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My Borg Faction Idea

dysokus2011dysokus2011 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Ten Forward
This is a little bit of info on idea i had for a borg faction in STO now that factions are doable

they would be called the Liberated Collective and they would be a collection of drones which have banned together to make a new collective that is away from the borg collective

you would start of the game in tutorial map which will start with the borg collective cube you are on being attacked by a unknown species ship (elachi or iconian) and you cube will be destoryed and will fall down to a planet where the tutorial will start,
you will start by waking up not linked to any collective with your own free will back and find yourself within crashed parts of cube scatterd across the planet and you will band together with group of other drones npc/other players to build a centeral plexus to join your minds so can better function and arnt alone and also set up a distress signal to connect the collective, you will go around to the different parts of the cube fighting dmged and difuctional drones which have gone mad while collecting parts for a deflector/communication device which will then start and be picked up by a Liberated Collective ship which will beam you and your first officer who you make friends with on planet to there ship

you are then fixed and connected to the borg liberated collective which is overseen by the Collective Council which is a group of drones that give commands and missions to people in the faction

your ships will be based on borg starting at like probe, scout cube, assimilator, sphere, cube, tactical cube and refits at higher lvls, and for customization instead of parts of the ship you mods you will customize each part of side of the ship, in spheres case be deflector and segments

your skills and abilitys will be based on adapting and assimilation so like the ability to defend more and more agasint a type of weapon as battle goes on or the ability to copy techology from other ships for a limited amount of time

clothes wise you will have the basic exoplating armors but can also later on add clothes over top much like parts from federation/klingon/romulan outfits fitted over the top of exoplating

much like the romulan faction you will be forced into the war between the federation and klingons and be forced to take a side, federations motives is to reintergrate you into everything and klingons motives is because borg drones are formidable warriors

when you pick a side you unlock the sides ships much like romulans have and maybe get a special hull which adds borg aspects to the ships

your missions as part of this collctive will revolve around suriving assimilating enemy techologys into your collective to help build a new start kind of thing so instead of taking people you would focus on techology, tho when you allie with a side you will be called appon to take part in missions that involve the borg because of your expert knowlage of borg techology and the collective in general, i would go into more depth but iv gone on enough for start lol

so thats my idea of how to do or could do a borg faction what do you guys think and what you think could change or just tell me if you think its no good at all im looking forward to peoples views


  • wakerwwakerw Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sounds cool, i for one would love to fly the borg ships.
    Wake@phoenixrw, Supreme Chancellor of Roughneck Alpha Fleet.
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