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The Republic Campaign

flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Okay, so I figure starting with Explore The Flotilla right through to Toward Freedom is the Republic-Specific Campaign? The next batch of missions (for me) are the Reman FE Series, then I've got the other FE Series in addition to some Cardassian, Borg and Undine ones (though I figure these are more of a rehash of the FED variants).

I'm here, specifically curious about Tovan Khev and Veril;


We've already rescued Tovan's sister ~ is that it for her? Do we not see her again?
And what about Veril, her father was 'taken', Liam Neeson didn't take the case, so what happens with that little plot? Do/Did we ever see Veril's father again? If so, someone enlighten me as I've obviously missed it.

Thank You in advance. :)
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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    She doesn't show up again, so far . . . but I imagine she will again, someday.
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    erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'll answer. Obviously, SPOILER ahead.

    About Rinna,no, she leave. And nobody seem to care, the Subcommander will just say she is on New Romulus, and that's all. I mean, after everything we went through for Rinna and brother, I would have expected something else. Like her as BOFF, or becoming a captain for D'Tan, I don't know...

    About Veril and father. You will find her father in the main elachi base, but nobody notice him. Not even Veril. You open the cage, and he is dead. There are no dialogues at all.
    It felt they forget to add the dialogues there, you don't even know it's him, unless to select the body.
    I think they didn't add anything because you can remove Veril, and when you play the mission, she is not part of the crew anymore, which mean a dialogue involving Veril would be quite awkward. They can still make a dialogue with her if she is still part of the crew, or with Tovan if she is not.
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    aexraelaexrael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    erei1 wrote: »
    About Veril and father. You will find her father in the main elachi base, but nobody notice him. Not even Veril. You open the cage, and he is dead. There are no dialogues at all.
    It felt they forget to add the dialogues there, you don't even know it's him, unless to select the body.
    I think they didn't add anything because you can remove Veril, and when you play the mission, she is not part of the crew anymore, which mean a dialogue involving Veril would be quite awkward. They can still make a dialogue with her if she is still part of the crew, or with Tovan if she is not.

    Hmm I missed that part, not that I had Veril with me anyhow.

    There's also the Federation Captain whom was captured by the Tal Shiar and didn't make it off the ship when you free the female captain whos name escapes me at present. There were no rescue mission for him. Guess he's rotting in some Tal Shiar prison.
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    sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    aexrael wrote: »
    Hmm I missed that part, not that I had Veril with me anyhow.

    There's also the Federation Captain whom was captured by the Tal Shiar and didn't make it off the ship when you free the female captain whos name escapes me at present. There were no rescue mission for him. Guess he's rotting in some Tal Shiar prison.

    He's on the Elachi Main Base. Or at least, he may be. I saw him there myself, he remarked that he knew you'd come for him.

    [ edit ]
    To be clear, he just did ambient dialog. No pop up dialog window or anything.
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    davidwforddavidwford Member Posts: 1,836 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    erei1 wrote: »
    I'll answer. Obviously, SPOILER ahead.

    About Rinna,no, she leave. And nobody seem to care, the Subcommander will just say she is on New Romulus, and that's all. I mean, after everything we went through for Rinna and brother, I would have expected something else. Like her as BOFF, or becoming a captain for D'Tan, I don't know...

    About Veril and father. You will find her father in the main elachi base, but nobody notice him. Not even Veril. You open the cage, and he is dead. There are no dialogues at all.
    It felt they forget to add the dialogues there, you don't even know it's him, unless to select the body.
    I think they didn't add anything because you can remove Veril, and when you play the mission, she is not part of the crew anymore, which mean a dialogue involving Veril would be quite awkward. They can still make a dialogue with her if she is still part of the crew, or with Tovan if she is not.

    That's pretty lazy on their part. I think the fates of Rinna and Veril's daddy should be dependent on the actions of the player.

    If the player treats Torvan well, and ask around about Rinna everywhere, then the player should be able to find her with a happy reunion with Torvan. If the player treats Torvan like TRIBBLE, or lets him get KO'ed too often, then either she remains MIA, or she suffers a terrible fate.

    For Veril, again, treating her well and furthering her search, or has earned the 1000 Elatchi kill accolade results in a happy reunion when the player rescues him from the Elatchi. If the player blows her off, lets her get KO'ed too often, or dismisses her from the party, then her father meets the horrible fate at the hand of the Elatchi.
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    flash525flash525 Member Posts: 5,441 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well that's awfully shocking. I had hoped to learn a bit more about them. What's the true point of all the interaction if we never learn anything from it? :(

    ...maybe we'll see more of them at a later release.
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