First, and this is kind of a personal one, The instance auto-kicking has to stop. NAO!!!! Joining a match or an event that you have been waiting on all day or at least most of your daily play time only to be auto-kicked over and over and over is serious problem. You might get 1 in. If your lucky and just like looking at a loading screen over and over for an hour, you might a few more than that. It seems to center around the auto parting and that its mandatory for you to be in a party while in the instance or 5 second and warp out. This has happened to me and many others in mirror universe, starbase 24, Mindfield, and even ISE at times. Pretty much anytime lots of people want to join the same pve instance. You also get a manager not found error message from time to time. It has to be fixed. I used to get in 6 to 7 mirrors an hour if we blazed through it. Now its 2 maybe 3 if i am lucky.
Second, Lag. Its not so much the combat, but the UI lag from the server. I dont pretend to know everything on how to run a server but 15 seconds between click and activation during even peak time is ridiculous.
Third, Let talk just for a minute about when you guys like to drop the server and . Ok, I know your are eager to put out patches asap and all, and I am happy that you are working on fixing stuff, however If there is not an imminent problem Please do not bring the servers down for 2 hours to do a little patch during prime time. Just wait a 3 or 4 hours and then bring them down when the population thins out. Now if there's a serious problem. Do what you have to do, but if its just minor stability updates. Don't drop the servers during peak time. Your just making people frustrated for no reason.
I know there are other issues, but i feel these are whats causing the most frustration for the playing public of STO. If you cant log in I cant help you there. Most people can log in.
I would say the 5 second kick from STFs is the biggest problem for me. Half the game is now crippled. My only option for leveling my new character is the story missions, and for my lvl50 character, that's not an option.
'Prime Time' never ends, no matter how long you wait. As soon as players start logging off in the US, more start logging on in Europe; when they log off, Asia comes on, then Australia, and so on, and so on. I'm sure the Devs bring down the servers at what they judge to be the least player inconvenient time (unless it's a real emergency, then it's whenever they need to).