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Romulan Ship Interiors

admgriffithsadmgriffiths Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
First, the Romulan Ship Interior looks amazing. A lot of work obviously went into it, and I'm really impressed. But... it seems like a few things could be done to fully capitalize on how awesome they are.

As many have said in the past, functionality is always a desire. The dev team has done a great job adding functionality in terms of game systems, however I'd like to see more Roleplay Functionality. It would be wonderful to send out alerts, hear some phaser noises, switch the view on your viewscreen, and a lot more. Now, I know this has been suggested many times in the past, but it seems we took a small step backward in this spot. From what I can tell, we cannot display "trophies" in Romulan Interiors which was the only bit of customizability we had before.

Next, (though I've not yet hit the level xD) I'm told the Tal Shiar lock box ships only have the special bridge for their interior. I know this has been done with all the lock box ships, however I think it's a great waste to not have the rest of the interior. Hakeev's ship in "Mind Game" was such an EXCELLENT map, it's a huge waste not to apply it elsewhere. I think it would be perfect to attach that map, or at least parts of it, into a special interior to match the Tal Shiar vessel bridge.

Lastly, the option of "hiding" your bridge officers, so that players can take their seats for roleplays would be a lovely option.

Just some suggestions of course. I love the entire feel of the interior, I'd just love to see more players spend time there!
Post edited by admgriffiths on


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