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The Adapted Battlecruiser...

ztempestztempest Member Posts: 9 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Klingon Discussion
The (new) Adapted Battlecruiser makes a pretty decent Sci ship for us...in fact, it is arguably one of our best options for science captains.

Here is the argument - the BOFF layout of the Adapted Battlecruiser can be set up identically to the Fleet Varanus (CDR Sci, LCDR Sci, LT Tac, LT Eng, Ens Eng). So:

The adapted battlecruiser has sensor analysis; a basic sci vessel trait
It also has a "special" console power that is similar to a scramble sensors.
It has eight weapon slots (vs. six)
It has a higher hull rating than the Varanus
Shield rating is close to the same (it has 1.3)
It carries more crew than the Varanus does
It has several built-in boosts to Auxilliary Power.
It can cloak (unlike the Korath)
Four device slots

It has 4 less base turn rate than the Varanus (7 vs. 11)
No repair drones
One less science console, although it does have ten console slots (4 eng, 3 sci, 3 tac)
No sub-system targeting skill built in
If compared to the Korath, you lose potentially the LCDR TAC slot - your tac slot ends up being a LT.

I have been using this vessel in PvE as a sci captain with great success. Using scramble sensors, then when it wears off, following up with the console power keeps an enemy vessel (or groups of enemy vessels) locked down and confused much longer. The turn radius is not that bad; with an RCP slotted, the Helmsman trait, and a minimal power rating of around 30 I can get it up to around 15.8.

This vessel can be obtained with Lobi Crystals (800 of them) - or there are several on sale in the AH for around 70 mil EC or so. I know that Sci is the underdog in this game - but to be honest, I have always preferred Sci - I also like to play Engineers - and this vessel might also be an excellent Engineer cruiser.

Ah well?I might be suffering from "the new shiney" syndrome - but so far, this vessel has performed excellently as a sci heavy cruiser - at least in PvE. I have not ventured into PvP...
Post edited by ztempest on


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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,846 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I plan to get one for a new character some day but I don't think I would use it as a sci ship. Me personally I'm gonna put a Tac in the Cmdr slot, but it is a nice looking ship and can be quite versatile.
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    maddog0000doommaddog0000doom Member Posts: 1,017 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dont use on a romulan captain as u will not be able to use any of the romulan consoles on it. even tho its a romulan ship.
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    miri2miri2 Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ztempest wrote: »
    Ah well?I might be suffering from "the new shiney" syndrome - but so far, this vessel has performed excellently as a sci heavy cruiser - at least in PvE. I have not ventured into PvP...

    I don't mean to sound nagging, but have you taken your shiny new monster into PvP yet? I actually had the exact same thought about the Adapted Battlecruiser and am considering attempting to obtain one. I do low-end casual PvP*, though, so I'm kinda' curious if its higher profile and worse turn rate cause problems in that context. It's a bloody expensive ship, after all, so I really want to do my homework to make sure it'll work before raising and then spending the 70 million EC these things are running for right now.
    Thanks, and sorry to kick a second thread about this to the front page. I didn't see this one when I started mine...

    *: By that, I mean mostly Capture and Control, since it's a little more casual than arena matches and yields fewer organized-fleet curb-stomps than the arena. At least, in my experience. :P
    “True success is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.”
    -- Winston Churchill
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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,846 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dont use on a romulan captain as u will not be able to use any of the romulan consoles on it. even tho its a romulan ship.

    It's not really a *Romulan* ship...I would consider it more of a *Borg* ship. The Borg tech has eliminated just about everything that makes a Romulan ship a Romulan ship. Between these two ships and the Borg set, I imagine this is the closest we might get to playing Borg.
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