You seriously expect me to grind Nukara marks across multiple toons for the pittance reward? NOT!
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online:
Yes rewards are low, but they are for omega too
Missions are less interesting and if your a space hog like me there are not many to choose from
Azure nebula bugs sometimes making it even less worth it (can only release 1 ship the other three are INVISIBLE!)
People are just releasing the ship without fight too these days so less ec made or they just sit about and do nothing.
as far as I can tell, ONE run of CC (normal) OR ANR with your average PUG during the 3 hour long bonus marks period is enough to fill the daily big reputation project, with marks to spare, for the first two tiers at least. I can't be arsed to figure out if it's enough for T3+
Not bad for 15 minutes of effort (and by "effort," I mean "tap space bar and don't fly like a loon").
do one of each of the above missions daily, and you'll be filling BOTH projects and steadily build up spare marks for the gear.
I, too, was a little alarmed about the Nuke reputation marks, until I figured out it's no harder to advance this rep than it was the Romulan one. Steady, regular play of about 30 minutes a day will keep you moving along as fast as one can.
Yes rewards are low, but they are for omega too
Missions are less interesting and if your a space hog like me there are not many to choose from
Azure nebula bugs sometimes making it even less worth it (can only release 1 ship the other three are INVISIBLE!)
People are just releasing the ship without fight too these days so less ec made or they just sit about and do nothing.
Right. So 100 Omarks for 5 minutes work is compared to 15 minutes for 35 Marks on The Vault: Ensnared or 5 Minutes for 30 Marks on CE (assuming the team is half decent).
as far as I can tell, ONE run of CC (normal) OR ANR with your average PUG during the 3 hour long bonus marks period is enough to fill the daily big reputation project, with marks to spare, for the first two tiers at least. I can't be arsed to figure out if it's enough for T3+
500 Marks for Weapons/Gear/Console. Each. Please crunch how long it would take to get one of these items.
Right. So 100 Omarks for 5 minutes work is compared to 15 minutes for 35 Marks on The Vault: Ensnared or 5 Minutes for 30 Marks on CE (assuming the team is half decent).
500 Marks for Weapons/Gear/Console. Each. Please crunch how long it would take to get one of these items.
10 days, if you only grind for the marks for 30 min/day.
aka, 5hrs/item.
assuming the 2 space missions I mentioned, on normal, have the largest payout for time spent, which may or may not be true.
100 Omega marks per STF isn't unheard of, but it's not the norm, either. and finishing an STF in 5 minutes has probably happened before, but it ain't exactly common either.
Crystal elite would probably help...if it wasn't broken.
oh, for sure.
I won't deny that eSTFs are clearly the best bang for your buck when it comes to rewards/marks in the game, but that's primarily because they're the oldest, and attempting to re-balance the rewards leads to player uprisings, heh.
But, just to compare the Omega reputation system to the newest one, if you crunch the numbers, it's not *that* out of line:
1 T5 Space set item: 500 marks > 5 hours of play to make the marks (as I outlined above)
1 mkXII Omega Rep space item: 1000 marks >...
Okay, so, let's make a few assumptions:
You're PUGing (if you're grinding as fast as possible, you'll have to eventually), you're doing eSTFs back to back, in space, sometimes you're making the optionals, sometimes not, sometimes during the bonus event, sometimes not...
Maybe I'm low-balling it here, but for simplicity's sake, we'll say your average take is 80 marks per STF. You're being super lucky and no matter which one you play, they're always completed in 15min or less. there are 4 Space eSTFs (I'm including Hive, which has higher rewards and typically takes longer, but we'll say it averages out).
SO, at 80 marks per run, you can earn a maximum of 320 marks/hour. therefore:
1 mkXII Omega Rep space item: 1000 marks > 3 hrs, 15 min, with a few marks to spare.
Omega gear - 3.25 hrs per item
Nukara gear - 5 hrs per item
Most people seem not to be trying for Nukara marks, the grind is insane. I'm on t3 and wondering why bother?
This. I managed to get to Tier II then asked myself if I really need the other passive traits. Tier III passive is only worthwhile for Ground PvP, probably also Ground ESTFs but since they are not mandatory anymore no one plays them. Tier IV relies heavily on auxpower. You can check the expected bonus for your ship even before reaching this Tier by just clicking on the icon while in space. My bonus at ~50 auxpower was roughly +8 to all weaponskills. The actual DPS this translates into is so low, I wouldn't notice a difference anyway. Also I run an Aux2Bat build since yesterday, so my current bonus would be zero.
This is only worthwile for science ships like the Vesta. Everyone else can easily skip Nukara after Tier II, without even noticably falling behind in DPS.
Honestly, I'm going to grind one character up all the way to tier 5 on Nukara, and so far its not too bad. I can usually find a group to do the hard missions each day on Nukara, and the mediums and easy exteriors missions are pretty easy if you stick to the edges of the medium area. So, only doing one character, its not that bad.
This idea with reps is one I follow for the others, I have one character that I got full T5 rep for Romulan and Omega just for kicks, I've got another one going for it since I wanted T5 Omega and I had tons of romulan marks from the winter event, so why not? And another character is only going for T5 romulan, due to Omega marks and I was going for a plasma beam boat. But the rest, I'm mostly letting them hang out. I might do something with other's, I have one who has 250 Nukara marks from the lobi and normal versions of the ev suit you can trade in, but yeah, not right now.
Then again, I don't PvP, so I cut out a large source of need right there.
Well it is true. There seems to be some lack of endgame contends to cover the Tholian front. Especially if u have multiple characters and want them to advance in the new reputation.
Here is a link what we do in OCD fleet to make the best out of it.
I think Cryptic has done an amazing job with the expansion in general (aside from some bugs) and they surely must be busy. I also find the multiple choices a good idea in those missions where it?s fitting. Perhaps some more stuff will be added on the Nukara side in the future. What I?d wish would be:
- one STF like elite/normal space queue
- one STF/Mintrap like elite/normal ground queue
- expansion of 6 more quests or so on Nukara to make a raid there worthwhile.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
ok after skimming this thread i have to say, peoples estimates are a bit off for me, lets take one hour of gameplay into the picture. in that one hour of gameplay i will run with my fleet and we will make about 300 omega marks and about 200fleet marks maybe about 60 romulan marks if we are in the mood. in that same time if i grind nukara marks ill make about 45 at the very most, and dont even get me going about the crystaline entity.
so 45 marks vs a total of 560 marks, yea i would call that fair and even, if i was chineese
i did crystaline entity with a team of friends all seasoned players, i was of coarse in my fleet Tvaro, lovely ship. i died over 48 times. my experience was, fly in - die, fly in - die. after almost an entire hour we gave up and that super snowflake was at 41 percent. the whole experience sent my group off to play another game. either they were to pissed off, or just to exausted with the experience.
i went on to try a normal crystaline entity, thankfully i found its difficulty was pretty much at the level the elite was befor the patch. after completing it....... i got no marks. then after an infected same thing no marks. hey cryptic, how many times do you have to break everything else by fixing the little you do in your patches. i have never seen a game with so many bugs in it. it saddens me, i love star trek
I agree, we get absolutely squat in reward for our time and effort put into these damned projects...I can definitely tell who is rich "$$" and who isn't in this "game":mad:
ok after skimming this thread i have to say, peoples estimates are a bit off for me, lets take one hour of gameplay into the picture. in that one hour of gameplay i will run with my fleet and we will make about 300 omega marks and about 200fleet marks maybe about 60 romulan marks if we are in the mood. in that same time if i grind nukara marks ill make about 45 at the very most, and dont even get me going about the crystaline entity.
so 45 marks vs a total of 560 marks, yea i would call that fair and even, if i was chineese
so that is complete BS...are you sleeping for 45 mins and then get 45 marks in your "1 hour"??
cause thats what vault ensnared rewards about 15 minutes
to get 300 omega marks in less than 40 min is possible, but on top of that grinding 200 fleet marks and doing the tau dewa well over an hour...
then in 1 hour i can do a little more than 100 nukara marks...still not that many, but since yesterday that number got signifficantly increased anyway.
40 - CE normal 10 minutes, sometimes even faster
30+5 - azura 14 minutes
around 40+3 - vault ensnared a little over 15 minutes
since yesterday CE elite is farmable anyway and rewards 80 during the 3 hours marks event...35 marks for both nukara ground missions, and i think they are not even on a daily CD anymore
since yesterday CE elite is farmable anyway and rewards 80 during the 3 hours marks event...35 marks for both nukara ground missions, and i think they are not even on a daily CD anymore
Yeah the new changes CEE are very welcome.
80 marks is solid, and you can squeeze in a few of these during the event with how long it is now (I will admit its quite mind numbing).
Azure Nebula isn't bad, and at the least its over in a specified time regardless of how well or poor your team is doing.
I'll probably give the ground stuff a go over the weekend now that it's available through the queue.
I still think we are actually very light on "things to do" to earn each of the different marks, but this is at least some improvement for the nukara rep system.
If we're just talking about getting marks to cover the daily XP projects, I just grind hard during one of the bonus events over the weekend, and I'm set for the week. Probably never took me more than 2 hours to get the 300 or so marks I need to cover myself. I just bounce between clearing Easy and Medium exterior (plus any Zone Wides I happen to fill) on Nukara Prime and running Vault Ensnared. If I have a quick run on Nukara and Vault is still on CD, I'll fill in with Azure.
Yes, this is doing with only one of my three characters. I find it much less stressful to limit myself to only two reps at a time across all characters. My Fed is doing Nukara, my Rom is doing New Romulus, my KDF is doing nothing.
How will it be when I go to start buying Nukara gear? Probably kind of tedious. But, all those missions have a short CD, so you can grind them out hard and just get it done. No sitting around for 30 minutes because you already did ISE and KASE, and don't feel like wasting your time trying to PUG the other ones. Also, there isn't really that much I want out of Nukara as far as gear. I'm doing it to get the passives and the active power, a couple pieces of gear, then I'm out.
well, with CE, it feels easier, because one mission gives a good amount.
however with romulan rep, you had laods and loads, plus the rabbit hunting, that gave you a lot of marks after a week of suffering. and there was the story mission tied to the reputation, which if you have finished, granted you loads of marks. nukara needs such a bonus as well, imo
I can get enough marks to fill my reputation projects from a single run.
I got both my console and my mines in one day. Running during a fleet mark event is really nice.
I can get over 100 marks in just the 3 space events... If you can't get your Nukara rep up, you need to re-evaluate your playstyle.
imo the main problem is the lack of vareity.
sure you can get enough from the missions, that are up. but
1 they are boring
2 they do not give enough marks to make up for 1
Yeah, getting the marks isn't really the issue for me as I already outlined. It's just the tedium setting in now. Glad for them making the Nukara Hards a queue event, makes it more likely that I'll do them since I don't have to waste time trying to get a bunch of people gathered up on the same instance. And now it's one more thing I can potentially do for a decent reward.
Missions are less interesting and if your a space hog like me there are not many to choose from
Azure nebula bugs sometimes making it even less worth it (can only release 1 ship the other three are INVISIBLE!)
People are just releasing the ship without fight too these days so less ec made or they just sit about and do nothing.
Not bad for 15 minutes of effort (and by "effort," I mean "tap space bar and don't fly like a loon").
do one of each of the above missions daily, and you'll be filling BOTH projects and steadily build up spare marks for the gear.
I, too, was a little alarmed about the Nuke reputation marks, until I figured out it's no harder to advance this rep than it was the Romulan one. Steady, regular play of about 30 minutes a day will keep you moving along as fast as one can.
Right. So 100 Omarks for 5 minutes work is compared to 15 minutes for 35 Marks on The Vault: Ensnared or 5 Minutes for 30 Marks on CE (assuming the team is half decent).
500 Marks for Weapons/Gear/Console. Each. Please crunch how long it would take to get one of these items.
10 days, if you only grind for the marks for 30 min/day.
aka, 5hrs/item.
assuming the 2 space missions I mentioned, on normal, have the largest payout for time spent, which may or may not be true.
100 Omega marks per STF isn't unheard of, but it's not the norm, either. and finishing an STF in 5 minutes has probably happened before, but it ain't exactly common either.
oh, for sure.
I won't deny that eSTFs are clearly the best bang for your buck when it comes to rewards/marks in the game, but that's primarily because they're the oldest, and attempting to re-balance the rewards leads to player uprisings, heh.
But, just to compare the Omega reputation system to the newest one, if you crunch the numbers, it's not *that* out of line:
1 T5 Space set item: 500 marks > 5 hours of play to make the marks (as I outlined above)
1 mkXII Omega Rep space item: 1000 marks >...
Okay, so, let's make a few assumptions:
You're PUGing (if you're grinding as fast as possible, you'll have to eventually), you're doing eSTFs back to back, in space, sometimes you're making the optionals, sometimes not, sometimes during the bonus event, sometimes not...
Maybe I'm low-balling it here, but for simplicity's sake, we'll say your average take is 80 marks per STF. You're being super lucky and no matter which one you play, they're always completed in 15min or less. there are 4 Space eSTFs (I'm including Hive, which has higher rewards and typically takes longer, but we'll say it averages out).
SO, at 80 marks per run, you can earn a maximum of 320 marks/hour. therefore:
1 mkXII Omega Rep space item: 1000 marks > 3 hrs, 15 min, with a few marks to spare.
Omega gear - 3.25 hrs per item
Nukara gear - 5 hrs per item
...yeah. Not bad, in my opinion.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
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Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
This. I managed to get to Tier II then asked myself if I really need the other passive traits. Tier III passive is only worthwhile for Ground PvP, probably also Ground ESTFs but since they are not mandatory anymore no one plays them. Tier IV relies heavily on auxpower. You can check the expected bonus for your ship even before reaching this Tier by just clicking on the icon while in space. My bonus at ~50 auxpower was roughly +8 to all weaponskills. The actual DPS this translates into is so low, I wouldn't notice a difference anyway. Also I run an Aux2Bat build since yesterday, so my current bonus would be zero.
This is only worthwile for science ships like the Vesta. Everyone else can easily skip Nukara after Tier II, without even noticably falling behind in DPS.
Bah, I cant even get into Crystal Normal/Elite . I get autokicked within 10 seconds because of that stupid bug which doesn't put you into a team....
We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!
-Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
This idea with reps is one I follow for the others, I have one character that I got full T5 rep for Romulan and Omega just for kicks, I've got another one going for it since I wanted T5 Omega and I had tons of romulan marks from the winter event, so why not? And another character is only going for T5 romulan, due to Omega marks and I was going for a plasma beam boat. But the rest, I'm mostly letting them hang out. I might do something with other's, I have one who has 250 Nukara marks from the lobi and normal versions of the ev suit you can trade in, but yeah, not right now.
Then again, I don't PvP, so I cut out a large source of need right there.
Nouveau riche LTS member
Here is a link what we do in OCD fleet to make the best out of it.;topicseen#new
I think Cryptic has done an amazing job with the expansion in general (aside from some bugs) and they surely must be busy. I also find the multiple choices a good idea in those missions where it?s fitting. Perhaps some more stuff will be added on the Nukara side in the future. What I?d wish would be:
- one STF like elite/normal space queue
- one STF/Mintrap like elite/normal ground queue
- expansion of 6 more quests or so on Nukara to make a raid there worthwhile.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
so 45 marks vs a total of 560 marks, yea i would call that fair and even, if i was chineese
i did crystaline entity with a team of friends all seasoned players, i was of coarse in my fleet Tvaro, lovely ship. i died over 48 times. my experience was, fly in - die, fly in - die. after almost an entire hour we gave up and that super snowflake was at 41 percent. the whole experience sent my group off to play another game. either they were to pissed off, or just to exausted with the experience.
i went on to try a normal crystaline entity, thankfully i found its difficulty was pretty much at the level the elite was befor the patch. after completing it....... i got no marks. then after an infected same thing no marks. hey cryptic, how many times do you have to break everything else by fixing the little you do in your patches. i have never seen a game with so many bugs in it. it saddens me, i love star trek
so that is complete BS...are you sleeping for 45 mins and then get 45 marks in your "1 hour"??
cause thats what vault ensnared rewards about 15 minutes
to get 300 omega marks in less than 40 min is possible, but on top of that grinding 200 fleet marks and doing the tau dewa well over an hour...
then in 1 hour i can do a little more than 100 nukara marks...still not that many, but since yesterday that number got signifficantly increased anyway.
40 - CE normal 10 minutes, sometimes even faster
30+5 - azura 14 minutes
around 40+3 - vault ensnared a little over 15 minutes
since yesterday CE elite is farmable anyway and rewards 80 during the 3 hours marks event...35 marks for both nukara ground missions, and i think they are not even on a daily CD anymore
Yeah the new changes CEE are very welcome.
80 marks is solid, and you can squeeze in a few of these during the event with how long it is now (I will admit its quite mind numbing).
Azure Nebula isn't bad, and at the least its over in a specified time regardless of how well or poor your team is doing.
I'll probably give the ground stuff a go over the weekend now that it's available through the queue.
I still think we are actually very light on "things to do" to earn each of the different marks, but this is at least some improvement for the nukara rep system.
Yes, this is doing with only one of my three characters. I find it much less stressful to limit myself to only two reps at a time across all characters. My Fed is doing Nukara, my Rom is doing New Romulus, my KDF is doing nothing.
How will it be when I go to start buying Nukara gear? Probably kind of tedious. But, all those missions have a short CD, so you can grind them out hard and just get it done. No sitting around for 30 minutes because you already did ISE and KASE, and don't feel like wasting your time trying to PUG the other ones. Also, there isn't really that much I want out of Nukara as far as gear. I'm doing it to get the passives and the active power, a couple pieces of gear, then I'm out.
i'm on T4 2 toons and T3 on my other so its not mega work like you make out to be
I'm done with nukara now, enough marks to finish tier 5 + buy mk xii engines and deflector. Don't need anything else.
It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
well, with CE, it feels easier, because one mission gives a good amount.
however with romulan rep, you had laods and loads, plus the rabbit hunting, that gave you a lot of marks after a week of suffering. and there was the story mission tied to the reputation, which if you have finished, granted you loads of marks. nukara needs such a bonus as well, imo
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
Romulan is slightly better now. Rh'llo station has no CD and can get about 40 marks on average with the bonus event per run.
you dont rly have to move in CCE :S sit, and activate one skill after another. funfunfun
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
I can get enough marks to fill my reputation projects from a single run.
I got both my console and my mines in one day. Running during a fleet mark event is really nice.
I can get over 100 marks in just the 3 space events... If you can't get your Nukara rep up, you need to re-evaluate your playstyle.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
imo the main problem is the lack of vareity.
sure you can get enough from the missions, that are up. but
1 they are boring
2 they do not give enough marks to make up for 1
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2