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Bridge Officer Layout

uhdonauhdona Member Posts: 20 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Ok so like so many others out there I have made myself a romulan. It was fun playing threw the story. One thing though was a serious let down. The bridge officer layout's on the war birds. In general, at first, my thoughts were they just suck. No big deal right? They have to get better. Tier 3, then tier 4 came. Still nothing really improved. Still i was optimistic. Tier 5 must be where they hid the ship i will fly. I get to tier 5 and what do i find. Nothing. The layouts still suck. Ok so on to the Adapted Destroyer. Surely the lock box tactical ship will suit my need's. What a let down. Lieutenant Commander Science slot instead of Lieutenant Commander Tactical slot. Knowing they would have the battle cloak i was really hoping for something simular to a Klingon's Raider setup that would let me fly the ship i want with the bridge layout i need. Am i alown in thinking that maybe PWI should set all bridge slot's to universal so people can play what they want how they want? To me that would solve a ton of issues. Atleast for myself. As it sit's im having to gimp my load out because in order to fly how i want to i have to take skill's i wont use.
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    marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    uhdona wrote: »
    Ok so like so many others out there I have made myself a romulan. It was fun playing threw the story. One thing though was a serious let down. The bridge officer layout's on the war birds. In general, at first, my thoughts were they just suck. No big deal right? They have to get better. Tier 3, then tier 4 came. Still nothing really improved. Still i was optimistic. Tier 5 must be where they hid the ship i will fly. I get to tier 5 and what do i find. Nothing. The layouts still suck. Ok so on to the Adapted Destroyer. Surely the lock box tactical ship will suit my need's. What a let down. Lieutenant Commander Science slot instead of Lieutenant Commander Tactical slot. Knowing they would have the battle cloak i was really hoping for something simular to a Klingon's Raider setup that would let me fly the ship i want with the bridge layout i need. Am i alown in thinking that maybe PWI should set all bridge slot's to universal so people can play what they want how they want? To me that would solve a ton of issues. Atleast for myself. As it sit's im having to gimp my load out because in order to fly how i want to i have to take skill's i wont use.

    The C-Store Romulan Warbirds have some universal slots to allow some customization with the ships but they won't give full universal slots because then it would hurt their ability to sell new ships in the future.

    Imagine someone getting a Mogai retrofit a ship from a actual Star Trek movie and having fully universal bridge officer slots it would be difficult to pull someone away from using that ship.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,846 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    uhdona wrote: »
    Ok so like so many others out there I have made myself a romulan. It was fun playing threw the story. One thing though was a serious let down. The bridge officer layout's on the war birds. In general, at first, my thoughts were they just suck. No big deal right? They have to get better. Tier 3, then tier 4 came. Still nothing really improved. Still i was optimistic. Tier 5 must be where they hid the ship i will fly. I get to tier 5 and what do i find. Nothing. The layouts still suck. Ok so on to the Adapted Destroyer. Surely the lock box tactical ship will suit my need's. What a let down. Lieutenant Commander Science slot instead of Lieutenant Commander Tactical slot. Knowing they would have the battle cloak i was really hoping for something simular to a Klingon's Raider setup that would let me fly the ship i want with the bridge layout i need. Am i alown in thinking that maybe PWI should set all bridge slot's to universal so people can play what they want how they want? To me that would solve a ton of issues. Atleast for myself. As it sit's im having to gimp my load out because in order to fly how i want to i have to take skill's i wont use.

    Its not like its hard to find the stats on these ships beforehand, and no I don't want all uni boffs. Everyone would just be flying escorts, even more than they do now because any ship could fit any role...why would you fly anything else.

    If you wanted a raider like the BoP's may I suggest flying one of those many BoP's?
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    uhdonauhdona Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The C-Store Romulan Warbirds have some universal slots to allow some customization with the ships but they won't give full universal slots because then it would hurt their ability to sell new ships in the future.

    Imagine someone getting a Mogai retrofit a ship from a actual Star Trek movie and having fully universal bridge officer slots it would be difficult to pull someone away from using that ship.

    Eh while i can see that at the same time i know people who buy it just because it look's cool. Mainly im just distraught i guess because either you have to go with something the size of a cruiser that look's like a brick with wings. For example the ha'feh assault warbird or gimp yourself in the tactical department to have any decent self support abilities. I know some people like the Mogai Retrofit but i feel even it is lacking a vital slot by them giving it a lieutenant commander eng slot instead of tactical.

    Granted i may like flying a bit of a strange setup since i like my ship's to run 1 commander tac, 1 lieutenant commander tac, 2 lieutenant sci, 1 ensign eng. The last two i can make a bit of a compromise on but for my play style those tend to be what i need to survive. Sadly very few ship's match my need's and even fewer with a design i actually like. I was singing praise when i layed eye's on the andorian khyzon class. That was a dream come true.
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    uhdonauhdona Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Its not like its hard to find the stats on these ships beforehand, and no I don't want all uni boffs. Everyone would just be flying escorts, even more than they do now because any ship could fit any role...why would you fly anything else.

    If you wanted a raider like the BoP's may I suggest flying one of those many BoP's?

    Escorts are squishy. Giving them full universal slot's wont change this. I would never take my eng down to an escort. Even with a fully maxed structural integrity skill an escort is doing good to have the base hp of an cruiser. Not to mention in general escort's also have the weakest shield's. Sure they pack a good punch but if everyone rolled around in one odd's are in higher end content you will see a lot of exploding ships.

    And yes i could have easily looked up the stats. Thing is i dident because i did not think it was needed. As for BoP's i personally dont like the look of BoP's in general and honestly dont like playing klingon. I have one Klingon side character. Thats enough for me.
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,846 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    uhdona wrote: »
    Escorts are squishy. Giving them full universal slot's wont change this. I would never take my eng down to an escort. Even with a fully maxed structural integrity skill an escort is doing good to have the base hp of an cruiser. Not to mention in general escort's also have the weakest shield's. Sure they pack a good punch but if everyone rolled around in one odd's are in higher end content you will see a lot of exploding ships.

    And yes i could have easily looked up the stats. Thing is i dident because i did not think it was needed. As for BoP's i personally dont like the look of BoP's in general and honestly dont like playing klingon. I have one Klingon side character. Thats enough for me.

    Umm I don't think we are playing the same game here, this game is ruled by damage and a good Escort can tank just around as well as a Cruiser just in different ways.

    Sure Escorts don't have the hull or shields of a cruiser...but with speed they have incredible evasiveness, if built right they become very evasive and lets face it evading everything is more effective.
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    marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    uhdona wrote: »
    Escorts are squishy. Giving them full universal slot's wont change this. I would never take my eng down to an escort. Even with a fully maxed structural integrity skill an escort is doing good to have the base hp of an cruiser. Not to mention in general escort's also have the weakest shield's. Sure they pack a good punch but if everyone rolled around in one odd's are in higher end content you will see a lot of exploding ships.

    And yes i could have easily looked up the stats. Thing is i dident because i did not think it was needed. As for BoP's i personally dont like the look of BoP's in general and honestly dont like playing klingon. I have one Klingon side character. Thats enough for me.

    Escorts with full universal slots will have great healing potential on top of their good defense rating and good maneuverability and good weapons making them totally OP. Science ships become totally obsolete and make cruisers even less desirable to play as is compared to escorts.

    Some ships should never ever be able to do certain stuff just look at the defiant it has very limited medical facilities and scientific facilities.

    Some ships in this game should be able to do more then they currently can do such as Galaxy Class ships. They are big with lots of facilities to do many things. They should have a universal Lt. Commander slot.
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    uhdonauhdona Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Umm I don't think we are playing the same game here, this game is ruled by damage and a good Escort can tank just around as well as a Cruiser just in different ways.

    Sure Escorts don't have the hull or shields of a cruiser...but with speed they have incredible evasiveness, if built right they become very evasive and lets face it evading everything is more effective.

    The raw mobility of an escort has never helped me in high level content short of getting from point A to point B truthfully. Hull and shield raw number's along with repair abilities is what has gotten me threw zone's. I've seen good escort's. They still were taken out easy where i've seen cruiser's walk threw with little more than a scratch. Granted the cruiser wasent killing anything but then again they did the job they were build for. They kept the big stuff off the dps. Can an escort tank. Yes. I've had to do it many, many time's. Do they do it as well as say an eng set up for such in a properly setup science ship or cruiser. No. Im not talking about giving every ship 5 commander rank slot's. Heck honestly i would be fine with setting a ship up with commander, and liuetenant commander being decieded by ship type with the liuetenant and ensign slot's being universal. Atleast that way i dont have to roll with an unused b-off slot on most ships.
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    uhdonauhdona Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Escorts with full universal slots will have great healing potential on top of their good defense rating and good maneuverability and good weapons making them totally OP. Science ships become totally obsolete and make cruisers even less desirable to play as is compared to escorts.

    Some ships should never ever be able to do certain stuff just look at the defiant it has very limited medical facilities and scientific facilities.

    Some ships in this game should be able to do more then they currently can do such as Galaxy Class ships. They are big with lots of facilities to do many things. They should have a universal Lt. Commander slot.

    Escorts wouldent have all of that at the same time. If you want to heal like a science ship then your going to be lacking on damage, or the ability to take damage. Same with anything else. science ship's in general can heal, damage, take a beating, and have decent mobility already. Thing is they dont typically have all this at the same time. Sure you can build more hybrid but that just make's you ok in those area's not great. Most ship's have a commander slot, a lieutenant commander slot, 2 lieutenant slot's, and an ensign slot. Im not sujesting that should be changed. A little more variety in the ship's officer selection is all im looking at. Im not talking about modifying console's or the such, which also make a huge difference in the performance of your ship, just give us a little more variety in the b-off layout.
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    marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    uhdona wrote: »
    Escorts wouldent have all of that at the same time. If you want to heal like a science ship then your going to be lacking on damage, or the ability to take damage. Same with anything else. science ship's in general can heal, damage, take a beating, and have decent mobility already. Thing is they dont typically have all this at the same time. Sure you can build more hybrid but that just make's you ok in those area's not great. Most ship's have a commander slot, a lieutenant commander slot, 2 lieutenant slot's, and an ensign slot. Im not sujesting that should be changed. A little more variety in the ship's officer selection is all im looking at. Im not talking about modifying console's or the such, which also make a huge difference in the performance of your ship, just give us a little more variety in the b-off layout.

    Escorts with Dual Heavy Cannons gives it good damage with a Commander tactical. Have other slots all being used to stay alive and you have it all. Yes your DPS wont be as good if you use a lt. commander tactical in addition to a commander tactical but I have used a Bird of Prey with just a Commander Tactical and all others being Sci and Engineer slots and I can do very well in Elite STF missions. Do nice damage and stay alive much easier then I have seen Cruiser captains. Give that to regular escorts then man would I be able to do so much more.
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