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Dhelan/Dhael questions

intrepid74656intrepid74656 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
  • Can the skin of the Dhael be used on the Fleet Dhelan retrofit?
  • Is the Sabotage Probe console any good?
  • Is the Singularity Inverter console any good?
  • Anybody got an idea what a good setup would be?
  • The option exists to run a dual A2B but wondering if it will be viable. It has the potential to be better then a Fleet Defiant/Fleet Ho'Sus due to the "natural" BC giving you 1 extra slot in eng/sci.
    Slap some Borg gear onto it for the regen buffs and some Romulan plasma gear with a full Romulan boff crew. How does that sound?
Post edited by intrepid74656 on


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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can only answer the first question, and yes. All C-store ships with skins can be used for the Retrofits and Fleet variants.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just hit VA50 yesterday on my Rom. I was going to run the Mogai, but I don't like the Boff layout. So, I'm doing Aux2Batt on the Dhelan instead. This is what I have for the Boff layout:

    Cdr. Tac: TT1, TS2, CRF2, APO3
    Ens. Tac: THY1
    Lt. Eng: EPtA1, A2B1
    Lt. Uni (Eng): EPtS1, A2B1
    Lt. Cdr Sci: PH1, HE2, TSS3

    By the way, the Reman Boff you get from Cloaked Intentions has TSS3. Good thing we're on FE rerun right now! The ensign Tac is a little annoying, because there's really nothing to do with it besides double up on torpedo skills. Went THY1 and TS2 because of something antoniosalieri said in the PvP forums a while ago about THY1 being the only level that boosts damage for each torpedo rather than cutting it slightly, and that at level 2 and higher TS is preferable. We'll see how that goes.

    I haven't tested this yet, kind of burnt out yesterday after slamming my character all the way to 50 over the long weekend. I am planning to test tonight. I have both special consoles equipped to see how they and their set bonus do. The sabotage console sure sounds nasty, but is fundamentally a gimmick console so I'll need to see how situational it is.
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    sdkraustsdkraust Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    • Can the skin of the Dhael be used on the Fleet Dhelan retrofit?
    • Is the Sabotage Probe console any good?
    • Is the Singularity Inverter console any good?
    • Anybody got an idea what a good setup would be?
    • The option exists to run a dual A2B but wondering if it will be viable. It has the potential to be better then a Fleet Defiant/Fleet Ho'Sus due to the "natural" BC giving you 1 extra slot in eng/sci.
      Slap some Borg gear onto it for the regen buffs and some Romulan plasma gear with a full Romulan boff crew. How does that sound?

    I own the Fleet Dhelan so I can answer some of your questions.

    1. Yes the skin can be used on it
    3. I have some A2B thing going on.
    4. I can tell you that its "Okay" but you lose DPS because you don't have 8 Weapons. I can get like 12K atm, but my weapon are only white/green Mk XII Plasma BAs.
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    intrepid74656intrepid74656 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sdkraust wrote: »
    I own the Fleet Dhelan so I can answer some of your questions.

    1. Yes the skin can be used on it
    3. I have some A2B thing going on.
    4. I can tell you that its "Okay" but you lose DPS because you don't have 8 Weapons. I can get like 12K atm, but my weapon are only white/green Mk XII Plasma BAs.

    1. Thanks for the info on the skins.
    2. Single or dual A2B?
    4. Only 12? lol, thats better then what most captains can squeeze out of their escorts with purple MK XII gear.
    And you run the Fleet Dhelan Retro with BA's? Could you share your build? I'm kinda intrigued by that comment.
    I just hit VA50 yesterday on my Rom. I was going to run the Mogai, but I don't like the Boff layout. So, I'm doing Aux2Batt on the Dhelan instead. This is what I have for the Boff layout:

    Cdr. Tac: TT1, TS2, CRF2, APO3
    Ens. Tac: THY1
    Lt. Eng: EPtA1, A2B1
    Lt. Uni (Eng): EPtS1, A2B1
    Lt. Cdr Sci: PH1, HE2, TSS3

    By the way, the Reman Boff you get from Cloaked Intentions has TSS3. Good thing we're on FE rerun right now!

    TSS3 for PvP
    GW1 for PvE
    The ensign Tac is a little annoying, because there's really nothing to do with it besides double up on torpedo skills. Went THY1 and TS2 because of something antoniosalieri said in the PvP forums a while ago about THY1 being the only level that boosts damage for each torpedo rather than cutting it slightly, and that at level 2 and higher TS is preferable. We'll see how that goes.
    I'm thinking of a setup where one would have 2x plasma DHC's, 1 plasma torp and 1 plasma beam bank. That way you can run TT1, THY2, CRF2 or CSV2 (depending on your style), APO3 and BO1 on the tac ensign. Maybe not the best layout for max dps, but combined with a dual A2B and 3x purple techs it does mean maximum uptime for all your boff skills.
    I haven't tested this yet, kind of burnt out yesterday after slamming my character all the way to 50 over the long weekend. I am planning to test tonight. I have both special consoles equipped to see how they and their set bonus do. The sabotage console sure sounds nasty, but is fundamentally a gimmick console so I'll need to see how situational it is.

    Please keep me posted.
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    captainobvious09captainobvious09 Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There is no way you are getting 12k on a Dhelan with green/white quality beams, unless you are down to 30% hull all the time and using "going down fighting" with the talent, but even then I doubt you would break 9k.
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    shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    TSS3 for PvP
    GW1 for PvE

    I'm not used to flying ships with Lt.Cdr Sci slots, but having a second Sci Boff to swap in with something like PH1/HE2/GW1 or HE1/TSS2/GW1 would make sense. Thanks for that.

    I'm thinking of a setup where one would have 2x plasma DHC's, 1 plasma torp and 1 plasma beam bank. That way you can run TT1, THY2, CRF2 or CSV2 (depending on your style), APO3 and BO1 on the tac ensign. Maybe not the best layout for max dps, but combined with a dual A2B and 3x purple techs it does mean maximum uptime for all your boff skills.

    Also not a bad idea with A2B. DBBs are nice for the Alpha, and I run Red Matter Capacitors so I could jump start my weapon power again and come around for a Beta if I prepump THY and BO.

    Please keep me posted.

    I tested it last night in the Foundry mission "Battle Royal 1701". You basically get pitted against all the various Enterprises in turn, escorted by other ships of their era. The final wave is a massive brawl against all the Enterprises at once. It's a pretty good stress test. With my Rom being new, I'm on full Aegis set, green Mk. X [Acc] plasma weapons and green Mk. X consoles. I was taking a lot of damage, especially bleedthrough, which I attribute to crappy Aegis shields and lack of decent armor. Might go Borg 2-piece on this guy when I can to get the hull heal proc, since I don't have the space to slot ET like on my Chimera.

    Overall the build worked though, I kicked all kinds of Enterprise butt with no deaths. The Sabotage Device is pretty nasty. You can either leave it active until it fully shuts the enemy ship down, or blow it up for some truly nasty kinetic damage right to the hull. I would not be surprised to see that thing get a nerf, it's freakin catastrophic. With the Aegis engine and deflector giving me bonus defense, and the 2-piece Dhelan console set doing the same, I was dodging a lot of incoming fire as long as I kept to full throttle. I'm also specced pretty heavily into Starship Maneuvers and Impulse Thrusters so that helps as well. Turn rate is great, at full throttle I can swing it right around and get back on target. So used to flying the destroyers, I felt like I was in a fighter.

    Love it so far. Will test out the DBB thing too.
    There is no way you are getting 12k on a Dhelan with green/white quality beams, unless you are down to 30% hull all the time and using "going down fighting" with the talent, but even then I doubt you would break 9k.

    Hard to say one way or another. I maintain that gear quality is largely unimportant in PvE. Mostly it's how well you planned your build, choosing the right Boff skills, the right Doffs, and the right gear. If people can break 10k in a Fed beam cruiser running A2B and spamming the hell out of BFAW, it can be done in a Dhelan with cruddy gear. It's all speculation right now, since the poster did not supply detailed combat logs. I'm not going to immediately dismiss the claim though.
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