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Romulans not being able to use SF/KDF VA ships



  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zorthos wrote: »
    Yet another example of why the Romulans should have been their own completely separate faction. I also agree with one of the other posters in that I wouldn't have allowed any cross faction use of ships and thereby at least keeping some uniqueness to each faction.

    see now this I can agree with too for the argument. See either make the Romulans their own faction completely , OR , if they do what they have done, and you join the kdf or feds, allow all access to the ships!

    It's simple logic really.

    Even a Romulan would agree with that...
  • elemberq333elemberq333 Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That is weird because I hated the Romulan ship I got at level 20, and there seemed to be only one ship I could choose, so I transwarped to the Sol system and bought a fed ship and I was able to use it with no problems what so ever.

    The only problem was that here I was a Romulan and now I had a fed ship so pretty soon after that, because I wanted to be more Romulan like, I went back to New Romulas and reverted back to the Romulan ship that I hated but decided to use it anyway to make the story flow better...

    I am a gold member, is that why I could use it? I am also a relative newbie to the game so I am a bit confused by this thread because as I said I had no problem using the fed escort ship on a Romulan toon, none at all. :confused:
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    his race has the most op ships in the game and hes complain, guys a troll and a waste of space

    that's cruel, you sound more like a troll than him...
  • qqqqiiqqqqii Member Posts: 482 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) You don't leave your faction. You choose an ally and work with them. Your two choices are hostile to each other. so you don't get both. Obviously, you didn't actually read any of the in-game text that made this perfectly clear, or listen to the voice-overs that covered it.

    2) Why play a Romulan in the first place, if you only want to use Federation or Klingon VA ships?

    3) It's new. And there's a lot of it. And they really need to fix the bugs before they (inevitably) get around to adding more to it. There are a lot of ships missing from their line-up, not just VA level. They're presumably going to need to add those as well.
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That is weird because I hated the Romulan ship I got at level 20, and there seemed to be only one ship I could choose, so I transwarped to the Sol system and bought a fed ship and I was able to use it with no problems what so ever.

    The only problem was that here I was a Romulan and now I had a fed ship so pretty soon after that, because I wanted to be more Romulan like, I went back to New Romulas and reverted back to the Romulan ship that I hated but decided to use it anyway to make the story flow better...

    I am a gold member, is that why I could use it? I am also a relative newbie to the game so I am a bit confused by this thread because as I said I had no problem using the fed escort ship on a Romulan toon, none at all. :confused:

    well yea, level 20 you can access fed ships, but its the level 50 ships you cant access, even when you reach level 50 of a romulan or reman fed.
  • maxdragon77maxdragon77 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    amahood wrote: »
    see now this I can agree with too for the argument. See either make the Romulans their own faction completely , OR , if they do what they have done, and you join the kdf or feds, allow all access to the ships!

    It's simple logic really.

    Even a Romulan would agree with that...

    I agree too. If the Romulans had all the options others did. I wouldn't care and wouldn't be posting here, but since they didn't and now we have to live with it. It just puts a bad taste in my mouth thinking about all the z store ships i wanted to use my romulan with.
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree too. If the Romulans had all the options others did. I wouldn't care and wouldn't be posting here, but since they didn't and now we have to live with it. It just puts a bad taste in my mouth thinking about all the z store ships i wanted to use my romulan with.

    yes precisely! we are not such a minority group as others claim.

    :) God bless ya all though.
  • originpioriginpi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Nah that's just one of the excuses they gave. The actual reason for it is that the Romulan ship line is bare, and giving access to the other faction's ships gives the illusion of a fuller line-up.

    What are you talking about? Armitage, Vesta, lots of T-5 ships, almost all with consoles.

    I know why they turned off T5 and Fleet ships, my argument is that they should not have any access to the lower tiers either. Got nothing to do with consoles, and everything to do with poor game design.

    First off. Lots of T5 ships have consoles, but none of those consoles are usable on ships other than the one they are bought for (or other ships of the same make, like 3-packs or fleet versions). So no consoles to steal is correct.

    Also, adding a new faction to a game that is currently running is a pretty big deal so its ignorant to expect they add them with a ship line comparable to Starfleet or KDF current lines. Its not poor game design, its just the beginning. Look at how kdf ship line started out, very bare too. They put in the important and canon ships, added some new ones, and will likely continue to add new content. Keep in mind that the romulan ships are all cool and unique, rather than just re-skins with slightly better stats from the tier before.

    Because the republic is young (both from a game development standpoint and in-game story) they need to use some of the tech provided by an ally to supplement their weaknesses (Eg: all the people who want to turn at T4 and so fly a Sao Paulo or Raptor/BoP)
  • blunted74blunted74 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    amahood wrote: »
    You've got others replying saying stuff like, "why don't you just play the faction of fed then", but that's not the point! The point is, you paid for a zen store ship, and if your rom character is supposedly joining that faction, then they should be able to use it !

    Why is this so hard and difficult for some to understand?

    Because what you are asking for is extremely unfair.
    amahood wrote: »
    Also, why shouldn't we have the freedom to use our zen store ships? people spend tons of zen on jem'hadar ships and ferengi ships, yet those are different factions then the federation or klingons...

    If you purchased FED/KDF ships, there is nothing stopping you from using them on their intended factions.
    amahood wrote: »
    Point is, you pay real money, you should get what you pay for. And no one should be able to say otherwise.

    I am under the impression that the ships were not taken away from you, and that they are still accessible via their intended factions

    amahood wrote: »
    And for those who complain bout that idea, well, why have the romulans join a fed faction anyways if you don't want them to use that factions ships!?!?

    As someone has previous stated, you are not joining the Fed/KDF. You are simply aligning with them.

    I agree, this could have been communicated better to the player base, but it really is more balanced this way. I know balance may not matter to some, but it does for most.
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    walshicus wrote: »
    The current situation is a fair compromise. That said, if I had my way there would be NO faction ship sharing.

    Here, here!
    Most people, meaning those that don't know about it yet. Just talked to 5 people that are lived in command central chat and think its so bad that I must be trolling them. Yeah, Most people....

    Not allowing Tier 5 is most people's preference, 5 people you talked to is not any kind of scale. The outcry by the fan-base is what prompted them to change it from what a relatively few people wanted (Tier 5 ship sharing) to what most people wanted (no Tier 5 ship sharing). But really, it's no loss. Warbirds are way more fun!
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • elemberq333elemberq333 Member Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    amahood wrote: »
    well yea, level 20 you can access fed ships, but its the level 50 ships you cant access, even when you reach level 50 of a romulan or reman fed.

    Ahh thanks for the clarification! :)
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ahh thanks for the clarification! :)

    Your welcome. :)
  • saxfiresaxfire Member Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Y U NO happy that u can access all faction based fancy consoles?
    Say the word, it saves the world.
    CUUCUUMBEER! "-With slight partigen with it."
    Proud member or DPS-800 "-We kill dem mines with our scitter turrets."
  • kalder77kalder77 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i am clearly ok with VA ships linked to faction...but...

    Actually Romies can use fed and klink ships..because they are allied. Why not give fed and klink players the same fun level buy giving access to t1/t4 ship from each other ?

    Fed and klink have been able to capture multiple ships ...from dominion, tholians, even from a mirror universe...but not able to capture/use ships from closest ennemies ? sound weird to me..

    And i will gladly see a bop with fed design (white and blue) or a fed ship with klingon green and red skin ! ;)
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I said this before but my suggested compromise remains:

    Let Romulans use any non-Starfleet, non-Klingon ships.

    That would be the Atrox, The Kumari, The D'Kyr, and all the Nausicaan/Orion/Gorn ships.

    It provides slightly more advantage to going KDF side. It makes no less sense than a Starfleet officer or Klingon commanding one of those ships. With the exception of the Kumari, all those ships could probably use a sales boost.
  • imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I said this before but my suggested compromise remains:

    Let Romulans use any non-Starfleet, non-Klingon ships.

    That would be the Atrox, The Kumari, The D'Kyr, and all the Nausicaan/Orion/Gorn ships.

    It provides slightly more advantage to going KDF side. It makes no less sense than a Starfleet officer or Klingon commanding one of those ships. With the exception of the Kumari, all those ships could probably use a sales boost.

    I could see the D'Kyr, Vulcans interested in reunification could donate one to the cause, but I frankly don't see why anyone would waste the Romulan's natural advantage in piloting a ship with a cloaking device.
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
  • originpioriginpi Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    *** (Very) Minor Spoilers***

    People who use the "i paid money for this so..." arguement make me laugh. Be sure to read the label before purchasing things.

    When you bought all of those ships, they specifically said something along the lines of "This ship can be claimed by each Federation/Klingon character on your account"

    All of them said that. They never even mention your Romulan, so nothing was ever taken away from you. In fact, they were nice enough to allow you to use your T1-4 purchases on a faction for which you did not buy them. You should be thanking them.

    Also, you are NOT joining a faction. They are supplying you with arms to further their own goals. They are 100% in control of what they choose to give you. So it makes sense that they don't allow Romulan Republic Intelligence agents to fly around in the flagship-classes or any of the prototype weapons.

    Learn something today: Look up the Greek Civil war that started in the 40's. West supported and armed one faction, Soviets supported the other. Its like that, except both sides are technically rebels within a third (universally disliked) state.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    originpi wrote: »
    Also, adding a new faction to a game that is currently running is a pretty big deal so its ignorant to expect they add them with a ship line comparable to Starfleet or KDF current lines.
    Where did I say I expected a full line-up? Why are you using pejoratives like "ignorant"? Why are you inventing arguments and putting them in my mouth? Arent you clever, setting up a strawman argument so you can heroically knock it over while calling me names in the process. Child, learn to debate
    Its not poor game design, its just the beginning.
    It is very poor design. At a minimum it means that the factions can NEVER be separated from each other. And it creates a bunch of secondary problems to have them partially intermingled. Customer confusion is predictable by-product of this choice. They did it on the cheap and tried to gloss over the holes by faking it, and now its permabroken. POOR CHOICES.
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's possible that you could interpret it as misleading but unfair, not even close. Remember, you're playing as Romulans and Remans, not as a Klingon or Andorian. Thus, it makes sense RP wise that your newfound allies would be cautious in how much aid and supplies they provided to the you. I don't think they completely trust the Romulan Republic just yet. So that's reason number 1.

    Reason number 2 is preserving faction uniqueness and faction population. If you make VA FEd/KDF ships available to Rommie/Reman captains, what's the incentive to level up a Fed/character? Pretty much zilch, so making all ships available to anybody will erode that faction's uniqueness and their population will plummet. Conversely, imagine if the VA Romulan ships were made available to the KDF/Fed. What would be the point of rolling a Romulan? None, other than for RP reasons and/or wanting a reman/rommie captain.

    Moral of the story: faction uniqueness and population are preserved, but Cryptic is able to offer you RA alternate faction ship choices. Win win for groups that care about both of those points. Secondly if you want a KDF VA/Fleet ship, go roll a KDF character.
  • odiumnascorodiumnascor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Seems that no matter which way they go, they can't make some people happy. The OP claims to have met many people who are vocally upset about not being able to use Fed/KDF VA ships - I've actually seen more people complaining about the Romulans not being their own faction than complaining about them not being able to use the level 50 ships of their counterparts.

    Also, ever since they had all the info up regarding how the faction choice worked, they've always stated that only Tier 1-4 ships were shared and that Tier 5 ships were not. There is no lie, no deception - only people making assumptions and then getting pissed because their assumptions are wrong when the facts are plain to see. As others had said - if Rom/Rem characters got access to Tier 5 Fed/KDF ships, it would be quite unfair. Fed and KDF don't get access to ANY RR ships and, as some has suggested letting them have access with the New Romulus faction at Tier 5, that would still be unfair since merely hitting level 10 as a Romulan would give you the same benefit that others have to spend weeks grinding for.

    *** Deleted suggestion after hrisvalar reminded me that Tier 5 consoles are ship-specific ***

    So there is access to all the transferable consoles and there are warbirds of every flavor (Cruiser, Sci, Escort), their stats are good, and they all come with built-in battle cloak and a few decent freebie powers... What's the problem? The only thing that Romulans don't have is a carrier, but they can get the Jem'Hadar HEC, Tholian Recluse, and Jem'Hadar Dread Carrier. Really, not seeing a down side to the Romulan faction other than not having access to the Vesta/Oddy/Kumari type packs, but give Cryptic time and I'm sure we'll have those show up eventually too considering that the KDF even got one pack with the Bortasqu'. Just add in a few more ships for the leveling progression and include level 50 retrofits for the whole line and you'd have every bit as many options as Federation players have.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    misterde3 wrote: »

    Yes, the shiplist is currently short.
    This will change over time.

    LoL!! Ask the Klingons how that's worked out for them and why its been that way.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The bottom line is that it's a design decision that Cryptic made. CBS had converns and also weight in on the issue of the Romulan player faction getting access to Federation and KDF ships. Cryptic did want to allow players to have as many choices as possible for ships. But they also wanted to make the Romulan Faction it's own faction as well. So basically they reached the compromise of Romulus player no having access to the T5 ship sof the other factions. The in game reason is that the Federation and KDF will bit even allow an ally access to their most advanced technology in their T5 ships. And the Romulan Republic won't allow access to the Romulan's most advanced technology either.

    And in response to other posts when you make an alliance choice, you are not leaving your faction. In meta game terms your are simply picking one of two sides for game play mechanics. You are a trusted ally that has acces to your allied side's stations. You help advance the aims of New Romulus. You don't become a member Starfleet nor the KDF.

  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    T5 consoles are non-transferable.

    The Defiant cloak only works on the Defiant(s) and Galaxy-X. The Intrepid's Ablative Armor generator only goes on other Intrepids. And the Galaxy's saucer sep won't move either. That's the VA ships on the Fed side. The KDF ones are similarly inflexible, and it's the same story for the C-store ships, with the sole exceptions of the Vesta's cannons and the Regent's torpedo launcher. So there's really no point to speak of there.

    Just to sum up, why Romulans can't have T5 Whatevertheywantwhenevertheywantit.

    1) Neither the Federation nor the KDF trust the Romulans. The Romulans are allied with their enemy. (Cause this whole Borg thing is gonna blow over, and we'll start shooting at each other again.) There's not enough Andorian Ale or Bloodwine in the universe to cause the level of braindamage required for these factions to furnish a dubious ally (at best) with their most sophisticated technology. This is the story reason.

    2) You already get to run with the T1-T4 consoles of all three factions, between C-store, ally and the Lobi boxes. You might say you wouldn't mind if the reverse were also true, but some of us do kind of feel that the three factions should be distinguished from one another by more than just the color of the UI. (Which can be customized @#$%!!!) This is the gameplay reason.

    3) Money. Yours. Cryptic wants it. If they let you use C-store unlocks from the Fed or KDF factions, you're less likely to buy the new Romulan ones. And the new Romulan C-store stuff was, no doubt, a major consideration in getting Legacy of Romulus off the ground. (They pretty much ran out of canon for the Fed and KDF, and at this point, people in those factions with ten or more unlocks under their belt are more and more often asking themselves, do I really need another one? Well, if you're a Romulan, yes you do.) And this is the real reason.

    So, yeah... don't hold your breath.
  • odiumnascorodiumnascor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hrisvalar wrote: »
    T5 consoles are non-transferable.

    Totally failed to remember that when I made my suggestion at the end of my post. I guess the only thing that is transferable is the Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo Launcher off the Assault Cruiser Refit. So yeah, other than that, Romulans already have access to all the special power goodies that aren't faction-specific.
  • horkathanehorkathane Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Luckily I am old school Kirk era and I dont even have the "bones" in me to step foot into a Romulan or Klingon vessel (unless on a mission in disguise).

    Who are you?
    Where do you come from?
    Are you Listening to me????

    oops had a moment there of not taking it anymore ;)
    The Legendary Horka Thane
    1999 Tribes 1
    Infamous TurreNt Camp ( if you dont know you are not Legendary )
  • orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If a Rom could fly an allies VA ship, why would anyone play as anything other than a Rom other than RP?
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I addressed this. its not the fault of the romulans for having superior space skills. Its because of the other races having inferior and not fleshed out traits. If human leadership was really awesome I would roll a human and be happy to be a human, but its not and I don't. The 2 factions are filled with races nobody plays because they are just bad traits and don't seem to have a purpose or a use. Some are even negative with no counter balance. I also think that if a klingon or fed has maxed the Romulan rep out they should have access to the romulan ships. After all New Romulas in indebted to you for its survival.

    They don't really have *superior* space skills, in fact racial traits mean little any more since the trait revamp. All races have more trait options and the racial trait is a free trait, so all races have access to 7 traits and aren't losing any slots to racial traits.

    How is cryptic hurting its self? They made this change because there was a lot of uproar about it and a lot of people didn't want Romulans getting access to all ships, really kind wouldn't be far if Romulans had access to two factions of ships.

    Like I said in another thread show me a example were a alliance that was made shared ships with each other than the Romulan/Klingon alliance that traded Cloaking Devices for D7's?

    The Federation and Klingons were allies for a long time, I must have missed the Klingon crew captaining the Excelsior and its fancy experimental transwarp drive!

    Romulans mostly have access to earlier tiers of vessels so they can have access to their allied factions consoles.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • trixiefantrixiefan Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'll support Romulans having access to allied t5 ships when KDF and Fed can have each other's and Romulan's T5 ships, just to be fair(remember there are more fed t5 ships so KDF will need those to keep it fair).
  • ruminate00ruminate00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Totally failed to remember that when I made my suggestion at the end of my post. I guess the only thing that is transferable is the Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo Launcher off the Assault Cruiser Refit. So yeah, other than that, Romulans already have access to all the special power goodies that aren't faction-specific.

    Torpedo Point Defense
  • cworth1cworth1 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    amahood wrote: »
    You've got others replying saying stuff like, "why don't you just play the faction of fed then", but that's not the point! The point is, you paid for a zen store ship, and if your rom character is supposedly joining that faction, then they should be able to use it !

    Why is this so hard and difficult for some to understand?

    And for those who complain bout that idea, well, why have the romulans join a fed faction anyways if you don't want them to use that factions ships!?!?

    When are you people going to get it through your heads you are NOT joining the Federation or KDF forces. You are not a Federation Officer nor a Klingon Officer. You are and stay the entire time a member of the Romulan Republic.

    You are simply ALLYING with them to gain their aide, nothing more. So of course you are not going to have access to their most classified and most powerful starships.

    So I will ask you the same question you asked...

    Why is this so hard and difficult for some to understand?
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