shares a cd with tacticle team. TT is far more useful and with the right doffs can be on a global CD allowing you to have only 1 copy.

    I would also consider slotting Auxilary to Structural integrity field (Aux2Sif) As it only has a 15 second cd and can be boosted with auxillary power. I would consider replacing EWP3 with Aux2Sif 3

    2 copies of Epts3, With doffs you can get away with only having 1. somthing to consider.

    Science team. While it has many uses it again shares a cd with TT or ET. Also carrying a copy of hazard emitters will probably save you more often than ST. HE is a heal over time (HoT) and also clears debuffs, like plasma fires (always popular with the borg).

    As for weapons. If you want to focus on kinetic damage you will need to be able to turn. I notice you have no RCS consoles and only have 3 points in impulse thrusters. Consider adding points in impulse thrusters and/or buying 1 or 2 RCS consoles.


    If your goal is to roast people through their shields then a cruiser isnt really well suited for that.

    But, Given the firing rate of transphasics and plasma torpedos your best option is to mount them in pairs. This will allow you to sustain a higher rate of fire on them, you should also slot some projectile weapons doffs as they can reduce the CD on your torpedo weapons.

    Mines can be useful but you tend to have to rely on some one flying into them. Consider putting your tricobalt launchers on the back since that arc should see the least use the long reload wont affect you as much. Also consider getting the transphasic mine torpedo from the breen episodes. Its prety nasty. you should also consider the hargh'peng from the doomsday machine mission.

    I also notice you didnt really spec into any weapons boosts. You should really consider a respec.

    As far as your energy weapons go, Polarond arent really going to help you. You should consider plasma, since its proc starts plasma fires that ignore shields. Also consider going with single cannons/turrets they have a better firing rate and tend to proc more frequently.

    The best torp boats tend to be ships that are science heavy. As torpedos dont rely on weapon power it allows you to take power out of that system and add it elsewhere, and since all science abilitys are aux dependant it gives you more aux power to make them much more deadly.

    Consider trying to grab one of the mirror science ships off the exchange, they tend to be cheep


    This is what i would do if I did a torpedo boat. I don't know if you have access to fleet level gear but I did use rep gear, since you can get it....eventualy.

    Not that I didnt put 9 in many skills. Thats because for the cost you get almost nothing past 6. It just Isnt really worth it.

    With this setup Tou could effectively have ) in your weapons power and still do the same damage as 100*
    *The experamental plasma beam does get a damage boost from weapon power levels But does not consume energy when Firing.

    2 piece adapted maco set bonus buffs kinetic weapons. Standard maci shield is just one of the best out there, but you could really use anything you want since it isnt in there for a set bonus.

    Photon torpedos have the highest firing rate, Over time you will do more damage even with shields than transphasics.

    The experamental plasma beam requires no energy to fire, and will still allow you to use the built in sub system targeting. It will also come with a free beam overload/hull debuff if you use it with the other 2 piced of the set.

    The rear weapons also matter a little less with the exception of the hyper plasma torpedo, it's needed for the set bonus, plus its prety cool. but the transphasic cluster torpedo should fulfil the need to damage through shields on large targets and the hargh'peng can cause significant damage over time.

    I'm not that familiar with warp cores yet but you should look for bonuses that compliment your existing skills.

    The science consoles could be replaced with their embassy versions if you had access. The [pla] versions would up the damage of your plasma beam.

    Gravametric pulse and isometric charge are available on the exchange for fed players. Both would benifit from the skill setup I used but arent necessary you could replace them with what ever you want. If you can nadeon detonator is prety nifty.

    The gravity well would really be your Trump card. At a high aux power level and fully skilled in particle gens and graviton generators your targets would take significant damage and be unable to escape, allowing you to fire torp spreads into more enemies causing more splash damage when they explode.

    Beyond that you would have some good heals and even a tractor beam which can hold your target, and with the right Doff drain its shields.
    As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?

    Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln

    Occidere populo et effercio confractus
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