Since LoR ive given this alot of thought of who should be the next faction and how it should be implemented and the only logical faction is the cardassians.
Now how they should be implemented is simple just like the romulans but then it dawned on me why just attach them to both KDF and FEDs what would the point be in that.
Then it dawned on me tha what ifs and here is what i came up with
1) What if there was a major shift in the balance of power between the feds and KDF that forces the cardis into the war.
2) What if the federation screws up with the romulans and they dissolve their alliance with the feds and stick with the klingon empire.
*This alone would shift the balance of power greatly and would force the cardis into the war whether they want to or not its no secret cardis dont like klingons*
Now some would say what aboiut the rom rep system i want their shinys blah blah blah wah wah wah
well since the rom rep would be for KDF only make a cardassian rep system for feds only this way it would make PvP very interesting how i let you give it some thought.
Think for a second if you will if they roms stay as they are then the cards as the roms are the whole intergalactic firestorn the iconians are trying to make becomes a redundant point.
But if you have the roms side comppletley with the KDF and the cardis side completley with the feds what you get is an escalation to the war as it is now.
Which would make for some killer endgame stuff
anyways this is my idea about how to implement the cardassians i know its not perfect and alot of people goinna shoot holes in this but it is a concept of how to bring the cardis into the game.
The Romulan Alliances (with both the FED & KDF) is likely set in stone now. I can't see that ever being undone, thus your idea isn't going to work. Besides, D'Tan being who he is, he's more likely to stick with the Federation (that's where the Vulcans are) than he is with the Klingons.
I hold out the faintest of faint hope that the Dominion will re-absorb Cardassia into a faction I'd actually care about, but in my heart I know that isn't going to happen.
Good guys or bust. Oh well.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
The Cardassian's have already had a sly link into the Romulans game play in the form of a True Way -Tal Shiar team up (sorry for the spoilers) during the missions of the romulan faction.
This alone could be expanded to wake the 'Cardassian Republic' wake up to finally work on crushing the True Way and rebuilding Cardassia Prime.
The story or Cardassia and the Romulan's is similar , Home world disaster , many killed, Extremist branches of military a major threat to the new system. Still seem to hold a mass territory.
Easy option open a Cardassian rep system , then next update after that the Cardassian Demi-faction. Not sure what speicies would be the second option in the Cardassian faction though , can't see it being Alpha Jem'hadar as they are True Way cannon fodder.
And then myself think it would be cool for the Cardassians and Romulan to get fed up of the FED and KDF war and just team up after using the main factions to rebuild.
The reason i came to my conclusions was the whole iconian involvement they are behind the scenes fanning the flames of an already brutal war.
so how do you make an already vicious war even more so? have another govt enter the fray divide them manipulate the situation so that everyone is fighting everyone.
2 sides to the conflict the feds and the kdf and their new allies fighting for control this brings an escalation to the war.
someone mentioned about d'tan going fed......romulans have a knack for overthrowing their leaders if its advantagous or relevant to their situation.
whos to say the feds dont make such a huge blunder that it enrages the romulans to send d'tan packing into exile on vulcan with only those who still believe in his way for him to lead ( The already existing fed/rom players)
I would like to see this war escalate this would bring the iconian portion of the story more into sync with what we have because as it is after hakeev kisses the concrete its like the iconians never happened.
BUT!!!! theres the iconian gate on Nomulus and on the undine home idk what you call where they live lol.
so there is a strong iconian influence and if this story is going to continue to evolve the war must escalate sides must be taken otherwise the iconian part of the story becomes redundant and ireleavant.
And then myself think it would be cool for the Cardassians and Romulan to get fed up of the FED and KDF war and just team up after using the main factions to rebuild.
This is an interesting concept, although probably not one that could fit into Cryptic's view of the game. Reconstruction Pact/Alliance of Independent States, anyone?
All of the little guys teaming up to save both the Feds and the KDF from the Iconian plot would be quite a surprise.
LOL nope im just entering the cardassian as a faction discussion fray since they are the next logical step for a new faction.
It will be interesting how cryptic handles the cardis if they become a faction and what if anything the iconian plot will have to play in all of it.
for me in an ideal universe i would be serving the RSE with pride but this isnt a perfect universe sela is a false ruler and d'tan is a keebler elf.
I may be a soldier of the republic but my loyalties are to the romulan people i dream of a day when the real RSE is reborn like the phoenix from the ash to take its place in the universe once more.
As much as I'd like to see a Cardassia faction, I'm afraid it would end up a carbon copy of the Romulan faction. In other words, a faction more friendly to the Fed or KDF than to the likes of the True Way i.e. other actual Cardassians.
I know that DS9 wrapped up its series with a major shift in the Cardassian outlook. However, when I think of playing as a Cardie, I think of Cardassians as they were when DS9 first premiered. I'm not sure I'd actually be interested in playing a Cardassian under their current governmental structure.
As much as I'd like to see a Cardassia faction, I'm afraid it would end up a carbon copy of the Romulan faction. In other words, a faction more friendly to the Fed or KDF than to the likes of the True Way i.e. other actual Cardassians.
I know that DS9 wrapped up its series with a major shift in the Cardassian outlook. However, when I think of playing as a Cardie, I think of Cardassians as they were when DS9 first premiered. I'm not sure I'd actually be interested in playing a Cardassian under their current governmental structure.
It would be better then not having cardis at all atleast you could play as a cardi maybe not as you envision but atleast you could.
Me and other fans of the romulans are disappointed that we dont have the RSE but atleast we have the romulans as a faction.
same goes for the cardis may not be perfect but atleast they would be playable....and idk but those keldons look cool id role a cardis just to fly around in their ships but my main toon will always be romulan
....and idk but those keldons look cool id role a cardis just to fly around in their ships but my main toon will always be romulan
I agree with you there. I'd really like to see Keldon class vessels (with a modified cloak) and Hideki assault vessels in game. I'd also like to see Cryptic's take on next generation designs of Cardassian vessels. They've been flying the same ships since the 1990's.
This is an interesting concept, although probably not one that could fit into Cryptic's view of the game. Reconstruction Pact/Alliance of Independent States, anyone?
All of the little guys teaming up to save both the Feds and the KDF from the Iconian plot would be quite a surprise.
I know it won't happen , but I like Cardassian's and Romulan's , even though both are now meant to be abit more liberal, inside they are still Xenophobic and suspicious so doing the dirty on the KDF and FED would be more traditional to their behaviour.
Someone mentioned a Cardassian faction being a carbon copy of the Romulan one, It most likely pretty much would start off like that, but with a different way of telling a similar story.
I wouldn't see them saving FED and KDF though maybe more benefiting on them being distracted.
For TV though a two damaged powers teaming up would make some good Federation scaring story lines.
They've been flying the same ships since the 1990's.
Maybe they have a decent military procurement system that is based off of need and functionality (Russian) rather then politics and glamour (US). Sure, the F-35 might look nice and yes it may have a minibar, microwave oven and a 6 person jacuzzi, but it cannot match the simplicity of the SU-30.
Good guys or bust. Oh well.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
This alone could be expanded to wake the 'Cardassian Republic' wake up to finally work on crushing the True Way and rebuilding Cardassia Prime.
The story or Cardassia and the Romulan's is similar , Home world disaster , many killed, Extremist branches of military a major threat to the new system. Still seem to hold a mass territory.
Easy option open a Cardassian rep system , then next update after that the Cardassian Demi-faction. Not sure what speicies would be the second option in the Cardassian faction though , can't see it being Alpha Jem'hadar as they are True Way cannon fodder.
And then myself think it would be cool for the Cardassians and Romulan to get fed up of the FED and KDF war and just team up after using the main factions to rebuild.
so how do you make an already vicious war even more so? have another govt enter the fray divide them manipulate the situation so that everyone is fighting everyone.
2 sides to the conflict the feds and the kdf and their new allies fighting for control this brings an escalation to the war.
someone mentioned about d'tan going fed......romulans have a knack for overthrowing their leaders if its advantagous or relevant to their situation.
whos to say the feds dont make such a huge blunder that it enrages the romulans to send d'tan packing into exile on vulcan with only those who still believe in his way for him to lead ( The already existing fed/rom players)
I would like to see this war escalate this would bring the iconian portion of the story more into sync with what we have because as it is after hakeev kisses the concrete its like the iconians never happened.
BUT!!!! theres the iconian gate on Nomulus and on the undine home idk what you call where they live lol.
so there is a strong iconian influence and if this story is going to continue to evolve the war must escalate sides must be taken otherwise the iconian part of the story becomes redundant and ireleavant.
system Lord Baal is dead
This is an interesting concept, although probably not one that could fit into Cryptic's view of the game. Reconstruction Pact/Alliance of Independent States, anyone?
All of the little guys teaming up to save both the Feds and the KDF from the Iconian plot would be quite a surprise.
LOL nope im just entering the cardassian as a faction discussion fray since they are the next logical step for a new faction.
It will be interesting how cryptic handles the cardis if they become a faction and what if anything the iconian plot will have to play in all of it.
for me in an ideal universe i would be serving the RSE with pride but this isnt a perfect universe sela is a false ruler and d'tan is a keebler elf.
I may be a soldier of the republic but my loyalties are to the romulan people i dream of a day when the real RSE is reborn like the phoenix from the ash to take its place in the universe once more.
I know that DS9 wrapped up its series with a major shift in the Cardassian outlook. However, when I think of playing as a Cardie, I think of Cardassians as they were when DS9 first premiered. I'm not sure I'd actually be interested in playing a Cardassian under their current governmental structure.
It would be better then not having cardis at all atleast you could play as a cardi maybe not as you envision but atleast you could.
Me and other fans of the romulans are disappointed that we dont have the RSE but atleast we have the romulans as a faction.
same goes for the cardis may not be perfect but atleast they would be playable....and idk but those keldons look cool id role a cardis just to fly around in their ships but my main toon will always be romulan
I agree with you there. I'd really like to see Keldon class vessels (with a modified cloak) and Hideki assault vessels in game. I'd also like to see Cryptic's take on next generation designs of Cardassian vessels. They've been flying the same ships since the 1990's.
I know it won't happen , but I like Cardassian's and Romulan's , even though both are now meant to be abit more liberal, inside they are still Xenophobic and suspicious so doing the dirty on the KDF and FED would be more traditional to their behaviour.
Someone mentioned a Cardassian faction being a carbon copy of the Romulan one, It most likely pretty much would start off like that, but with a different way of telling a similar story.
I wouldn't see them saving FED and KDF though maybe more benefiting on them being distracted.
For TV though a two damaged powers teaming up would make some good Federation scaring story lines.
Maybe they have a decent military procurement system that is based off of need and functionality (Russian) rather then politics and glamour (US). Sure, the F-35 might look nice and yes it may have a minibar, microwave oven and a 6 person jacuzzi, but it cannot match the simplicity of the SU-30.