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Fleet D'Deridex build

dave18193dave18193 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Always been a huge fan of the classic D'deridex, and I'm planning to save up the ec to buy four fsm off the exchange whilst I grind the rep systems. Again.

Anyway, before I go splashing out a huge amount of dil on new gear I was hoping to get some advice on a viable build.

I've always done escorts in the past, so please forgive any rookie mistakes (:

Fore: 3 x Elite Fleet Disruptor Dual Beam Banks (all with [acc]x2), 1 Fleet Quantum [acc]x2.
Aft: 1 Kinetic Cutting Beam, 3 Elite Fleet Disruptor Turrets [acc]x2.

I've been thinking about replacing one turret with either Tholian Mines, Cloaking Tractor Mines or a Fleet Tricobalt Mine [accx2], because Turrets dont add that much DPS, the listed mines would all have some utility and having one less energy weapon would help to mitigate my power issues, slightly.

Elite Fleet Shield,
Borg Deflector,
Borg Engine,

Tac: 3 Disruptor Coils,
Sci: Borg Console, Shield Emiiter +Th +Pla, Field Generator.
Eng: RCS MkXI, Nukara Console, Zero Point Module, Neutronium MkXI.

TT1, BO2, APB2

EptS1, RSP1, EWP1, AUX to SIF 3.

PH1, HE2, TSS3.

DOFFs: 2 Conn Officers (to enable 100% uptime of TT with just one copy).

For the final 3 Doffs I'm not quite sure. I heard there were some which buffed emergency power to x abilities, and others which mitigate power loss. Shield Distribution DOFFs would be my first instinct because theyve been useful on my Charal, but not sure how good they'd be in a cruiser.

I wonder if I could get the cooldown on EptS down enough for 100% uptime with one copy, which would allow for another ensign ability, eg tractor beam or another copy of polarize hull.

For PVP, the main thing with this build would be to decloak (I'm using a Reman captain, so I have extended Ambush duration) and hit em full force with BO and APB, then when my buffs and ambush wear off recloak while bracing for impact and heal.

I dont have the faintest idea what to use in terms of Singularity Cores.

PVE's a snore anyway, but tanking would be the main thing. I might replace if the Neutronium with a second RCS if the low turn proves too intolerable.

Anyway, what do you guys think? Any help and comments greatly appreciated, because as a I say this is my first time playing an eng character and my first serious attempt at a cruiser.

Many thanks in advance.
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    cleve1970cleve1970 Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the end its what fits your playstyle thats most important. For me with a slow turning ships I go beam arrays due to the turn rate issues, that way you are always putting dps on target. However if you are good at cloaking, moving into position, unleashing hades and then ducking back into battlecloak and rinse and repeat the dual banks and dual cannons are spot on. I'm personally not a fan of mines so I use torpedoes.
    Only thing worse than ignorance is the illusion of knowledge.

    Admiral Jorak
    Romulan Intelligence
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