EDIT 07-22-2013: This bug was fixed, a while ago. Yay! The post continues to address some other issues that came up in the thread, which you will have to read in its entirety to find out about.
I am so pissed right now at this.
Try to queue for mirror event, either 1 of 2 results
1) Map Manager error, could not find maps. What does this even MEAN?!
2) Join map, but fail to AUTO TEAM, and get kicked in FIVE seconds, not enough time to get an invite to correct CRPTIC'S bug.
CRYPTIC, you have done FIVE hot fixes in the last 48 hours. AND YET THIS HAS NOT BEEN FIXED.
Where is the comment on this bug? Where is the hot fix and the forum header post saying it will be fixed? THIS IS GAME BREAKING.
Get it done, stop messing around.
Except it really isn't gamebreaking. It *Gasp* forces you to actually play through the storyline, rather than skip it all through a magic XP event.
I, for one, thank the person at Cryptic who broke this, as he has forced all the new Romulans to actually play the story that was worked on, rather than the Mirror Universe Event that lets them skip it.
Thank you Cryptic!
Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
this issue has nothing to remotely due to playing the story thru. i have played the story thru both on my romulan and fed chars. and i also having this same issue as the op. in fact i'm getting this same issue as well on every damn fleet action i try to que for on all my chars.
First off, why do you care how other people play? People like you that want to limit others will always aggravate me. You make zero sense, please stop playing multiplayer games.
Second, the mirror event is content, which is part of the game, which is LITERALLY inaccessible due to compounded bug on bug. That is game breaking. You don't get to take the word, define it in your little narrow way, and call it a day.
Thanks, bye.
Cryptic, please fix this bug ASAP, it affects ALL queues.
Pay no attention to the dates and titles under my name at the left! I am a Career Officer, Lifetime Sub since launch, was in the Beta. Having problems with my forum account.
mirror event
PVP and some stfs cant find maps
Needs adressed ty.
| Dues Ex Mechina |
Fleet Leader
I would but they also added level gating without telling anyone, cannot queue with someone outside your ten level range.
Pay no attention to the dates and titles under my name at the left! I am a Career Officer, Lifetime Sub since launch, was in the Beta. Having problems with my forum account.
You do realize that's been in the game for a LONG TIME now, right? At least for the Mirror Event. That's normal, and SHOULD be in the game.
Oh my god, seriously, get your head out of your ***. Take a breather. Just because the Mirror Event isn't working doesn't mean the game is unplayable. Thus, it's not game-breaking.
They're most certainly working on fixing it, they've gotten plenty of reports on the matter. I personally don't like the Mirror Event, because it allows new players to power-level to 50, and then they more often than not have no clue how to actually play the game effectively. My opinion. I've run into far too many people in STFs who have no clue what they're doing, and only leveled with Mirror Events because their friends told them about it.
If it legitimately affects all queues, then I will agree that it should be fixed.
But I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you on the last note though. I'll be sticking around for a long, long time, so the "bye" is quite unnecessary. ^_^
EDIT: Add onto all of this, instead of complaining in the General Discussion forum, you could be reporting the bug (in-game), or actually posting your bug issue in the Gameplay Bugs Forum ( http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/forumdisplay.php?f=69 )
Original Name: -Gen-Alaris
Days Subscribed: 1211 (As of May 26, 2013)
Wait, did you just honestly say that you hate people who try to limit other peoples game play and then immediately tell him to stop playing a multiplayer game because YOU didn't like HIS opinion of something?
If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black..
Seems to me he said that he doesn't like the event because people use it to avoid aspects of the game he likes. He's allowed to not like the event, and he is allowed to say that he doesn't like the event.
He didn't FORCE you to not do the event, a bug did that, but you sure as hell ignored that fact when you told him to stop playing multiplayer games completely.
And neither do you. Content is whatever people want it to be within the scope of the game. If he wants his content to be more story driven rather than event driven that's fine, it's his opinion. Your opinion though is he should stop playing every multiplayer game in existence for having it.
One of these opinions seems a bit more unreasonable than the other and makes the person who had it look like an TRIBBLE and loose credibility. I'm sure shouting at players who disagree with you to get out of the game is going to make your points get across so much easier and be so much more well received.
As for Alarikun here... Stop such an obvious troll attempt as well. :cool:
Title of choice: Ambassador :cool:
I will stop you right there: I did not tell him to stop playing multiplayer games because I didn't like HIS opinion on something. I told him to stop because he has an attitude that tends to ruin multiplayer games for other people if the devs listen, (i.e. a more restrictive game) and is generally anathema to the concept of a multiplayer game.
And I will stop you again. He DID advocate for the REMOVAL of the content because HE didn't like it. He implied the content was less worthy of a bug fix. I'm sorry, but just because HE doesn't like something, doesn't mean HE gets to have it removed. I ignored nothing. See above regarding my comment that his opinions seem to be anathema to multiplayer games (i.e. other players get to play what they want, and he can play what he wants, and that he doesn't like what other players like doesn't in the least effect the availability or, and here's the rub, IMPORTANCE of that particular type of content in the game.)
Actually he doesn't want more story driven content, he wants all content to be story driven. You are either missing/ignoring, or forgetting, that HE is the one that advocated for fewer types of content on the basis that HE didn't like it. Not me. I am fine with ALL kinds of content. I will play what I like. Why does HE care that people can avoid the content HE likes to do what THEY like. That's what this comes down to.
Yeah, you would be describing his, as outlined above. Bottom line, I want to let people do what they want, and I think all the content is important, not just the kinds that I like the most. He thinks that it doesn't matter if certain kinds of content are locked out with a bug just because HE doesn't like that kind of content. How would he feel if I used the same argument if a bug locked him out of every single story mission? Not good I suspect...
I told him he should probably stop playing multiplayer games if he wants to limit *other* players to what *he* likes. Which is what he said he wanted to do. I'm not even remotely arguing with whether or not he can like content of one type or another. And I guess that's the difference you don't get. One person is saying:
The OTHER person (that would be me), is saying:
Do you see the difference? I don't care what he likes, he can do what he wants. But him coming in here and blabbing about how it doesn't matter that the entire queue system was broken because *he* doesn't like it and how *he* wishes that *other* people didn't have that option to play in is more than slightly ridiculous in a multiplayer game. Don't like instant queues because you like to do story missions instead? Then don't instant queue! Problem solved.
Pay no attention to the dates and titles under my name at the left! I am a Career Officer, Lifetime Sub since launch, was in the Beta. Having problems with my forum account.
That's usually fixed it for me.
It is my opinion that your characterization of events is laughable, given the objective evidence not two posts above you. But think what you want.
===post above is by twoblindmonks===
EDIT: Closed for necroing an old thread. Remember, if a thread has been inactive for 30 days, you should not post to it. Feel free to create a new thread on the subject if you would like to discuss further
Pay no attention to the dates and titles under my name at the left! I am a Career Officer, Lifetime Sub since launch, was in the Beta. Having problems with my forum account.